17,558 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary design and flight testing of a remote gas/particle airborne sensor system

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    The main objective of this paper is to describe the development of a remote sensing airborne air sampling system for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and provide the capability for the detection of particle and gas concentrations in real time over remote locations. The design of the air sampling methodology started by defining system architecture, and then by selecting and integrating each subsystem. A multifunctional air sampling instrument, with capability for simultaneous measurement of particle and gas concentrations was modified and integrated with ARCAA’s Flamingo UAS platform and communications protocols. As result of the integration process, a system capable of both real time geo-location monitoring and indexed-link sampling was obtained. Wind tunnel tests were conducted in order to evaluate the performance of the air sampling instrument in controlled nonstationary conditions at the typical operational velocities of the UAS platform. Once the remote fully operative air sampling system was obtained, the problem of mission design was analyzed through the simulation of different scenarios. Furthermore, flight tests of the complete air sampling system were then conducted to check the dynamic characteristics of the UAS with the air sampling system and to prove its capability to perform an air sampling mission following a specific flight path

    Mòdul terminal punt de venda per a Tryton

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    Les aplicacions de planificació de recursos empresarials (en anglès Enterprise Resource Planning), també conegudes per ERPs són sistemes d’informació que s’integren a molts dels negocis actuals per gestionar els seus processos. Tryton és una aplicació ERP d’aquest tipus que permet gestionar diversos aspectes com les vendes, les compres, la facturació la comptabilitat, la gestió d’estoc, la fabricació,... Aquest projecte consisteix en desenvolupar una aplicació per afegir les funcionalitats d’un terminal punt de venda a un ERP existent com és Tryton. L’aplicació desenvolupada s’encarrega principalment de crear i gestionar vendes al públic o minoristes en un establiment comercial. Permet gestionar el control d’estoc dels productes, el control de caixa, actualitzar la comptabilitat relacionada a les vendes i la impressió de tiquets de venda. L’aplicació permet obtenir informació detallada sobre les vendes realitzades per saber en quin estat es troben, si ha estat abonada total o parcialment, si s’ha creat la factura i saber quins i quants pagaments s’han realitzat. Una altre funcionalitat que ofereix l’aplicació és la possibilitat de poder crear operacions per introduir o extreure diners de la caixa, com per exemple retirar diners per ingressar al banc. Tant les operacions com els pagaments d’una venda s’anoten en un registre des d’on s’actualitza automàticament la comptabilitat de l’empresa així com també consultar els assentaments comptables generats. Aquest projecte afegeix noves funcionalitats a Tryton i optimitza el processos relacionats a les vendes al detall realitzades en un establiment

    A new strategy for probing the Majorana neutrino CP violating phases and masses

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    We propose a new strategy for detecting the CP-violating phases and the effective mass of muon Majorana neutrinos by measuring observables associated with neutrino-antineutrino oscillations in π±\pi^{\pm} decays. Within the generic framework of quantum field theory, we compute the non-factorizable probability for producing a pair of same-charged muons in π±\pi^{\pm} decays as a distinctive signature of νμνμˉ\nu_{\mu}-\bar{\nu_{\mu}} oscillations. We show that an intense neutrino beam through a long baseline experiment is favored for probing the Majorana phases. Using the neutrino-antineutrino oscillation probability reported by MINOS collaboration, a new stringent bound on the effective muon-neutrino mass is derived.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Understanding the illicit drug distribution in England: a data-centric approach to the County Lines Model

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    The County Lines Model (CLM) is a relatively new illicit drugs distribution method found in Great Britain. The CLM has brought modern slavery and public health issues, while challenging the law-enforcement capacity to act, as coordination between different local police forces is necessary. Our objective is to understand the territorial logic behind the line operators when establishing a connection between two places. We use three different spatial models (gravity, radiation and retail models), as each one of them understands flow from place i to j in a different way. Using public data from the Metropolitan Police of London, we train and cross-validate the models to understand which of the different physical and socio-demographic variables are considered when establishing a connection. We analyse hospital admissions by drugs, disposable household income, police presence and knife crime events, in addition to the population of a particular place and the distance and travel times between two different. Our results show that knife crime events and hospital admissions by misuse of drugs are the most important variables. We also find that London operators distribute to the territory known as the "South" of England, as negligible presence of them is observed outside of it

    The use of alternative data models in data warehousing environments

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    Data Warehouses are increasing their data volume at an accelerated rate; high disk space consumption; slow query response time and complex database administration are common problems in these environments. The lack of a proper data model and an adequate architecture specifically targeted towards these environments are the root causes of these problems. Inefficient management of stored data includes duplicate values at column level and poor management of data sparsity which derives from a low data density, and affects the final size of Data Warehouses. It has been demonstrated that the Relational Model and Relational technology are not the best techniques for managing duplicates and data sparsity. The novelty of this research is to compare some data models considering their data density and their data sparsity management to optimise Data Warehouse environments. The Binary-Relational, the Associative/Triple Store and the Transrelational models have been investigated and based on the research results a novel Alternative Data Warehouse Reference architectural configuration has been defined. For the Transrelational model, no database implementation existed. Therefore it was necessary to develop an instantiation of it’s storage mechanism, and as far as could be determined this is the first public domain instantiation available of the storage mechanism for the Transrelational model