170 research outputs found

    In vitro bioavailability and cellular bioactivity studies of flavonoids and flavonoid-rich plant extracts : questions, considerations and future perspectives

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    In vitro techniques are essential in elucidating biochemical mechanisms and for screening a wide range of possible bioactive candidates. The number of papers published reporting in vitro bioavailability and bioactivity of flavonoids and flavonoid-rich plant extracts is numerous and still increasing. However, even with the present knowledge on the bioavailability and metabolism of flavonoids after oral ingestion, certain inaccuracies still persist in the literature, such as the use of plant extracts to study bioactivity towards vascular cells. There is therefore a need to revisit, even question, these approaches in terms of their biological relevance. In this review, the bioavailability of flavonoid glycosides, the use of cell models for intestinal absorption and the use of flavonoid aglycones and flavonoid-rich plant extracts in in vitro bioactivity studies will be discussed. Here, we focus on the limitations of current in vitro systems and revisit the validity of some in vitro approaches, and not on the detailed mechanism of flavonoid absorption and bioactivity. Based on the results in the review, there is an apparent need for stricter guidelines on publishing data on in vitro data relating to the bioavailability and bioactivity of flavonoids and flavonoid-rich plant extracts

    Mass spectrometric characterization of flavonoids and in vitro intestinal transport and bioactivity

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    Identification of novel genes expressed during metanephric induction through single-cell library screening

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    Identification of novel genes expressed during metanephric induction through single-cell library screening.BackgroundDevelopment of the mature kidney is dependent on a series of inductive events between a portion of the epithelial bud at the distal end of the nephric duct and a neighboring domain of committed metanephric mesenchyme. Several genes have been identified to date that are critical in the inductive process. For example, the deletion of Bmp7 from the mouse genome results in dysgenesis or agenesis of the kidney. These findings suggest that Bmp7 controls the expression of genes important for nephrogenesis, but the identity of these genes has remained largely undetermined.MethodsSingle cells were isolated from mouse metanephric mesenchyme during the time of induction (between E11.0 and E11.5) and cDNA libraries constructed from induced and uninduced tissue. Subtractive hybridization was performed to isolate genes that were expressed during E11.5 but not E11.0.ResultsUsing this approach, we identified eight previously known genes, three of which were known to be involved in metanephric induction, thus validating our approach, and nine novel genes. Eight of these genes were completely novel, whereas one was similar to a member of the yeast Anaphase Promoting Complex.ConclusionsThrough subtractive hybridization of mouse E11.0 and E11.5 metanephric mesenchyme single-cell cDNA libraries, we have identified novel genes that are candidates for involvement in nephrogenesis through their up-regulation during the inductive process

    Systematic Literature Review of Diffusion Coefficient Studies for Pharmaceutically-Active Compounds

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    Pharmaceutically-active compounds (PHACs) such as analgesics, antibiotics, hormones, and antiseptics have been proven beneficial to human life as they can cure illnesses and increase life expectancy. However, heightened usage has led to their emergence in various bodies of water. This has negatively impacted humankind and the environment due to these compounds’ toxicity levels and adverse health effects on living organisms. Therefore, this systematic literature review evaluated the existing literature on the diffusion coefficients of various PHACs. The diffusion coefficient of these compounds serves as a parameter that measures their transport through hydrological mediums and is inversely proportional to molecular size. This review focused on the prevalence of different types of PHACs, the methods used in these diffusion studies, and other affecting parameters. Upon conducting the review, it was determined that analgesics, followed by antibiotics, were the most frequently reported and studied PHACs found in bodies of water. Moreover, the Taylor Dispersion Method and molecular modeling were the most popular methods of diffusion coefficient. At the same time, measurements using electric conductivity were preferred mainly due to convenience in terms of simplicity and cost-effectiveness. Observations of related parameters, such as temperature and molecular size, mostly aligned with the previously established theory with diffusion coefficients of PHACs’ particles, have a direct relationship with temperature and an inverse relationship with molecular size

    Folates in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum): Influence of cooking and malting

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    Effects of processing on the contents of five folate vitamers in quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat were analysed using a trienzymatic extraction method followed by LC–MS/MS. Total folate (TF) content, corresponding to the sum of folic acid (FA), 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) and 10-formyltetrahydrofolate (10-CHOTHF) expressed as folic acid equivalent, in raw quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat were 309 ± 8.07, 228 ± 24.2 and 153 ± 12.4 μg/100 g dw, respectively, being dominantly 5-MTHF. Boiling and steaming reduced the TF in amaranth by 58% and 22%, respectively, whereas up to a 10–15% increase was observed in quinoa. Boiling and steaming did not significantly alter the TF content in buckwheat although significant changes were observed in some individual folate vitamers. Malting, on the other hand significantly increased TF content in amaranth by 21% (276 ± 14.2 μg/100 g dw) and buckwheat by 27% (193 ± 20.0 μg/100 g dw), whereas no significant change in quinoa was observed. Based on the EFSA recommendations, a portion of amaranth and quinoa (either boiled, steamed or malted) may contribute up to more than 25% of the dietary reference value for folates, whereas buckwheat may contribute only 14% when cooked and 19% when malted. Results demonstrate that quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat are good sources of folates, regardless of processing.The scientific work was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) under the scope of the strategic project UID/EMS/00667/2013. The analytical work has been financially supported by Project ELEMENTARIA funded by the Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, I.P. Lisbon, Portugal (2013DAN850) and PRO-METROFOOD project, funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 739568.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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