5,369 research outputs found

    Frequency and damping evolution during experimental seismic response of civil engineering structures

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    The results of the seismic tests on several reinforced-concrete shear walls and a four-storey frame are analysed in this paper. Each specimen was submitted to the action of a horizontal accelerogram, with successive growing amplitudes, using the pseudodynamic method. An analysis of the results allows knowing the evolution of the eigen frequency and damping ratio during the earthquakes thanks to an identification method working in the time domain. The method is formulated as a spatial model in which the stiffness and damping matrices are directly identified from the experimental displacements, velocities and restoring forces. The obtained matrices are then combined with the theoretical mass in order to obtain the eigen frequencies, damping ratios and modes. Those parameters have a great relevance for the design of this type of structures

    The Mass of the Convective Zone in FGK Main Sequence Stars and the Effect of Accreted Planetary Material on Apparent Metallicity Determinations

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    The mass of the outer convective zone in FGK main sequence stars decreases dramatically with stellar mass. Therefore, any contamination of a star's atmosphere by accreted planetary material should affect hotter stars much more than cool stars. If recent suggestions that high metal abundances in stars with planets are caused by planetesimal accretion are correct, then metallicity enhancements in earlier-type stars with planets should be very pronounced. No such trend is seen, however.Comment: Submitted ApJ Letters March 26th; accepted April 30th. 12 pages, 2 figure

    Structural covariance predictors of clinical improvement at 2-year follow-up in first-episode psychosis

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    Background: Neural correlates of psychotic disorders encompass multiple brain regions in multiple brain circuits, even at early stages. Previous research has characterized structural brain alterations in Âżrst-episode psychosis (FEP), but few studies have focused on the relationship between brain alterations and disease trajectories. First psychotic episodes typically evolve into a chronic course, affecting quality of life of patients and their families, with huge societal costs. Importantly, up to 80% of the patients relapse in the next five years after a first psychotic episode, with a significant risk of developing treatment resistance. Here, we investigated whether disease course may be predicted from brain structural assessments. Specifically, we measured structural covariance, a well-established approach to identify abnormal patterns of volumetric correlation across distant brain regions, which allows to incorporate network-level information to structural assessments. We performed a whole-brain structural covariance assessment of three bilateral regions form to three different cortical networks - dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) for the executive network, posterior cingulate cortex for the default mode network and insulae for the salience network - and subcortical structures (hippocampi, amygdalae and dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus) that have shown to play a key role in schizophrenia. Methods: We assessed a sample of 74 subjects from a multicenter, naturalistic, prospective and longitudinal study designed to evaluate clinical, neuropsychological, neuroimaging, biochemical, environmental and pharmacogenetic variables in first episode psychotic patients (PEPs project). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were acquired at baseline and at 2-year follow-up, as well as clinical assessments. Psychotic symptoms were assessed using the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS) due its widespread use in clinical studies and its reliability in assessing psychopathology across a range of patient populations. The sample was split in two groups as a function of the clinical improvement at 2-year follow-up: responders (i.e. 40% reduction in PANSS global score from baseline; n=29) and non-responders (n=45). Results: Responder patients showed increase structural covariance between the left dlPFC and the left middle frontal gyrus, and between the right dlPFC and the right middle and superior gyrus, the left rectus and inferior frontal gyrus, the right hippocampus, and the vermis of the cerebellum. In addition, they showed increased structural covariance between the left anterior hippocampus and the ipsilateral middle occipital gyrus and the contralateral postcentral gyrus. Likewise, the structural covariance of right anterior hippocampus with right superior occipital gyrus and precentral gyrus was also increased in responder patients. Discussion: This study shows, for the first time in the literature, that increased structural covariance at baseline within the executive network and between the hippocampi and posterior brain regions was associated with a superior treatment response at two-year follow-up. These results indicate that the integrity of structural networks should be taken into account to predict treatment outcome in FEP patients

    The Carnegie Supernova Project: The Low-Redshift Survey

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    Supernovae are essential to understanding the chemical evolution of the Universe. Type Ia supernovae also provide the most powerful observational tool currently available for studying the expansion history of the Universe and the nature of dark energy. Our basic knowledge of supernovae comes from the study of their photometric and spectroscopic properties. However, the presently available data sets of optical and near-infrared light curves of supernovae are rather small and/or heterogeneous, and employ photometric systems that are poorly characterized. Similarly, there are relatively few supernovae whose spectral evolution has been well sampled, both in wavelength and phase, with precise spectrophotometric observations. The low-redshift portion of the Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP) seeks to remedy this situation by providing photometry and spectrophotometry of a large sample of supernovae taken on telescope/filter/detector systems that are well understood and well characterized. During a five-year program which began in September 2004, we expect to obtain high-precision u'g'r'i'BVYJHKs light curves and optical spectrophotometry for about 250 supernovae of all types. In this paper we provide a detailed description of the CSP survey observing and data reduction methodology. In addition, we present preliminary photometry and spectra obtained for a few representative supernovae during the first observing campaign.Comment: 45 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted by PAS

    Mining the Metal-Rich Stars for Planets

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    We examine the correlation between stellar metallicity and short period planets. It appears that approximately 1% of dwarf stars in the solar neighborhood harbor short-period planets characterized by near-circular orbits and orbital periods P<20 days. However, among the most metal-rich stars (defined as having [Fe/H]>0.2 dex), it appears that the fraction increases to 10%. Using the Hipparcos database and the Hauck & Mermilliod (1998) compilation of Stromgren uvby photometry, we identify a sample of 206 metal-rich stars of spectral type K, G, and F which have an enhanced probability of harboring short-period planets. Many of these stars would be excellent candidates for addition to radial velocity surveys. We have searched the Hipparcos epoch photometry for transiting planets within our 206 star catalog. We find that the quality of the Hipparcos data is not high enough to permit unambiguous transit detections. It is, however, possible to identify candidate transit periods. We then discuss various ramifications of the stellar metallicity - planet connection. First, we show that there is preliminary evidence for increasing metallicity with increasing stellar mass among known planet-bearing stars. This trend can be explained by a scenario in which planet-bearing stars accrete an average of 30 Earth Masses of rocky material after the gaseous protoplanetary disk phase has ended. We present dynamical calculation which suggest that a survey of metallicities of spectroscopic binary stars can be used to understand the root cause of the stellar metallicity - planet connection.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    On the statistics of superlocalized states in self-affine disordered potentials

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    We investigate the statistics of eigenstates in a weak self-affine disordered potential in one dimension, whose Gaussian fluctuations grow with distance with a positive Hurst exponent HH. Typical eigenstates are superlocalized on samples much larger than a well-defined crossover length, which diverges in the weak-disorder regime. We present a parallel analytical investigation of the statistics of these superlocalized states in the discrete and the continuum formalisms. For the discrete tight-binding model, the effective localization length decays logarithmically with the sample size, and the logarithm of the transmission is marginally self-averaging. For the continuum Schr\"odinger equation, the superlocalization phenomenon has more drastic effects. The effective localization length decays as a power of the sample length, and the logarithm of the transmission is fully non-self-averaging.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Transparency, trust and minimizing burden to increase recruitment and retentio in trials: A systematic review

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    Objective: To describe patient perspectives on recruitment and retention in clinical trials. Study Design and Setting: Systematic review of qualitative studies that reported the perspective of adult patients with any health condition who accepted or declined to participate in clinical trials. Results: Sixty-three articles involving 1681 adult patients were included. Six themes were identified. Four themes reflected barriers: ambiguity of context and benefit – patients were unaware of the research question and felt pressured in making decisions; lacking awareness of opportunities – some believed health professionals obscured trials opportunities, or felt confused because of language barriers; wary of added burden – patients were without capacity because of sickness or competing priorities; and skepticism, fear and mistrust – patients feared loss of privacy, were suspicious of doctor's motivation, afraid of being a guinea pig, and disengaged from not knowing outcomes. Two themes captured facilitators: building confidence – patients hoped for better treatment, were supported from family members and trusted medical staff; and social gains and belonging to the community – altruism, a sense of belonging and peer encouragement motivated participation in trials. Conclusion: Improving the visibility and transparency of trials, supporting informed decision making, minimizing burden, and ensuring confidence and trust may improve patient participation in trials

    New Debris Disks Around Nearby Main Sequence Stars: Impact on The Direct Detection of Planets

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    Using the MIPS instrument on the Spitzer telescope, we have searched for infrared excesses around a sample of 82 stars, mostly F, G, and K main-sequence field stars, along with a small number of nearby M stars. These stars were selected for their suitability for future observations by a variety of planet-finding techniques. These observations provide information on the asteroidal and cometary material orbiting these stars - data that can be correlated with any planets that may eventually be found. We have found significant excess 70um emission toward 12 stars. Combined with an earlier study, we find an overall 70um excess detection rate of 13±313 \pm 3% for mature cool stars. Unlike the trend for planets to be found preferentially toward stars with high metallicity, the incidence of debris disks is uncorrelated with metallicity. By newly identifying 4 of these stars as having weak 24um excesses (fluxes ∌\sim10% above the stellar photosphere), we confirm a trend found in earlier studies wherein a weak 24um excess is associated with a strong 70um excess. Interestingly, we find no evidence for debris disks around 23 stars cooler than K1, a result that is bolstered by a lack of excess around any of the 38 K1-M6 stars in 2 companion surveys. One motivation for this study is the fact that strong zodiacal emission can make it hard or impossible to detect planets directly with future observatories like the {\it Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF)}. The observations reported here exclude a few stars with very high levels of emission, >>1,000 times the emission of our zodiacal cloud, from direct planet searches. For the remainder of the sample, we set relatively high limits on dust emission from asteroid belt counterparts
