13 research outputs found

    Estudio estructural e inmunocitoquimico del tracto genital de la yegua en las fases fetal puberal y adulta

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    En este trabajo hemos utilizado un total de 65 aparatos genitales completos de yeguas, que abarcan a las fases fetal, puberal y adulta. Durante el periodo fetal en el oviducto se desarrollan los pliegues mucosos de este organo, y se diferencian los tipos celulares caracteristicos. En el utero de fetos de yegua aparecen las yemas glandulares, y a nivel vaginal se observa un epitelio integrado por 5-10 capas celulares. La vimentina se encuentra en mas cantidad en los fetos mas jovenes, y la desmina aparece de forma mas evidente en la segunda mitad del periodo gestional. Durante la pubertad se incrementa la altura de las celulas en el oviducto y utero; en la vagina aumenta el numero de capas celulares. Con tecnicas inmunocitoquimicas detectamos la presencia de vimentina en la capa muscular. En este adulto los cambios estrales son mas .

    Estudio estructural e inmunocitoquimico del tracto genital de la yegua en las fases fetal puberal y adulta

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Veterinaria, Departamento de Medicina y Cirugía Animal, leída el 19-12-1991En este trabajo hemos utilizado un total de 65 aparatos genitales completos de yeguas, que abarcan a las fases fetal, puberal y adulta. Durante el periodo fetal en el oviducto se desarrollan los pliegues mucosos de este organo, y se diferencian los tipos celulares caracteristicos. En el utero de fetos de yegua aparecen las yemas glandulares, y a nivel vaginal se observa un epitelio integrado por 5-10 capas celulares. La vimentina se encuentra en mas cantidad en los fetos mas jovenes, y la desmina aparece de forma mas evidente en la segunda mitad del periodo gestional. Durante la pubertad se incrementa la altura de las celulas en el oviducto y utero; en la vagina aumenta el numero de capas celulares. Con tecnicas inmunocitoquimicas detectamos la presencia de vimentina en la capa muscular. En este adulto los cambios estrales son mas ..Depto. de Medicina y Cirugía AnimalFac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu

    Identification of molecular biomarkers associated with disease progression in the testis of bulls infected with Besnoitia besnoiti

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    [EN]Breeding bulls infected with Besnoitia besnoiti may develop sterility during either acute or chronic infection. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular pathogenesis of B. besnoiti infection with prognosis value in bull sterility. Accordingly, five well-characterized groups of naturally and experimentally infected males were selected for the study based on clinical signs and lesions compatible with B. besnoiti infection, serological results and parasite detection. A broad panel of molecular markers representative of endothelial activation and fibrosis was investigated and complemented with a histopathological approach that included conventional histology and immunohistochemistry. The results indicated the predominance of an intense inflammatory infiltrate composed mainly of resident and recruited circulating macrophages and to a lesser extent of CD3+ cells in infected bulls. In addition, a few biomarkers were associated with acute, chronic or subclinical bovine besnoitiosis. The testicular parenchyma showed a higher number of differentially expressed genes in natural infections (acute and chronic infections) versus scrotal skin in experimental infections (subclinical infection). In subclinical infections, most genes were downregulated except for the CCL24 and CXCL2 genes, which were upregulated. In contrast, the acute phase was mainly characterized by the upregulation of IL-1α, IL-6 and TIMP1, whereas in the chronic phase, the upregulation of ICAM and the downregulation of MMP13, PLAT and IL-1α were the most relevant findings. Macrophages could be responsible for the highest level of gene regulation in the testicular parenchyma of severely affected and sterile bulls, and all these genes could be prognostic markers of sterility.SIThis study was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL-2016-75202-R), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-103960RB-I00) and by the Community of Madrid (PLATESA P2018/ BAA-4370). DG-B was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science through a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship (FJCI-2016-27875). CD-D was financially supported through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES-2014-069839) and AJ-M through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU, Grant Number FPU13/05481). I. Ferre, L.M. Ortega Mora y G. Álvarez-García are part of the TOXOSOURCES consortium, supported by funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 773830: One Health European Joint Programme. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Vascular wall injury and inflammation are key pathogenic mechanisms responsible for early testicular degeneration during acute besnoitiosis in bulls

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    [EN] BACKGROUND: Bovine besnoitiosis, caused by the apicomplexan parasite Besnoitia besnoiti, is a chronic and debilitating cattle disease that notably impairs fertility. Acutely infected bulls may develop respiratory signs and orchitis, and sterility has been reported in chronic infections. However, the pathogenesis of acute disease and its impact on reproductive function remain unknown. METHODS: Herein, we studied the microscopic lesions as well as parasite presence and load in the testis (pampiniform plexus, testicular parenchyma and scrotal skin) of seven bulls with an acute B. besnoiti infection. Acute infection was confirmed by serological techniques (IgM seropositive results and IgG seronegative results) and subsequent parasite detection by PCR and histological techniques. RESULTS: The most parasitized tissue was the scrotal skin. Moreover, the presence of tachyzoites, as shown by immunohistochemistry, was associated with vasculitis, and three bulls had already developed juvenile tissue cysts. In all animals, severe endothelial injury was evidenced by marked congestion, thrombosis, necrotizing vasculitis and angiogenesis, among others, in the pampiniform plexus, testicular parenchyma and scrotal skin. Vascular lesions coexisted with lesions characteristic of a chronic infection in the majority of bulls: hyperkeratosis, acanthosis and a marked diffuse fibroplasia in the dermis of the scrotum. An intense inflammatory infiltrate was also observed in the testicular parenchyma accompanied by different degrees of germline atrophy in the seminiferous tubules with the disappearance of various strata of germ cells in four bulls. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirmed that severe acute besnoitiosis leads to early sterility that might be permanent, which is supported by the severe lesions observed. Consequently, we hypothesized that testicular degeneration might be a consequence of (i) thermoregulation failure induced by vascular lesions in pampiniform plexus and scrotal skin lesions; (ii) severe vascular wall injury induced by the inflammatory response in the testis; and (iii) blood-testis barrier damage and alteration of spermatogenesis by immunoresponseSIThis study was fnanced by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitive‑ ness (AGL-2016-75202-R) and by the Community of Madrid (PLATESA P2018/ BAA-4370). DG-B is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science through a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship (FJCI-2016-27875). CD-D was fnancially supported through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Com‑ petitiveness (BES-2014-069839) and AJ-M through a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU, Grant Number FPU13/05481

    Ulcerative Enteritis (Quail Disease) in Lories

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    Implantación de un sistema de telepatología digital para la enseñanza práctica de Anatomía Patológica General (asignatura de 2º curso del Grado en Veterinaria)

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    Observación mediante ordenador de preparaciones histopatológicas escaneadas (microscopio virtual) a través del campus virtual, sustituyendo así parcialmente la docencia práctica tradicional con microscopio óptico, sin que existan limitaciones de temporalidad y espacio. Se potencia el aprendizaje autónomo con bajo coste y la coordinación de la docencia práctica con otras asignaturas. Cuando el alumno prefiera, desde cualquier ordenador y con la duración que sea necesaria, con una gran calidad de imagen y un software básico que contiene las herramientas de manejo de la preparación escaneada en su totalidad semejante a un microscopio virtual

    GROSSPath 3D: Main gross slaughterhouse lesions in three dimensions

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    En GROSSPath 3D hemos creado modelos 3D de las lesiones observadas en los órganos decomisados en el matadero, centrado en las principales lesiones de decomiso en el cerdo para generar imágenes 3D que puedan resultar de interés para los alumnos de Grado en Veterinaria. En estos casos hemos incluido la descripción macroscópica de la lesión, el diagnóstico morfológico anatomopatológico y una imagen histológica característica del proceso con la causa etiológica microbiológica tanto en español como en inglés. Con el fin de establecer colaboraciones futuras con los mataderos, que son nuestra principal fuente de lesiones en los animales de abasto, hemos facilitado el acceso a la web a los veterinarios inspectores para que determinen su utilidad, como herramienta formativa para los veterinarios sustitutos o en formación del matadero. Además, conseguir fomentar su interés en contribuir de forma permanente al desarrollo de esta página web GROSSPath 3D mediante el envío de órganos decomisados, especialmente en otras especies como pequeños rumiantes, bovino y equino.In GROSSPath 3D we have created 3D models of the lesions observed in the organs seized in the slaughterhouse, focusing on the main seizure lesions in pigs to generate 3D images that may be of interest to students of the Veterinary Degree. In these cases we have included the macroscopic description of the lesion, the morphological anatomopathological diagnosis and a characteristic histological image of the process with the microbiological aetiological cause in both Spanish and English. In order to establish future collaborations with slaughterhouses, which are our main source of lesions in slaughter animals, we have facilitated access to the website for inspecting veterinarians to determine its usefulness as a training tool for substitute or trainee slaughterhouse veterinarians. In addition, to encourage their interest in contributing on an ongoing basis to the development of this GROSSPath 3D website by submitting seized organs, especially in other species such as small ruminants, cattle and horses.Universidad Complutense de MadridCentro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET)FALSEsubmitte

    Treatment with Bumped Kinase Inhibitor 1294 Is Safe and Leads to Significant Protection against Abortion and Vertical Transmission in Sheep Experimentally Infected with Toxoplasma gondii during Pregnancy.

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    Previous studies on drug efficacy showed low protection against abortion and vertical transmission of Toxoplasma gondii in pregnant sheep. Bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs), which are ATP-competitive inhibitors of calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 (CDPK1), were shown to be highly efficacious against several apicomplexan parasites in vitro and in laboratory animal models. Here, we present the safety and efficacy of BKI-1294 treatment (dosed orally at 100 mg/kg of body weight 5 times every 48 h) initiated 48 h after oral infection of sheep at midpregnancy with 1,000 TgShSp1 oocysts. BKI-1294 demonstrated systemic exposure in pregnant ewes, with maximum plasma concentrations of 2 to 3 μM and trough concentrations of 0.4 μM at 48 h after each dose. Oral administration of BKI-1294 in uninfected sheep at midpregnancy was deemed safe, since there were no changes in behavior, fecal consistency, rectal temperatures, hematological and biochemical parameters, or fetal mortality/morbidity. In ewes infected with a T. gondii oocyst dose lethal for fetuses, BKI-1294 treatment led to a minor rectal temperature increase after infection and a decrease in fetal/lamb mortality of 71%. None of the lambs born alive in the treated group exhibited congenital encephalitis lesions, and vertical transmission was prevented in 53% of them. BKI-1294 treatment during infection led to strong interferon gamma production after cell stimulation in vitro and a low humoral immune response to soluble tachyzoite antigens but high levels of anti-SAG1 antibodies. The results demonstrate a proof of concept for the therapeutic use of BKI-1294 to protect ovine fetuses from T. gondii infection during pregnancy

    Photographic Atlas of Healthy Organs in the Necropsy Room: Enhancing Veterinary Pathology Education

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    El proyecto se centró en crear un atlas fotográfico digital y físico de órganos sanos para estudiantes de Veterinaria, con el objetivo de mejorar la identificación de lesiones durante las necropsias y fomentar el aprendizaje autónomo. A raíz de la pandemia de COVID-19, se incorporaron tecnologías digitales en la docencia, lo que subrayó la necesidad de herramientas didácticas innovadoras en el Grado en Veterinaria, que tiene una elevada carga práctica. Para realizar el atlas se recopilaron y clasificaron imágenes de órganos sanos de diferentes fuentes, se creó un espacio en el Campus Virtual para mostrar el atlas en su versión digital, y paralelamente las imágenes se imprimieron y plastificaron para su uso en la sala de necropsias. Finalmente, se realizó una evaluación de la eficacia del atlas en ambos formatos mediante encuestas anónimas a los estudiantes. Los resultados preliminares fueron difundidos internacionalmente en el VII Congreso Español y I Hispano-Portugués de Docencia Veterinaria organizado por la Asociación Española de Docentes Veterinarios (VetDoc). Los resúmenes de los trabajos, además de en el libro de resúmenes del congreso, serán publicados en la revista Frontiers in Veterinary Science. La recopilación de imágenes resultó desafiante, pero se logró recopilar una suficiente cantidad de imágenes de las especies canina, felina, equina, porcina, bovina y de pequeños rumiantes. La implementación en el Campus Virtual facilitó el acceso continuo al recurso, mientras que la versión física fue esencial para las prácticas en la sala de necropsias. La evaluación del proyecto, a través de encuestas anónimas, mostró que los estudiantes apreciaron y utilizaron el atlas en ambos formatos, destacando su utilidad para otras asignaturas y su efectividad en mejorar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. La preferencia general fue por el formato digital, aunque el físico también fue muy valorado en las prácticas. En conclusión, el proyecto no solo mejoró la enseñanza de Anatomía Patológica en Veterinaria, sino que también demostró la validez de integrar tecnologías digitales en la educación práctica. La metodología y los resultados pueden servir como referencia para futuros proyectos educativos, contribuyendo al avance de la educación veterinaria.Depto. de Medicina y Cirugía AnimalFac. de VeterinariaFALSEsubmitte