737 research outputs found

    Robust free-spurious formulation of high order 2.5 dimensional electromagnetic problems by using finite elements

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    The 3D Finite Elements Method (FEM) is an extensively accepted tool for the analysis and design of microwaves/millimetre circuits and antennas based on the use of complex materials and geometries. Despite the huge memory capacity and computation speed of the current informatics systems, the method still suffers from an expensive computational cost when the domain is 3D. In many practical structures, the knowledge of the behaviour of one field component introduces a symmetry in the formulations that allows to project the physical problem onto a bi-dimensional mesh. The result of the former is a dramatic increase of the speed and ease of handling of such kind of problems, achieving efficient tools for the computer assisted design of many complex structures used in the electrical engineering nowadays. Because nothing is free, this simplification in the computation of the numerical problems is reached after a modification into the formulation and discretization of the model in the sense to introduce the symmetry of the field component into the basis functions. Because we need the three field components, we must divide the basis functions in two sets; one keeps the vector character and is applied to approximate the transversal or meridian component of the electromagnetic field and the other set is used for the longitudinal or azimuthal component. Then, we have to work with two elements, one is vector and the other is scalar. Frequently they are called hybrid elements, or 2.5D elements. This type of problems has been intensively studied by many researchers along the last two decades [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. However, only lower order basis has been used and, since our knowledge, it has not been developed a theory linking the development of the function spaces for the cited two elements, vector and scalar which make up the hybrid elements. This is especially true when the order of the elements increases, producing the apparition of the frightened spurious modes. Besides of the lack of a robust method to obtain these higher order hybrid elements for the 2.5D problems, we consider that it is worth reviewing these procedures, trying to increase its reliability and robustness. It should be a priority to incorporate the use of higher-order elements to the discretization of 2.5D problems, as the last developments relative to pre and post processors, new and more powerful meshers and solvers. In this way we can develop new numerical tools facing the more complex geometries containing field singularities, diverse materials and multiscale details with curved boundaries that conform the structures that electrical engineers handle nowadays. This work is an extension with some new results of previous presented at [5], [7]. A complete study of the design of conical dielectric core horn antennas, ended by both, convex-plane and double-convex dielectric lens, is carried on, taking advantage of the robust performance of the developed methods

    Changes in allele frequencies when different genomic coancestry matrices are used for maintaining genetic diversity

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    A main objective in conservation programs is to maintain genetic variability. This can be achieved using the Optimal Contributions (OC) method that optimizes the contributions of candidates to the next generation by minimizing the global coancestry. However, it has been argued that maintaining allele frequencies is also important. Different genomic coancestry matrices can be used on OC and the choice of the matrix will have an impact not only on the genetic variability maintained, but also on the change in allele frequencies. The objective of this study was to evaluate, through stochastic simulations, the genetic variability maintained and the trajectory of allele frequencies when using two different genomic coancestry matrices in OC to minimize the loss of diversity: (i) the matrix based on deviations of the observed number of alleles shared between two individuals from the expected numbers under Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (θLH); and (ii) the matrix based on VanRaden's genomic relationship matrix (θVR). The results indicate that the use of θLH resulted in a higher genetic variability than the use of θVR. However, the use of θVR maintained allele frequencies closer to those in the base population than the use of θLH.The research leading to these results has received funding from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain (grant CGL2016-75904-C2-2-P). R. Pong-Wong is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement n◦772787 (SMARTER) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council through Institute Strategic Programme Grant funding (BBS/E/D/30002275).Peer reviewe

    Supporting nested parallelism

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    Many parallel applications do not completely fit into the data parallel model. Although these applications contain data parallelism, task parallelism is needed to represent the natural computation structure or enhance performance. To combine the easiness of programming of the data parallel model with the efficiency of the task parallel model allows to parallel forms to be nested, giving Nested parallelism. In this work, we examine the solutions provided to N ested parallelism in two standard parallel programming platforms, HPF and MPI. Both their expression capacity and their efficiency are compared on a Cray- 3TE, which is distributed memory machine. Finally, an additional speech about the use of the methodology proposed for MPI is done on two different architecturesI Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    CathepsinKCre mediated deletion of βcatenin results in dramatic loss of bone mass by targeting both osteoclasts and osteoblastic cells

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    It is well established that activation of Wnt/βcatenin signaling in the osteoblast lineage leads to an increase in bone mass through a dual mechanism: increased osteoblastogenesis and decreased osteoclastogenesis. However, the effect of this pathway on the osteoclast lineage has been less explored. Here, we aimed to examine the effects of Wnt/βcatenin signaling in mature osteoclasts by generating mice lacking βcatenin in CathepsinK-expressing cells (Ctnnb1;CtsKCre mice). These mice developed a severe low-bone-mass phenotype with onset in the second month and in correlation with an excessive number of osteoclasts, detected by TRAP staining and histomorphometric quantification. We found that WNT3A, through the canonical pathway, promoted osteoclast apoptosis and therefore attenuated the number of M-CSF and RANKL-derived osteoclasts in vitro. This reveals a cell-autonomous effect of Wnt/βcatenin signaling in controlling the life span of mature osteoclasts. Furthermore, bone Opg expression in Ctnnb1;CtsKCre mice was dramatically decreased pointing to an additional external activation of osteoclasts. Accordingly, expression of CathepsinK was detected in TRAP-negative cells of the inner periosteal layer also expressing Col1. Our results indicate that the bone phenotype of Ctnnb1;CtsKCre animals combines a cell-autonomous effect in the mature osteoclast with indirect effects due to the additional targeting of osteoblastic cells.This work was supported by grant ISCIII PI12/01405 to JGM and grant BFU2014-57216-P to MAR from the Spanish Government and R01AR056679 from NIAMS/NIH to MA.Peer Reviewe

    Influence of plasma-generated negative oxygen ion impingement on magnetron sputtered amorphous SiO2 thin films during growth at low temperatures

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    Growth of amorphous SiO2 thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering at low temperatures has been studied under different oxygen partial pressure conditions. Film microstructures varied from coalescent vertical column-like to homogeneous compact microstructures, possessing all similar refractive indexes. A discussion on the process responsible for the different microstructures is carried out focusing on the influence of (i) the surface shadowing mechanism, (ii) the positive ion impingement on the film, and (iii) the negative ion impingement. We conclude that only the trend followed by the latter and, in particular, the impingement of O- ions with kinetic energies between 20 and 200 eV, agrees with the resulting microstructural changes. Overall, it is also demonstrated that there are two main microstructuring regimes in the growth of amorphous SiO2 thin films by magnetron sputtering at low temperatures, controlled by the amount of O2 in the deposition reactor, which stem from the competition between surface shadowing and ion-induced adatom surface mobilityMinisterio de Innovación español-MAT 2007-65764Ministerio de Innovación español (CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010)-CSD2008-00023Junta de Andalucía-TEP2275, TEP5283, P07-FQM-03298 y P10-FQM-690

    The value of genomic relationship matrices to estimate levels of inbreeding

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    Background Genomic relationship matrices are used to obtain genomic inbreeding coefficients. However, there are several methodologies to compute these matrices and there is still an unresolved debate on which one provides the best estimate of inbreeding. In this study, we investigated measures of inbreeding obtained from five genomic matrices, including the Nejati-Javaremi allelic relationship matrix (FNEJ), the Li and Horvitz matrix based on excess of homozygosity (FL&H), and the VanRaden (methods 1, FVR1, and 2, FVR2) and Yang (FYAN) genomic relationship matrices. We derived expectations for each inbreeding coefficient, assuming a single locus model, and used these expectations to explain the patterns of the coefficients that were computed from thousands of single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes in a population of Iberian pigs. Results Except for FNEJ, the evaluated measures of inbreeding do not match with the original definitions of inbreeding coefficient of Wright (correlation) or Malécot (probability). When inbreeding coefficients are interpreted as indicators of variability (heterozygosity) that was gained or lost relative to a base population, both FNEJ and FL&H led to sensible results but this was not the case for FVR1, FVR2 and FYAN. When variability has increased relative to the base, FVR1, FVR2 and FYAN can indicate that it decreased. In fact, based on FYAN, variability is not expected to increase. When variability has decreased, FVR1 and FVR2 can indicate that it has increased. Finally, these three coefficients can indicate that more variability than that present in the base population can be lost, which is also unreasonable. The patterns for these coefficients observed in the pig population were very different, following the derived expectations. As a consequence, the rate of inbreeding depression estimated based on these inbreeding coefficients differed not only in magnitude but also in sign. Conclusions Genomic inbreeding coefficients obtained from the diagonal elements of genomic matrices can lead to inconsistent results in terms of gain and loss of genetic variability and inbreeding depression estimates, and thus to misleading interpretations. Although these matrices have proven to be very efficient in increasing the accuracy of genomic predictions, they do not always provide a useful measure of inbreeding.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CGL2016-75904-C2Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2020-114426GB-C22European Commission | Ref. H2020, n. 727315Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2020-05European Commission | Ref. H2020, SMARTER, n. 772787Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | Ref. BBS / E / D / 3000227

    Diseño y optimización de sistemas de transformación y conservación de naranja variedad “Canoneta” de la Serra Nord mallorquina para obtención de naranja IV gama

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    Este trabajo muestra el efecto de diferentes tipos de procesado sobre la vida útil de naranjas mínimamente procesadas de la variedad “Canoneta”. Las naranjas peladas de manera mecánica o semimanual fueron envasadas en dos atmósferas (vacío parcial y 20% CO2+ 80% N2) y se almacenaron durante 10 días a 4ºC y a 8ºC. Los análisis sensoriales, microbiológicos y físicoquímicos identificaron el pelado semi-manual como el menos idóneo de los métodos de pelado y se estableció 7 días como la vida útil máxima para un producto aceptable desde el punto de vista sensorial

    Metal Removal from Contaminated Soils Trough Bioleaching with Oxidizing Bacteria and Rhamnolipid Biosurfactants

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    The use of surfactants as a method for solubilization and removal of heavy metal contamination from soil has been reported before. Biosurfactants produced by some microorganisms are able to modify the surface of various metals and aggregate on interphases favoring the metal separation process from contaminated environments. We evaluated the feasibility of enhancing the removal of metal ions from mineral waste/contaminated soils using alternate cycles of treatment with rhamnolipid biosurfactants and bioleaching with a mixed bacterial culture of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Bioleaching alone removed 50% Zn and 19% Fe. When rhamnolipids were used at low concentration (0.4 mg/mL), 11% Fe and 25% Zn were removed, while at 1 mg/mL 19% Fe and 52% Zn removal were achieved. When using a cyclic treatment combining bioleaching and biosurfactants, metal removal reached up to 36% for Fe and 63% to 70% for Zn

    Flipped Classroom Methodology for Hybrid Learning in the Higher Education Context: Students' Satisfaction and Performance

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    The recent emergence of hybrid education, defined as one that combines face-to-face and online classes, has tried to overcome the weaknesses of the teaching exclusively online. The main goal of this paper is to identify the best methodologies and instruments of the hybrid education in order to develop all its educational potential. In this regard, we have addressed the satisfaction of the students with the hybrid teaching format compared to the exclusively online, as well as their perception with the new Flipped Classroom (FC) methodology as opposed to the traditional methodology in which theory is explained in class and practice is implemented at home. In addition, we have also evaluate the learning outcomes and grades of the students enrolled in these hybrids courses as compared to those enrolled in exclusively online courses. The findings of the research show a high degree of students’ satisfaction with the hybrid format and with the application of the FC methodology, as well as higher success rates and lower withdrawal rates in this hybrid courses