16 research outputs found

    Actividad antifúngica in vitro de Sapranthus microcarpus (Annonaceae) contra hongos fitopatógenos

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    Background and Aims: The phytochemistry study of Annonaceae has intensified in the last decades due to the discovery of secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activities. The inhibitory activities of extracts and compounds from these species for phytopathogens are less known. The antifungal activity of Sapranthus microcarpus was determined in vitro against six fungal pathogens of important crops.Methods: Hexane, methanol, and alkaloid extracts of the leaves and root and stem bark of S. microcarpus were evaluated to determine whether they could inhibit the mycelial growth of the phytopathogens. The combined activity of the most active extracts for each phytopathogen was also determined. The alkaloid liriodenine was isolated and identified as an antifungal principle.Key results: All extracts inhibited the growth of the six phytopathogens to some extent. The root bark alkaloid extract showed the highest activity. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and Curvularia lunata were the most sensitive phytopathogens. Liriodenine was active against all the plant pathogens (minimum inhibitory concentrations of 125-500 nmol ml-1).Conclusions: Sapranthus microcarpus is a native natural resource with great phytochemical potential.Antecedentes y Objetivos: El estudio de la fitoquímica de Annonaceae se ha intensificado en las últimas décadas debido al descubrimiento de metabolitos secundarios con actividades antimicrobianas. Las actividades inhibidoras de extractos y compuestos de estas especies para fitopatógenos son menos conocidas. Se determinó la actividad antifúngica in vitro de Sapranthus microcarpus contra seis hongos fitopatógenos de cultivos importantes.Métodos: Se evaluaron extractos metanólicos, hexánicos y alcaloidales de las hojas, y corteza de tallos y raíces de S. microcarpus por el método de inhibición micelial. También se determinó la actividad combinada de los extractos más potentes contra cada fitopatógeno. Se aisló e identificó al alcaloide liriodenina como uno de los metabolitos antifúngicos.Resultados clave: Todos los extractos, en alguna medida, inhibieron el crecimiento de los seis fitopatógenos. Los extractos alcaloidales mostraron la mayor actividad. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici y Curvularia lunata fueron los fitopatógenos más sensibles. Liriodenina fue activo contra todos los fitopatógenos (a concentraciones inhibitorias mínimas de 125-500 nmol ml-1).Conclusiones: Sapranthus microcarpus es un recurso nativo con alto potencial fitoquímico

    Water uptake by Annona diversifolia Saff. and A. purpurea Moc. & sessé ex dunal seeds (Annonaceae)

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    Annonaceae seeds are known by presenting dormancy mechanisms, whose reports ranging from coating impermeable to the physiological dormancy. By this way, the present study aimed to evaluate water uptake in Annona diversifolia Saff and Annona purpurea Moc & Sessé ex Dunal seeds. For this study, seeds were placed under immersion in distilled water, and used four replicates of 25 seeds of each species, which were weighed during the 480 hours that were immersed. To determine the place of purchase of water, Annona diversifolia seeds were sealed with paraffin at different locations. Based on the results, seeds from both species reached the phases I and II of water uptake, which indicates they are not hard; however, germination (Phase III) was not reached. Annona diversifolia seeds completed Phase I with, 50h and Annona purpurea with 70h from imbibitions begin, which shows that even slowly, water is acquire


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    ABSTRACT Some Annonaceae seeds are known to exhibit dormancy mechanisms ranging from possible seed coat impermeability to physiological dormancy. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of gibberellin (GA) GA3 and GA4+7 + benzyladenine (GA4+7 + BA) application in seeds of Annona macroprophyllata Donn. Sm (papausa) and Annona purpurea Moc. & Sessé ex Dunal (chincuya). The experiment was performed by the application of GA3 and GA4+7 + BA on seeds in concentrations of 0, 200, 400, 500, 600, 800 and 1000 mg L-1. The regulators broke the dormancy of both species. However, application of the GA4+7 + BA mixture had more significant results, with greater increases in germination in A. macroprophyllata than in A. purpurea. Treatments that promoted the highest germinations were GA4+7 + BA at a concentration of 200 mg L-1 for A. macroprophyllata (77%) and 200 mg L-1 of GA4+7 + BA and 500 mg L-1 of GA3 for A. purpurea (30% and 29%, respectively). Rate index, mean time and frequency of germination were distinct for both species and both treatments. Although both GA3 and GA4+7 + BA promote germination, the GA4+7 + BA mixture was more effective than GA3 to overcoming seed dormancy of both species, A. purpurea has a harder dormancy than A. macroprophyllat

    Biosíntesis de alcaloides bencilisoquinolínicos

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    Benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis. The benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIA) are specialized metabolites with an ancient phylogeneticdistribution, but still preserved in modern clades. Some of them, such as morphine, sanguinerine or berberine, are important for modernmedicine. This review discusses the highlights of the current state of the biosynthesis of BIA. There have been studies that show thebiosynthesis of 22 of these nitrogenous metabolites. In their formation there are 43 enzymes grouped into oxidoreductases, transferasesand lyases, which in some cases represent atypical examples of the manner in which the secondary metabolism diversification wasoriginated. Two of these examples are the cytochrome proteins P450 (P450), with catalytic activities for ABI route, or the norcoclaurinesynthase enzyme (NCS), which share substantial identity with defense allergenic proteins. Likewise, there are genetic advances thathave produced the characterization of 30 enzymes, allowing knowledge of regulatory processes. Another interesting aspect is thecompartmentation of the biosynthesis sites and accumulation of BIA, since in several cases they are spatially separated and in differentspecies, or in the same species several types of cells may be involved. This has suggested intra and intercellular transport of alkaloids,precursors and enzymes, and it has been documented berberine transport between the cytoplasm and the vacuoles of storage. The picturefor the biosynthesis of BIA has been constructed with exemplary studies of alkaloids with pharmacological importance

    Liriodenine and Its Probable Role as an Osmolyte during Water Stress in <i>Annona lutescens</i> (Annonaceae)

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    In tropical deciduous forests (TDFs), plants have developed various strategies to tolerate desiccation during the dry season. One strategy is osmotic adjustment, which includes the accumulation of secondary metabolites. Annona lutescens, a species that inhabits TDFs, increases and accumulates liriodenine alkaloid in its roots during the dry season. In this study, we evaluate the possible role of this molecule as an osmolyte and in pH homeostasis. We performed growth analyses and determined liriodenine concentrations during water stress in Annona lutescens seedlings grown under controlled temperature, water, and light conditions. We also calculated their osmotic adjustment based on pressure–volume curves and performed solubility tests along a pH gradient. Osmotic adjustment was compared between control plants (irrigated) and plants subjected to 15, 25, and 35 days of water stress. Osmotic adjustment was dramatically higher in plants subjected to 35 days of water stress compared to the control. The solubility of liriodenine was 54% at pH 4.5, and when liriodenine was in contact with malic acid solutions, the pH increased slightly. The highest concentration of liriodenine was in the roots, with a significant increase from 540.855 μg g−1 after 15 days of water stress to 1239.897 μg g−1 after 35 days. Our results suggest that liriodenine plays an important role in the response to water stress as an osmolyte and in pH homeostasis

    Biossíntese de alcalóides benzilisoquinolinas

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    The benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (BIA) are specialized metabolites with an ancient phylogenetic distribution, but still preserved in modern clades. Some of them, such as morphine, sanguinerine or berberine, are important for modern medicine. This review discusses the highlights of the current state of the biosynthesis of BIA. There have been studies that show the biosynthesis of 22 of these nitrogenous metabolites. In their formation there are 43 enzymes grouped into oxidoreductases, transferases and lyases, which in some cases represent atypical examples of the manner in which the secondary metabolism diversification wasoriginated. Two of these examples are the cytochrome proteins P450 (P450), with catalytic activities for ABI route, or the norcoclaurine synthase enzyme (NCS), which share substantial identity with defense allergenic proteins. Likewise, there are genetic advances that have produced the characterization of 30 enzymes, allowing knowledge of regulatory processes. Another interesting aspect is the compartmentation of the biosynthesis sites and accumulation of BIA, since in several cases they are spatially separated and in different species, or in the same species several types of cells may be involved. This has suggested intra and intercellular transport of alkaloids, precursors and enzymes, and it has been documented berberine transport between the cytoplasm and the vacuoles of storage. The picture for the biosynthesis of BIA has been constructed with exemplary studies of alkaloids with pharmacological importance.Key words: specialized metabolism, secondary metabolism, cellular transport, cell compartment, tissue-specific regulationLos alcaloides bencilisoquinolínicos (ABI) son metabolitos especializados con una distribución filogenética antigua pero conservada todavía en clados modernos. Varios de ellos, como la morfina, sanguinerina y berberina tienen importancia en la medicina moderna. En esta revisión se analizan los aspectos más sobresalientes del estado actual de la biosíntesis de ABI. Se han realizado estudios que han permitido conocer la biosíntesis de 22 de estos metabolitos nitrogenados. En su formación participan 43 enzimas agrupadas en oxidoreductasas, transferasas y liasas, que en algunos casos representan ejemplos atípicos de la forma en la que se originó la diversificación del metabolismo secundario, entre ellos proteínas citocromo P450 (CYP450) con actividades catalíticas para la ruta de los ABI, o la enzima norcoclaurina sintasa (NCS) que esta emparentada con proteínas alergénicas de defensa. Así mismo, hay avances genéticos en los que se ha podido caracterizar 30 enzimas, permitiendo conocer procesos de regulación. Otro aspecto interesante es la compartimentaciónde los sitios de biosíntesis y acumulación de ABI ya que en varios casos están separados espacialmente y en distintas especies o en la misma pueden participar varios tipos de células. Ello ha sugerido el transporte intra e intercelular de los alcaloides, los precursores y de las enzimas, se ha documentado el transporte de berberina entre el citoplasma y las vacuolas del almacenamiento. El panorama de la biosíntesis de ABI se ha construido con los estudios de ejemplares de importancia farmacológica.Palabras clave: metabolismo especializado, metabolismo secundario, transporte celular, compartimentación celular, regulación tejidoespecífica.Os alcalóides benzilisoquinolinas (ABI) são metabólitos especializados com uma distribuição filogenética antiga, mas ainda preservada em clados modernos. Vários deles, como a morfina, sanguinarina e berberina sãoimportantes na medicina moderna. Neste artigo, se analisam os aspectos mais destacados do estado atual da biossíntese de ABI; há estudos que tem permitido conhecer a biossíntese de 22 desses metabólitos nitrogenados. Na sua síntese participam 43 enzimas agrupadas emoxidoreductases, transferases, liases e, em alguns casos, representam exemplos atípicos da forma pela qual se originou a diversificação do metabolismo secundário, incluindo as proteínas do citocromo P450 (CYP450), com atividades catalíticas para a rota dos ABI, ou a enzima norcoclaurina sintase (NCS), que está relacionada com proteínas alergênicas de defesa. Da mesma forma, há avanços genéticos na caracterização de 30 enzimas, permitindo conhecer processos de regulação. Outro aspecto interessante é a compartimentalização dossítios de biossíntese e acumulação de ABI uma vez que em muitos casos estão separados espacialmente e em diferentes espécies, ou na mesma podem participar vários tipos de células. Isto há sugerido o transporte intra e intercelular de alcalóides, precursores das enzimas; tem sido documentado o transporte de berberina entre o citoplasma e os vacúolos de armazenamento. A perspectiva na biossíntese de ABI foi construída com os estudos de exemplares de importância farmacológica.Palavras-chave: metabolismo especializado, metabolismo secundário, transporte celular, compartimentalização celular, regulação tecido-específica