134 research outputs found

    Papel del Formato Comercial en la Lealtad al Establecimiento Minorista

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    En entornos altamente competitivos como los minoristas, caracterizados por una creciente heterogeneidad de la demanda y por la proliferaci¢n de nuevas formas comerciales, cada vez son m s comunes los comportamientos de compra cruzada entre establecimientos. Esto convierte la fidelizaci¢n de los clientes en un desaf¡o estrat‚gico clave para los operadores minoristas en la consolidaci¢n de su posici¢n en el mercado. Con el objeto de comprender mejor esta realidad, se establece un marco te¢rico explicativo de los distintos perfiles de lealtad al establecimiento minorista por parte de los consumidores. M s espec¡ficamente se analiza el papel de los formatos comerciales en la estructura de lealtad observable en el mercado. Mediante un an lisis emp¡rico sobre los patrones de gasto en alimentaci¢n de una muestra de 580 hogares espa¤oles se evidencia que, aunque los consumidores regularmente simultanean compras en distintos formatos comerciales, concretamente el supermercado, el descuento y el hipermercado, exhiben una alta lealtad comportamental hacia una £nica ense¤a dentro de cada tipo de formato seleccionado. El patr¢n observado pone de manifiesto que los formatos comerciales definen perfiles diferenciados de establecimiento afines a los beneficios buscados en distintas situaciones de compra.Lealtad al establecimiento, compra cruzada, formato comercial, comercio minorista de alimentaci¢n.

    Factores explicativos de la inversi¢n directa espa¤ola en el exterior

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    Este trabajo es un estudio emp¡rico a partir de 103 casos de empresas multinacionales espa¤olas que han efectuado inversi¢n directa en el exterior. El trabajo analiza de forma desagregada los factores de activo, internalizaci¢n y de localizaci¢n. Entre los factores de activo destaca el impacto de los activos intangibles vinculados con la empresa. Entre los factores de internalizaci¢n muestra el impacto conjunto de los costes de transacci¢n y la transferencia del conocimiento. Por su parte, entre los factores de localizaci¢n sobresale la importancia del mercado receptor, la disponibilidad de infraestructuras de comunicaci¢n y transporte, y la generaci¢n de econom¡as positivas por medio de las econom¡as de aglomeraci¢nsector exterior, inversiones directas, inversiones en el extranjero, econom¡a de la empresa, factores de localizaci¢n, empresas multinacionales, Espa¤a.

    Percutaneous mitral repair: current and future devices

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    Mitral regurgitation (MR) is the second most common valvular heart disease and its prevalence is increasing with population ageing. In the recent years we have witnessed the development of several transcatheter devices to correct MR in patients at high-risk for surgery. The majority of evidence regarding safety and efficacy of this new therapy comes from MitraClip studies. However, new alternatives on the field of valve repair have emerged with promising results. The aim of this review is to portrait the landscape of transcatheter mitral repair alternatives, from currently used devices to those that will have a role in the near future

    Deciphering Adipose Tissue Extracellular Vesicles Protein Cargo and Its Role in Obesity

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    The extracellular vesicles (EVs) have emerged as key players in metabolic disorders rising as an alternative way of paracrine/endocrine communication. In particular, in relation to adipose tissue (AT) secreted EVs, the current knowledge about its composition and function is still very limited. Nevertheless, those vesicles have been lately suggested as key players in AT communication at local level, and also with other metabolic peripheral and central organs participating in physiological homoeostasis, and also contributing to the metabolic deregulation related to obesity, diabetes, and associated comorbidities. The aim of this review is to summarize the most relevant data around the EVs secreted by adipose tissue, and especially in the context of obesity, focusing in its protein cargo. The description of the most frequent proteins identified in EVs shed by AT and its components, including their changes under pathological status, will give the reader a whole picture about the membrane/antigens, and intracellular proteins known so far, in an attempt to elucidate functional roles, and also suggesting biomarkers and new paths of therapeutic action

    Overlapping political budget cycles in the legislative and the executive

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    We advance the literature on political budget cycles by testing separately for cycles in expenditures for elections in the legislative and the executive. Using municipal data, we can separately identify these cycles and account for general year effects. For the executive branch, we show that it is important whether the incumbent re-runs. To account for the potential endogeneity associated with this decision, we apply a unique instrumental variables approach based on age and pension eligibility rules. We find sizable and significant effects in expenditures before council elections and before joint elections when the incumbent re-runs

    The Cycle of Earnings Inequality: Evidence from Spanish Social Security Data

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