33 research outputs found

    Characterization of the Antiglioma Effect of the Oncolytic Adenovirus VCN-01

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    Despite the recent advances in the development of antitumor therapies, the prognosis for patients with malignant gliomas remains dismal. Therapy with tumor-selective viruses is emerging as a treatment option for this devastating disease. In this study we characterize the anti-glioma effect of VCN-01, an improved hyaluronidase-armed pRB-pathway-selective oncolytic adenovirus that has proven safe and effective in the treatment of several solid tumors. VCN-01 displayed a significant cytotoxic effect on glioma cells in vitro. In vivo, in two different orthotopic glioma models, a single intra-tumoral administration of VCN-01 increased overall survival significantly and led to long-term survivors free of disease

    Identification of predictive circulating biomarkers of bevacizumab-containing regimen efficacy in pre-treated metastatic colorectal cancer patients

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    BACKGROUND: To identify whether circulating levels of angiogenesis-related factors may be predictive of bevacizumab efficacy in pre-treated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients. METHODS: Pre-treatment serum levels of 24 cytokines were measured using a multiplex bead assay (MBA) in 32 pre-treated mCRC patients treated with irinotecan plus bevacizumab-based salvage therapy. Macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC), interleukins (ILs) 8 and 6 levels were also validated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) at different time points during therapy. RESULTS: Higher epidermal growth factor (EGF) and MDC baseline levels (2.2- and 1.4-fold, respectively) and lower IL-10, IL-6 and IL-8 levels (0.2-, 0.6-, and 0.6-fold, respectively, P<0.05) were observed in patients responding to therapy. Baseline levels of these five serum factors compose a risk signature that may define the subset of patients most likely to benefit from bevacizumab-based therapy in terms of response rate and survival times. A positive correlation was found between MBA and ELISA results (P<0.01). Treatment exposure increased MDC and had opposite effects on IL-8 levels, which were decreased (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: This study suggests that a set of inflammatory and angiogenesis-related serum markers may be associated with the efficacy of bevacizumab-containing regimen

    Delta-24-RGD combined with radiotherapy exerts a potent antitumor effect in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma and pediatric high grade glioma models

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    Pediatric high grade gliomas (pHGG), including diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPGs), are aggressive tumors with a dismal outcome. Radiotherapy (RT) is part of the standard of care of these tumors; however, radiotherapy only leads to a transient clinical improvement. Delta-24-RGD is a genetically engineered tumor-selective adenovirus that has shown safety and clinical efficacy in adults with recurrent gliomas. In this work, we evaluated the feasibility, safety and therapeutic efficacy of Delta-24-RGD in combination with radiotherapy in pHGGs and DIPGs models. Our results showed that the combination of Delta-24-RGD with radiotherapy was feasible and resulted in a synergistic anti-glioma effect in vitro and in vivo in pHGG and DIPG models. Interestingly, Delta-24-RGD treatment led to the downregulation of relevant DNA damage repair proteins, further sensitizing tumors cells to the effect of radiotherapy. Additionally, Delta-24-RGD/radiotherapy treatment significantly increased the trafficking of immune cells (CD3, CD4+ and CD8+) to the tumor niche compared with single treatments. In summary, administration of the Delta-24-RGD/radiotherapy combination to pHGG and DIPG models is safe and significantly increases the overall survival of mice bearing these tumors. Our data offer a rationale for the combination Delta-24-RGD/radiotherapy as a therapeutic option for children with these tumors. SIGNIFICANCE: Delta-24-RGD/radiotherapy administration is safe and significantly increases the survival of treated mice. These positive data underscore the urge to translate this approach to the clinical treatment of children with pHGG and DIPGs

    Development of a DIPG Orthotopic Model in Mice Using an Implantable Guide-Screw System

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    Objective In this work we set to develop and to validate a new in vivo frameless orthotopic Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) model based in the implantation of a guide-screw system. Methods It consisted of a guide-screw also called bolt, a Hamilton syringe with a 26-gauge needle and an insulin-like 15-gauge needle. The guide screw is 2.6 mm in length and harbors a 0.5 mm central hole which accepts the needle of the Hamilton syringe avoiding a theoretical displacement during insertion. The guide-screw is fixed on the mouse skull according to the coordinates: 1mm right to and 0.8 mm posterior to lambda. To reach the pons the Hamilton syringe is adjusted to a 6.5 mm depth using a cuff that serves as a stopper. This system allows delivering not only cells but also any kind of intratumoral chemotherapy, antibodies or gene/viral therapies. Results The guide-screw was successfully implanted in 10 immunodeficient mice and the animals were inoculated with DIPG human cell lines during the same anesthetic period. All the mice developed severe neurologic symptoms and had a median overall survival of 95 days ranging the time of death from 81 to 116 days. Histopathological analysis confirmed tumor into the pons in all animals confirming the validity of this model. Conclusion Here we presented a reproducible and frameless DIPG model that allows for rapid evaluation of tumorigenicity and efficacy of chemotherapeutic or gene therapy products delivered intratumorally to the pons

    The oncolytic virus Delta-24-RGD elicits an antitumor effect in pediatric glioma and DIPG mouse models

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    Pediatric high-grade glioma (pHGG) and diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPGs) are aggressive pediatric brain tumors in desperate need of a curative treatment. Oncolytic virotherapy is emerging as a solid therapeutic approach. Delta-24-RGD is a replication competent adenovirus engineered to replicate in tumor cells with an aberrant RB pathway. This virus has proven to be safe and effective in adult gliomas. Here we report that the administration of Delta-24-RGD is safe in mice and results in a significant increase in survival in immunodeficient and immunocompetent models of pHGG and DIPGs. Our results show that the Delta-24-RGD antiglioma effect is mediated by the oncolytic effect and the immune response elicited against the tumor. Altogether, our data highlight the potential of this virus as treatment for patients with these tumors. Of clinical significance, these data have led to the start of a phase I/II clinical trial at our institution for newly diagnosed DIPG (NCT03178032)

    Viroinmunoterapia para el tumor rabdoide/ teratoide atípico (AT/RT): caracterización del efecto antitumoral del adenovirus DELTA-24-RGD

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    El tumor AT/RT es considerado un tumor raro y de los más agresivos del SNC que afecta a pacientes pediátricos. El pronóstico de estos niños sigue siendo malo, sobre todo para los pacientes menores de 3 años, donde los tratamientos convencionales (radioterapia, cirugía y quimioterapia) se ven limitados por las graves secuelas que pueden llegar a producirse. De esta manera, la mediana de supervivencia de los niños afectados por AT/RT no supera los 10 meses. Este trabajo se centra en caracterizar el efecto del adenovirus oncolítico Delta-24-RGD como nueva herramienta terapéutica para el tratamiento de los AT/RT. El objetivo final es encontrar estrategias alternativas eficaces y seguras para estos pacientes que, a día de hoy, no tienen opciones terapéuticas viables. El Delta-24-RGD (DNX-2401 en clínica) es un adenovirus oncolítico diseñado específicamente para infectar, replicar y eliminar directamente las células cancerosas, así como para provocar una respuesta inmunitaria antitumoral más amplia. Basándonos en los prometedores datos clínicos de DNX-2401 en glioblastoma adulto y en glioma pontino intrínseco difuso pediátrico (DIPG), evaluamos su actividad en AT/RT. Estos datos preclínicos demuestran la eficacia in vivo de DNX-2401 en modelos establecidos que recapitulan características importantes de estos tumores, incluyendo modelos de lesiones diseminadas de AT/RT y en ratones inmunocompetentes humanizados. Los datos subrayan el potencial terapéutico de DNX-2401 y proporcionan una base sólida para su traslado al ámbito clínico para estas indicaciones

    Identification of colorectal cancer metastasis markers by an angiogenesis-related cytokine-antibody array

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    AIM: To investigate the angiogenesis-related protein expression profile characterizing metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) with the aim of identifying prognostic markers

    The oncolytic adenovirus VCN01 promotes anti tumor effect in primitive neuroectodermal tumor models

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    Last advances in the treatment of pediatric tumors has led to an increase of survival rates of children affected by primitive neuroectodermal tumors, however, still a significant amount of the patients do not overcome the disease. In addition, the survivors might suffer from severe side effects caused by the current standard treatments. Oncolytic virotherapy has emerged in the last years as a promising alternative for the treatment of solid tumors. In this work, we study the anti-tumor effect mediated by the oncolytic adenovirus VCN-01 in CNS-PNET models. VCN-01 is able to infect and replicate in PNET cell cultures, leading to a cytotoxicity and immunogenic cell death. In vivo, VCN-01 increased significantly the median survival of mice and led to long-term survivors in two orthotopic models of PNETs. In summary, these results underscore the therapeutic effect of VCN-01 for rare pediatric cancers such as PNETs, and warrants further exploration on the use of this virus to treat them