411 research outputs found

    Clásica y moderna : Un acercamiento a la poética de Ezra Pound

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    Ezra Pound (1885-1972) mantuvo una constante y compleja relación con las tradiciones clásicas y medievales. Desde Personae (1909), de ascendencia ovidiana, hasta el Homage to Sextus Propercius (1919), pasando por su recurrencia sistemática a mitos y figuras de la tradición grecolatina en los Cantos (1920-1972), la obra de Pound se realiza en múltiples operaciones de lecturas y reescrituras de las tradiciones grecolatinas y medievales. Este trabajo realiza un acercamiento a las recreaciones de mitos clásicos puestos en juego por el autor en función del relevamiento y la crítica de algunos paradigmas de la modernidad

    Effects of rural tourism development on poverty alleviation: a grounded theory

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    Tourism has been accredited as a significant sector by the Namibian government because it is one of the highest income earners and ranks third after mining and agriculture. This research paper explores the key determinants of poverty in the Northern region of Namibia (Kunene and Zambezi) and the effects of rural tourism development on poverty alleviation. The research adopted grounded theory and phenomenological approaches and data were collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with various tourism stakeholders in the two regions. The research findings reveal the importance of all stakeholders in identifying the causes of poverty in each region/constituency before implementing poverty alleviation strategies. This study, therefore, concludes that providing the same tourism strategies to different geographical locations does not work, because some communities are extremely deprived. This research, therefore, recommends a flexible framework which takes a pragmatic approach to move away from the “one size fits all” approach

    Bethe-Salpeter equation for classical gravitational bound states

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    The Bethe-Salpeter equation is a non-perturbative, relativistic and covariant description of two-body bound states. We derive the classical Bethe-Salpeter equation for two massive point particles (with or without spin) in a bound gravitational system. This is a recursion relation which involves two-massive-particle-irreducible diagrams in the space of classical amplitudes, defined by quotienting out by symmetrization over internal graviton exchanges. In this context, we observe that the leading eikonal approximation to two-body scattering arises directly from unitarity techniques with a coherent state of virtual gravitons. More generally, we solve the classical Bethe-Salpeter equation analytically at all orders by exponentiating the classical kernel in impact parameter space. We clarify the connection between this classical kernel and the Hamilton-Jacobi action, making manifest the analytic continuation between classical bound and scattering observables. Using explicit analytic resummations of classical (spinless and spinning) amplitudes in momentum space, we further explore the relation between poles with bound state energies and residues with bound state wavefunctions. Finally, we discuss a relativistic analogue of Sommerfeld enhancement which occurs for bound state cross sections.Comment: 45 pages + references, 19 figure

    Wave scattering event shapes at high energies

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    We study the space and properties of global and local observables for radiation emitted in the scattering of a massive scalar field in gauge and gravitational plane-wave backgrounds, in both the quantum and classical theory. We first compute the radiated momentum and angular momentum flow, demonstrating that they are good local observables determined by the amplitude and phase of the waveform. We then focus on the corresponding global observables, which in the gravitational case requires dealing with the collinear divergence of the gravitational Compton cross-section. We show using the KLN theorem that we can obtain an infrared-finite cross-section only by summing over forward scattering diagrams; this suggests dressing the initial state in the direction collinear to the plane wave in order to be able to compute observables integrated over the celestial sphere. Finally, we explore the high-energy behaviour of our observables. We find that classical global observables generically exhibit a power-law mass divergence in electrodynamics and a logarithmic mass divergence in gravity, even when radiation reaction is included. We then show explicitly how this is consistently resolved in the full quantum theory.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figure

    Boundary to bound dictionary for generic Kerr orbits

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    We establish a new relation between classical observables for scattering and bound orbits of a massive probe particle in a Kerr background. We find an exact representation of the Hamilton-Jacobi action in terms of the conserved charges which admits an analytic continuation, both for the radial and polar contribution, for a general class of geodesics beyond the equatorial case. Remarkably, this allows to extend the boundary to bound dictionary and it provides an efficient method to compute the deflection angles and the time delay for scattering orbits, as well as frequency ratios for bound orbits, in the probe limit but at all orders in the perturbative expansion.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure