4 research outputs found

    Caracterización estructural de lodos pos-consumo como agregados en materiales de construcción

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    The present work covers the physical, mechanical and chemical characterization of pozzolanic materials. The pozzolans were obtained by mixing red clay, commercial bentonite and residual aluminous sludge, from a drinking water treatment plant. Ceramic cubes were manufactured, which were sintered at 1100°C and subsequently, were structurally characterized by DRX, SEM and EDS. Its compressive strength was also evaluated before and after being subjected to different environments. The results showed that the relations with which the standards for nonstructural bricks according to NTC 4017 (100 Kgf/cm2) are maintained are those that contain 10%, 20% and 30% of mud with respect to the clay maintaining an aggregate of bentonite 10% with resistances of 123.62 Kgf /cm2, 112.90 Kgf /cm2 and 107.32 Kgf / cm2, respectively. Likewise, for units exposed to corrosive environments, the 10% replacement mixture is the only one that meets the criteria established by the standard with a resistance of 112,80 Kgf/cm2 and in abrasive environments mixtures of 10% and 20% with resistance of 116,75 Kgf/cm2 and 101,96 Kgf/cm2 respectively.El presente trabajo abarca la caracterización física, mecánica y química de materiales puzolánicos. Las  puzolanas  fueron  obtenidas  por  la  mezcla  de  arcilla  roja,  bentonita  comercial  y  lodos  aluminosos residuales, provenientes de una planta de tratamiento de agua potable. Se fabricaron cubos cerámicos, los cuales fueron sinterizados a 1100 °C y posteriormente, fueron caracterizados estructuralmente por DRX, SEM y EDS. También se evaluó su resistencia a la compresión antes y después de ser sometidos a diferentes ambientes. Los resultados demostraron que las relaciones con las cuales se mantienen los estándares para ladrillos no estructurales según la NTC 4017 (100 Kgf/ cm2) son los que contienen 10%, 20% y 30% de lodo respecto a la arcilla manteniendo un agregado de bentonita del 10 % con resistencias de 123,62 Kgf/cm2, 112,90 Kgf/cm2 y 107,32 Kgf/cm2,  respectivamente.  Así  mismo  para  las  unidades  expuestas  a  ambientes  corrosivos  la  mezcla con sustitución del 10% es la única que cumple el criterio establecido por la norma con una  resistencia  de  112,80  Kgf/cm2  y  en  ambientes  abrasivos  las  mezclas  de  10%  y  20%  con  resistencias de 116,75 Kgf/cm2 y 101,96 Kgf/cm2 respectivamente

    Structural characterization of post-consumption sludge as aggregates in construction materials

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    The present work covers the physical, mechanical and chemical characterization of pozzolanic materials. The pozzolans were obtained by mixing red clay, commercial bentonite and residual aluminous sludge, from a drinking water treatment plant. Ceramic cubes were manufactured, which were sintered at 1100 ° C and subsequently, were structurally characterized by DRX, SEM and EDS. Its compressive strength was also evaluated before and after being subjected to different environments. The results showed that the relations with which the standards for nonstructural bricks according to NTC 4017 (100 Kgf / cm2) are maintained are those that contain 10%, 20% and 30% of mud with respect to the clay maintaining an aggregate of bentonite 10% with resistances of 123.62 Kgf / cm2, 112.90 Kgf / cm2 and 107.32 Kgf / cm2, respectively. Likewise, for units exposed to corrosive environments, the 10% replacement mixture is the only one that meets the criteria established by the standard with a resistance of 112,80 Kgf/cm2 and in abrasive environments mixtures of 10% and 20% with resistance of 116,75 Kgf/cm2 and 101,96 Kgf/cm2 respectively

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition)

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    Erratum to: Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) (Autophagy, 12, 1, 1-222, 10.1080/15548627.2015.1100356

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