315 research outputs found

    Parallelization of an algorithm for the automatic detection of deformable objects

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    This work presents the parallelization of an algorithm for the detection of deformable objects in digital images. The parallelization has been implemented with the message passing paradigm, using a master-slave model. Two versions have been developed, with synchronous and asynchronous communications

    Muscle characteristics and maximal/explosive force production during isometric/dynamic actions of leg extensor muscles in untrained young men

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    Participaron en el estudio, de forma voluntaria cinco sujetos de sexo masculino, estudiantes de educación Física (22-26 años). El objetivo fue observar las relaciones entre el test de salto horizontal con los tests de salto vertical con contramovimiento y con flexión previa, tests de fuerza isométrica máxima y la distribución de los tipos de fibras musculares. Los resultados en la distancia y altura de vuelo conseguidas en los tests de salto horizontal, salto desde flexión previa sin contramovimiento y salto con contramovimiento fueron respectivamente 2,53 m ± 0,17, 0,32 m ± 0,05 y 0,40 m ± 0,05. No se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre las fibras tipo I, tipo IIA y tipo IIB y los tests realizados. Tampoco se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre la máxima fuerza, la pendiente de fuerza isométrica y entre la distancia y alturas de salto. Por otro lado, tampoco se encontraron correlaciones entre la fuerza y la potencia en el salto horizontal (2,53 B W ± 0,17 y 63,4 W/kg ± 5,4, respectivamente) y la distancia lograda. El test de fuerza isométrica máxima se realizó con dos diferentes ángulos de flexión de rodillas: 90" y 120". Tanto el pico de máxima fuerza isométrica como la máxima pendiente de desarrollo de la fuerza fueron superiores al realizar el test con una flexión de rodillas de 120" (2268 N ± 576 y 8962 N/s ± 1945 frente a 1538 N ± 300 y 7398 N/s ± 1557 con 90" de flexión). Por último, no se encontraron relaciones significativas entre la fuerza isométrica máxima y la fuerza explosiva en acciones dinámicas

    Developmental effects and genotoxicity of ten water disinfection by-products in zebrafish

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    Disinfection by-products are contaminants produced during drinking water disinfection. Several DBPs have been implicated in a variety of toxic effects, mainly carcinogenic and genotoxic effects. Moreover, DBPs exposure has also been associated with an increased risk of developmental effects. In this study, the developmental toxicity and genotoxicity of 10 DBPs (4 trihalomethanes [THMs], 5 haloacetic acids [HAAs] and sodium bromate) in the zebrafish embryo model were evaluated. Embryos exposed for 72 hours were observed for different endpoints such as growth, hatching success, malformations and lethality. THMs exposure resulted in adverse developmental effects and a significant reduced tail length. Two HAAs, tribromoacetic acid and dichloroacetic acid, along with sodium bromate were found to cause a significant increase in malformation rate. Chloroform,chlorodibromomethane and sodium bromate produced a weak induction of DNA damage to whole embryos. However, developmental effects occurred at a range of concentrations (20 100 μg/mL)several orders of magnitude above the levels that can be attained in fetal blood in humans exposed to chlorinated water. In conclusion, the teratogenic and genotoxic activity observed by some DBPs in zebrafish reinforce the view that there is a weak capacity of disinfection products to cause developmental effects at environmentally relevant concentrations

    Bosquejo estratigráfico del Jurásico de las Cordilleras Béticas

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    En el presento trabajo se recopilan e interpretan los datos existentes sobre el Jurásico de las Cordilleras Béticas, en especial del sector comprendido entre las Sierras del Segura y Gibraltar. Una primera parte se dedica a la descripción de las características litoestratigráficas de las serios, agrupándolas en unidades comunes, tanto para la Zona Subbética, como para las Zonas Prebética y Bética. Con el conjunto de los datos se elaboran unos gráficos de reconstrucción de la cuenca sedimentaria para el Jurásico de las Cordilleras Béticas. Se elabora una mapa de la distribución de las diversas utilidades, y en el que se incluye además la serie estratigráfica esquematizada para cada una de ellas. La segunda parte se dedica a la descripción de las microfacies más características, en relación con las faunas de Ammonitos, en especial para el sector central de la Zona Subbética. Se incluyen ilustraciones de las microfacies más representativas. Por último se recopila la casi totalidad de la bibliografía referente al Jurásico de estas Cordilleras, en sus aspectos estratigráfico-paleontológicos más diversos

    Spatial and temporal synchronization of water and energy systems: Towards a single integrated optimization model for long-term resource planning

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    Predictions show that pressure on already limited water and energy resources is expected to increase in many parts of the world as a result of growing populations, rapid urbanization, increasing pollution and climate change impacts. With water and energy playing a critical role in socio-economic development, ensuring resource security is a top policy concern. However, achieving this efficiently requires taking into account the various links between the two sectors through their joint management. Feedback between the water and energy sectors exists across system life-cycles and links the resources both spatially and temporally. Tracking the impacts of policies made in one sector on the other can thus be complicated and several ‘nexus’ methodologies have been developed to try and address these issues. However, the different physical, temporal and spatial characteristics of the water and energy systems present several hurdles in analyzing the two resources simultaneously. This paper overcomes many of these problems with a new, fully coupled water-energy optimization model. Based on a review of contemporary literature, the model develops an original methodology to hard-link the two systems in detail across spatial and temporal scales, as well as between individual system processes throughout the life-cycle of each resource. In addition, the model also tracks changes in water quality through each process, allowing for detailed accounting of the energy needs for water treatment. The methodology proposed in this paper can be used to investigate various cross-sectoral issues and policies such as: water availability and temperature impacts on power plant cooling; emission constraint and biofuel expansion planning impacts on water resources; and the implications of water infrastructure expansion on the energy system. The capabilities of the coupled model are investigated in an example case study for Spain. An integrated approach is shown to have several benefits including lower total costs, better resource efficiency and improved robustness for a wide range of variations in several uncertain parameters. Coupled water-energy planning thus provides a critical opportunity to improve resource security and prevent inefficient decisions which could exacerbate problems even further

    The Lituya Bay landslide-generated mega-tsunami – numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis

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    The 1958 Lituya Bay landslide-generated mega-tsunami is simulated using the Landslide-HySEA model, a recently developed finite-volume Savage–Hutter shallow water coupled numerical model. Two factors are crucial if the main objective of the numerical simulation is to reproduce the maximal run-up with an accurate simulation of the inundated area and a precise recreation of the known trimline of the 1958 mega-tsunami of Lituya Bay: first, the accurate reconstruction of the initial slide and then the choice of a suitable coupled landslide–fluid model able to reproduce how the energy released by the landslide is transmitted to the water and then propagated. Given the numerical model, the choice of parameters appears to be a point of major importance, which leads us to perform a sensitivity analysis. Based on public domain topo-bathymetric data, and on information extracted from the work of Miller (1960), an approximation of Gilbert Inlet topo-bathymetry was set up and used for the numerical simulation of the mega-event. Once optimal model parameters were set, comparisons with observational data were performed in order to validate the numerical results. In the present work, we demonstrate that a shallow water type of model is able to accurately reproduce such an extreme event as the Lituya Bay mega-tsunami. The resulting numerical simulation is one of the first successful attempts (if not the first) at numerically reproducing, in detail, the main features of this event in a realistic 3-D basin geometry, where no smoothing or other stabilizing factors in the bathymetric data are applied.</p