4 research outputs found

    Municipal management and quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Abancay, 2021

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    The objective of the research has been to determine the relationship that exists between municipal management and the quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Abancay, 2021. In this sense, a questionnaire has been applied to 384 citizens to know their perception of these variables. With the data collected, we organized a database in SPSS software, with which we were able to describe the behavior of the variables and infer whether there was a significant relationship between them or, on the contrary, they were independent, using the chi square test for this. because the variables are qualitative and we have more than 50 data per variable. According to the results of the investigation, it has been shown that there is a significant relationship between municipal management and the quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Abancay, 2021.El objetivo de la investigaci贸n ha sido determinar la relaci贸n que existe entre la gesti贸n municipal y la calidad del servicio en la Municipalidad Provincial de Abancay, 2021. En ese sentido, se ha aplicado un cuestionario a 384 ciudadanos para conocer su percepci贸n sobre dichas variables. Con los datos recogidos organic茅 una base de datos en el software SPSS, con la cual pudimos describir el comportamiento de las variables e inferir si exist铆a una relaci贸n significativa entre ellas o, por el contrario, eran independientes, utilizando para ello el test chi cuadrado, en raz贸n de que las variables son cualitativas y tenemos m谩s de 50 datos por variable. De acuerdo con los resultados de la investigaci贸n ha quedado demostrado que existe una relaci贸n significativa entre la gesti贸n municipal y la calidad del servicio en la Municipalidad Provincial de Abancay, 2021

    Qualidade do servi莽o municipal e satisfa莽茫o dos cidad茫os de Piura 2021

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    The objective of the research has been to determine the relationship between the quality of the municipal service and the satisfaction of the citizens of Piura 2021. To meet this objective, we collected data using the survey technique and, as an instrument, the questionnaire, which we applied to a random sample of 384 citizens. Once the data was collected, we created a database using SPSS Version 25, from which we described the variables (descriptive statistics) and the corresponding hypothesis tests (inferential statistics). The main conclusion we have reached, with the investigation, has been that there is a significant relationship between the quality of the municipal service and the satisfaction of the citizens of Piura 2021.El objetivo de la investigaci贸n ha sido determinar la relaci贸n que existe entre la calidad del servicio municipal y la satisfacci贸n de los ciudadanos de Piura 2021. Para cumplir con dicho objetivo, recogimos los datos utilizando la t茅cnica de la encuesta y, como instrumento, el cuestionario, que aplicamos a una muestra aleatoria de 384 ciudadanos. Una vez recogidos los datos, elaboramos una base de datos utilizando el SPSS Versi贸n 25, a partir de la cual hicimos la descripci贸n de las variables (la estad铆stica descriptiva) y las pruebas de hip贸tesis correspondientes (la estad铆stica inferencial). La principal conclusi贸n a que hemos arribado, con la investigaci贸n, ha sido que existe una relaci贸n significativa entre la calidad del servicio municipal y la satisfacci贸n de los ciudadanos de Piura 2021.O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar a rela莽茫o entre a qualidade do servi莽o municipal e a satisfa莽茫o dos cidad茫os de Piura 2021.Para cumprir este objetivo, recolhemos dados utilizando a t茅cnica de inqu茅rito e, como instrumento, o question谩rio, que aplic谩mos a uma amostra aleat贸ria de 384 cidad茫os

    Tributaci贸n y gasto p煤blico en el Per煤 2000-2018

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      In general, when the river flow increases, a scour phenomenon will occur, in which the substructure of the bridge, be it abutment and / or piers, will be affected, resulting in a partial or total collapse of the structure. All of the above is the key to achieving our research objectives, which is to carry out an evaluation and protection design against the hydraulic scour process of the Unocolla bridge in the city of Juliaca, Puno. The population will be the Unocolla bridge and the sample will be a substructure of the bridge. The method used is applied and its design is pure experimental, using quantitative methods, in which the research problem is described as realistic results. To determine the scour effects, topographic, hydrological and sedimentological information was collected to later carry out hydraulic modeling in the Hec-Ras program. Scour depths were determined in reference to pillars, determining in pillar 1 scour depth 1.2 m, in pillar 2 scour depth 2.46 m, in pillar 3 scour depth 1.2 m, in pillar 4 scour depth 1.2 m, for which the castling process is proposed as an alternative solution.El objetivo de la investigaci贸n ha sido determinar la relaci贸n que ha existido entre la tributaci贸n y el gasto p煤blico en el Per煤 en el periodo 2000-2018. Con ese prop贸sito, recolectamos los datos sobre los indicadores de las variables del portal de las instituciones p煤blicas, particularmente de la Superintendencia Nacional de Administraci贸n Tributaria y Aduanas (Sunat) y del Ministerio de Econom铆a y Finanzas (MEF). A partir de dichos datos, elaboramos una base de datos utilizando el SPSS Versi贸n 25, que nos permiti贸 describir la evoluci贸n de las variables (la estad铆stica descriptiva) y realizar las pruebas de hip贸tesis correspondientes (la estad铆stica inferencial). La principal conclusi贸n a que hemos arribado, con la investigaci贸n, ha sido que existe una relaci贸n significativa entre la tributaci贸n y el gasto p煤blico en el Per煤 en el periodo 2000-2018

    Export Promotion in Peru: A Historical Review

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    Since the Spanish conquest, Peru stopped being autonomous and joined the emerging economy of world capitalism. That is, it ceased to be a closed economy and with it two new variables appeared in its economy: exports and imports. The transition to an independent nation did not essentially change this condition of open economy, which was reinforced by the process of globalization of the second half of the 20th century.In this regard, exports have been a significant variable for the economy, for better or for worse. For good, when the international demand generated better prices that were naturally favorable for Peru. To the bad, when international crises generated internal crises in Peru expressed in an economic contraction. To this has been added the problem of the competitiveness of our exports. This is where the government has tried to favor export expansion with trade policy measures, which have focused on protecting exporters and spreading the benefits of our export products, especially non-traditional manufactured products.The objective of this article is to analyze the main norms given by the government, trying to improve the competitiveness of our exports, since the 70s