5,436 research outputs found

    Older Mexican Americans’ Perceptions of Mental Distress

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    Through Boom and Bust: Minorities, Immigrants and Homeownership

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    Examines trends in 1995-2008 homeownership rates by race/ethnicity, nativity, and citizenship status; 2006-07 subprime lending to Hispanics/Latinos and African Americans by income level and compared with whites; and foreclosure rates by county

    Mexican Lawful Immigrants Among the Least Likely to Become U.S. Citizens

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    The overall percentage of lawful immigrants to the United States choosing to apply for and gaining citizenship is at its highest level in more than two decades. Yet in terms of naturalization rate, Mexicans – the single largest group of lawful immigrants by country of origin – lag well behind green-card holders eligible to apply from other parts of the globe.Based on Pew Research Center estimates using the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data available, two-thirds (67%) of lawful immigrants eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship had applied for and obtained citizenship by 2015. This is the highest share since at least the mid-1990s. But among Mexican lawful immigrants eligible to apply, only 42% had applied for and obtained U.S. citizenship by 2015, a rate little changed since 2005 and one of the lowest among all immigrant groups when it comes to country of origin.As part of a larger survey of Hispanic immigrants fielded in late 2015, Pew Research Center asked Mexican green-card holders why they had not yet become naturalized U.S. citizens. The most frequent reasons centered on inadequate English skills, lack of time or initiative, and the cost of the U.S. citizenship application. These appear to be significant barriers, as nearly all lawful immigrants from Mexico said they would like to become U.S. citizens someday

    Test-bed of a real time detection system for L/H and H/L transitions implemented with the ITMS platform

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    A basic requirement of the data acquisition systems used in long pulse fusion experiments is to detect events of interest in the acquired signals in real time. Developing such applications is usually a complex task, so it is necessary to develop a set of hardware and software tools that simplify their implementation. An example of these tools is the Intelligent Test and Measurement System (ITMS), which offers distributed data acquisition, distribution and real time processing capabilities with advanced, but easy to use, software tools that simplify application development and system setup. This paper presents the application of the ITMS platform to solve the problem of detecting L/H and H/L transitions in real time based on the use of efficient pattern recognition algorithms

    Rise in U.S. Immigrants From El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras Outpaces Growth From Elsewhere

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    The number of immigrants in the United States from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras rose by 25% from 2007 to 2015, in contrast to more modest growth of the country's overall foreign-born population and a decline from neighboring Mexico.During these same years, the total U.S. immigrant population increased by 10%, while the number of U.S. Mexican immigrants decreased by 6%, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data

    Hispanic Identity Fades Across Generations as Immigrant Connections Fall Away

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    This report explores the attitudes and experiences of two groups of adults. The first are those who are self-identified Hispanics. This is the usual group of Hispanics that are profiled in Pew Research Center and Census Bureau reports and are reported on as a distinct racial/ethnic group. Throughout the report, this group is labelled as "Self-identified Hispanics." The second are those who have Hispanic ancestry but do not consider themselves Hispanic –i.e., self-identified non-Hispanics with Hispanic ancestry. This is the first time this group's opinions, attitudes and views have been studied in depth. Throughout the report, this second group is referred to as "self-identified non-Hispanics" or "self-identified non-Hispanics with Hispanic ancestry." Racial and ethnic identity on surveys and in the U.S. decennial census is measured by respondents' self-reports. Any survey respondent who says they are Hispanic is counted as Hispanic, and those who say they are not Hispanic are not counted as such. This practice has been in place on the census since 1980 for Hispanic identity and since 1970 for racial identity

    Handling of Coexistence in Basic-Level Education: Parent’s Perception

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    El objetivo de esta investigación –descriptiva con diseño transversal– fue conocer la percepción de los padres de familia respecto a las estrategias para atender episodios del comportamiento agresivo entre estudiantes y la atención que reciben los jóvenes por parte de la institución escolar. Participaron 150 padres de familia de 50 escuelas públicas de educación básica, quienes contestaron el instrumento “Cuestionario Gestión en la Convivencia Escolar”; los resultados identifican dos grupos de padres en relación con la atención de la escuela, los Satisfechos (57%) y los Insatisfechos (43%), estos últimos refieren no haber sido notificados por escrito cuando su hijo se involucra en un conflicto y no invitados a talleres dirigidos para padres con el objetivo de recibir información y aprender estrategias para mejorar la convivencia escolar desde el contexto familiar.Proyecto de Investigación 4131/2016SF

    Remedios: Coping with Mental Distress among Mexican Americans in the Rio Grande Valley

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    The Latino population continues to increase, with estimates of 60 million living in the United States. Of the Hispanic population, 19% live in poverty. This may be a problem because according to research, living in poverty affects people’s social networks and self-worth negatively and is strongly associated with psychological issues. This study examined the perceptions of practitioners of mental health treatment of Mexican Americans who were experiencing mental distress and were residing in the U.S.- Mexico border. Findings suggest clients self-diagnose and try medications (usually purchased in Mexico) that were recommended to them by family members and/or social networks. Additionally, the family and social network behave like their own health/mental health care network, a manifestation of the Mexican American value that one should take care of one’s own. Loved ones provide these suggestions or consejos to help those struggling with mental stress manage their mental health. Professional mental health care is usually the last resort, which clients consider only after other options have been exhausted. This study reveals a need to explore the so-called family and social network health care system within this culture

    Visual Detection of Speckles in the Fish Xenotoca variata by the Predatory Snake Thamnophis melanogaster in Water of Different Turbidity

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    The results of this study suggest that speckles on male X. variata are visual signals to potential predators such as the snake T. melanogaster. However, speckles are not a determining factor; snakes display a higher frequency of predatory behavior toward the fish, but their predatory behavior is influenced by water turbidity. Turbidity is considered a constraint that affects foraging in aquatic predators such as the snake T. melanogaster because it is involved in the visual identification of potential prey and capture success. Further experiments are needed to test the direct influence of snake predation on variation in sexual traits, such as the number of speckles on the flanks of male X. variata. Therefore, natural selection caused by predation may constrain the development of sexually dimorphic traits in X. variata, as suggested by other studies showing that male secondary sexual traits often increase the risk of predationSemi-aquatic snakes integrate visual and chemical stimuli, and prey detection and capture success are therefore linked to the display of visual predatory behavior. The snake Thamnophis melanogaster responds preferentially to individuals of the fish Xenotoca variata with a greater number of bright, colorful spots (lateral speckles) compared with those with a smaller number; however, water turbidity can reduce underwater visibility and effect the vulnerability of fish. In this study, we tested whether the presence of iridescent speckles on the flanks of male X. variata interacted with water turbidity to modify the predatory behavior displayed by the snake T. melanogaster.We predicted that in an experimental laboratory test, the snakes would increase the frequency of their predatory behavior to the extent that the water turbidity decreases. The snakes were tested at six different levels of water turbidity, in combination with three categories of male fish (with few, a median number of, or many speckles). The results showed that in a pool with high or zero turbidity, the number of speckles is not a determining factor in the deployment of the predatory behavior of the snake T. melanogaster toward X. variata. Our findings suggest that snakes can view the fish at intermediate percentages of turbidity, but the number of speckles in male X. variata is irrelevant as an interspecific visual signal in environments with insufficient luminosity. The successful capture of aquatic prey is influenced by integration between chemical and visual signals, according to environmental factors that may influence the recognition of individual traits.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (2865/2010, 2663/2013, 3589/2013S

    Registro, aplicación y pago del impuesto sobre la renta (IR) en la empresa EXIMCASA de Matagalpa en el periodo 2015

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    La temática abordada en el presente estudio investigativo hace referencia al impuesto sobre la renta (IR) en las empresas de los departamentos de Matagalpa, Jinotega, Estelí y Managua en el año 2015 y particularmente al (IR) de la empresa EXIMCASA del municipio de Matagalpa durante el año 2015, cuyo objetivo general es analizar el registro, aplicación y pago del impuesto sobre la renta en dicha empresa durante el año 2015. El impuesto a la renta (IR) es un impuesto directo que aporta a una economía más equitativa. Para que el gobierno pueda operar, tiene que recaudar fondos para solventar el gasto público, el cual significará mayor y mejor infraestructura y servicios al público. Toda persona que obtiene ingresos y utilidades debe pagar este impuesto, ya que nadie consigue ingresos por sí solo. Ahora bien, el estado es el que administra las propiedades, ofrece educación, salud y bienestar a las personas y administra los recursos financieros públicos y regula la banca. Todos los impuestos son la base para el ingreso de que disponen los paises para efectuar sus gastos en el proximo año. Durante el desarrollo de esta investigación se llegó a la conclusión que la empresa EXIMCASA: La empresa cumple con sus obligaciones fiscales siendo el marco de referencia la ley de concertación tributaria. La empresa EXIMCASA lleva su contabilidad de una manera ordenada siendo esta una fortaleza para evitar posibles multas La empresa EXIMCASA paga el IR anual al final del año de acuerdo al arto 54 de la Ley 822. La empresa EXIMCASA contabiliza y paga todas las retenciones de acuerdo a la ley de Concertación Tributaria. La empresa EXIMCASA nunca ha sido sancionada por la administración de renta durante sus años de activida