6 research outputs found

    Bending reinforcement of timber beams with composite carbon fiber and basalt fiber materials

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    En el presente trabajo se lleva a cabo un estudio basado en datos obtenidos experimentalmente mediante el ensayo a flexión de vigas de madera de pino silvestre reforzadas con materiales compuestos. Las fibras que componen los tejidos utilizados para la ejecución de los refuerzos son de basalto y de carbono. En el caso de los compuestos de fibra de basalto se aplican en distintos gramajes, y los de carbono en tejido unidireccional y bidireccional. El material compuesto se realizó in situ, simultáneamente a la ejecución del refuerzo. Se aplicaron en una y en dos capas, según el caso, y la forma de colocación fue en ?U?, adhiriéndose al canto inferior y a las caras laterales de la viga mediante resina o mortero epoxi. Se analiza el comportamiento de las vigas según las variables de refuerzo aplicadas y se comparan con los resultados de vigas ensayadas sin reforzar. Con este trabajo queda demostrado el buen funcionamiento del FRP de fibra de basalto aplicado en el refuerzo de vigas de madera y de los tejidos de carbono bidireccionales con respecto a los unidireccionales

    Estudio de la resistencia de vigas de madera reforzadas con FRP de tejidos unidireccionales y bidireccionales de fibra de carbono

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    En este trabajo se realiza un estudio experimental del comportamiento de veinte vigas de madera aserrada de pino silvestre para uso estructural, de dimensiones 155x75x1090mm y reforzadas con materiales compuestos de fibra de carbono. La procedencia de la madera es el aserradero de Valsaín. Los ensayos se han realizado en el Laboratorio de Materiales de Construcción de la Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura Técnica de Madrid con una máquina de ensayos Universal. El objetivo del trabajo es el análisis del comportamiento a flexión de las piezas ensayadas reforzadas con materiales compuestos de fibra de carbono realizados con tejidos unidireccionales y bidireccionales. De las veinte vigas ensayadas nueve fueron sin reforzar y el resto se reforzaron con el refuerzo en forma de ?U?, adhiriendo el material compuesto a la cara inferior y los laterales de las vigas, hasta una altura de la mitad del canto. Para la realización de los FRP se han empleado tejidos de fibra de carbono unidireccionales y bidireccionales. El gramaje de los tejidos unidireccionales es de 300gr/m2 y se ha aplicado en una capa. Los tejidos bidireccionales utilizados tienen dos gramajes distintos, 160gr/m2 y 210gr/m2. Éstos últimos se han aplicado en una y en dos capas. Las nueve vigas ensayadas sin reforzar han servido como testigo para analizar el aumento de la capacidad de carga de las vigas reforzadas. A partir de los datos facilitados por el software se asociado a la máquina de ensayos se trazaron los gráficos carga-desplazamiento, con el fin de analizar las cargas máximas de rotura alcanzadas, desplazamientos y rigidez de las piezas. Posteriormente se realiza un análisis analítico hallando los valores medio de las cargas de rotura y los desplazamientos, realizando una comparación entre los datos obtenidos para las vigas sin reforzar y las reforzadas con los distintos sistemas. En las conclusiones se presentan los resultados del análisis realizado, estudiando el incremento de la capacidad de carga de las vigas reforzadas con respecto a las no reforzadas, y comparando entre sí el funcionamiento de los refuerzos aplicados

    Effect of corrosion degree on different steel ductility parameters, based on 'Equivalent Steel' criterion

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    One of the meaningful effects of concrete reinforcement steel corrosion on concrete structures is the decrease of mechanical properties, specifically the ductility of steel. The term ductility of steel refers to a group of properties which determine the reinforced concrete structures (RCS) and it is necessary to take this property into account for the recalculation of structures that have been already corroded until the point to condition in many occasions the analysis methodology. The paper aims to discuss these issues

    Calibration of calculation models of wooden guardrails with Operational Modal Analysis

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    This study analyses the differences between two calculation models for guardrails on building sites that use wooden boards and tubular steel posts. Wood was considered an isotropic material in one model and an orthotropic material in a second model. The elastic constants of the wood were obtained with ultrasound. Frequencies and vibration modes were obtained for both models through linear analysis using the finite element method. The two models were experimentally calibrated through operational modal analysis. The results obtained show that for the three types of wood under analysis, the model which considered them as an orthotropic material fitted the experimental results better than the model which considered them as an isotropic material

    Association between convalescent plasma treatment and mortality in COVID-19: a collaborative systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

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    Abstract Background Convalescent plasma has been widely used to treat COVID-19 and is under investigation in numerous randomized clinical trials, but results are publicly available only for a small number of trials. The objective of this study was to assess the benefits of convalescent plasma treatment compared to placebo or no treatment and all-cause mortality in patients with COVID-19, using data from all available randomized clinical trials, including unpublished and ongoing trials (Open Science Framework, https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/GEHFX ). Methods In this collaborative systematic review and meta-analysis, clinical trial registries (ClinicalTrials.gov, WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform), the Cochrane COVID-19 register, the LOVE database, and PubMed were searched until April 8, 2021. Investigators of trials registered by March 1, 2021, without published results were contacted via email. Eligible were ongoing, discontinued and completed randomized clinical trials that compared convalescent plasma with placebo or no treatment in COVID-19 patients, regardless of setting or treatment schedule. Aggregated mortality data were extracted from publications or provided by investigators of unpublished trials and combined using the Hartung–Knapp–Sidik–Jonkman random effects model. We investigated the contribution of unpublished trials to the overall evidence. Results A total of 16,477 patients were included in 33 trials (20 unpublished with 3190 patients, 13 published with 13,287 patients). 32 trials enrolled only hospitalized patients (including 3 with only intensive care unit patients). Risk of bias was low for 29/33 trials. Of 8495 patients who received convalescent plasma, 1997 died (23%), and of 7982 control patients, 1952 died (24%). The combined risk ratio for all-cause mortality was 0.97 (95% confidence interval: 0.92; 1.02) with between-study heterogeneity not beyond chance (I2 = 0%). The RECOVERY trial had 69.8% and the unpublished evidence 25.3% of the weight in the meta-analysis. Conclusions Convalescent plasma treatment of patients with COVID-19 did not reduce all-cause mortality. These results provide strong evidence that convalescent plasma treatment for patients with COVID-19 should not be used outside of randomized trials. Evidence synthesis from collaborations among trial investigators can inform both evidence generation and evidence application in patient care

    Association between convalescent plasma treatment and mortality in COVID-19: a collaborative systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

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    Abstract Background Convalescent plasma has been widely used to treat COVID-19 and is under investigation in numerous randomized clinical trials, but results are publicly available only for a small number of trials. The objective of this study was to assess the benefits of convalescent plasma treatment compared to placebo or no treatment and all-cause mortality in patients with COVID-19, using data from all available randomized clinical trials, including unpublished and ongoing trials (Open Science Framework, https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/GEHFX ). Methods In this collaborative systematic review and meta-analysis, clinical trial registries (ClinicalTrials.gov, WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform), the Cochrane COVID-19 register, the LOVE database, and PubMed were searched until April 8, 2021. Investigators of trials registered by March 1, 2021, without published results were contacted via email. Eligible were ongoing, discontinued and completed randomized clinical trials that compared convalescent plasma with placebo or no treatment in COVID-19 patients, regardless of setting or treatment schedule. Aggregated mortality data were extracted from publications or provided by investigators of unpublished trials and combined using the Hartung–Knapp–Sidik–Jonkman random effects model. We investigated the contribution of unpublished trials to the overall evidence. Results A total of 16,477 patients were included in 33 trials (20 unpublished with 3190 patients, 13 published with 13,287 patients). 32 trials enrolled only hospitalized patients (including 3 with only intensive care unit patients). Risk of bias was low for 29/33 trials. Of 8495 patients who received convalescent plasma, 1997 died (23%), and of 7982 control patients, 1952 died (24%). The combined risk ratio for all-cause mortality was 0.97 (95% confidence interval: 0.92; 1.02) with between-study heterogeneity not beyond chance (I2 = 0%). The RECOVERY trial had 69.8% and the unpublished evidence 25.3% of the weight in the meta-analysis. Conclusions Convalescent plasma treatment of patients with COVID-19 did not reduce all-cause mortality. These results provide strong evidence that convalescent plasma treatment for patients with COVID-19 should not be used outside of randomized trials. Evidence synthesis from collaborations among trial investigators can inform both evidence generation and evidence application in patient care