149 research outputs found

    Variability in swimmers’ individual kinematics parameters versus training loads

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    There are many guidelines and recommendations for improving the user experience in websites. Web developers can follow these recommendations to improve the usability of the website and the user experience. Although guidelines and recommendations could not be the final solution to get the optimum usability level, they are useful and fast to apply, in comparison to other kind of usability improvements may involve many time and resources. Currently we can find many websites which contain big usability problems, some of these problems could be solved applying usability guidelines and recommendations. In this research work we analyse the degree of compliance of usability recommendations by web developers. We did an extensive compilation of usability recommendations designed to focus the user attention in the important parts of the website and reduce noise generated by unimportant parts. We analyse the behaviour of 20 web developers to obtain the degree of application of usability recommendations, before they received a specific course on usability, and after it. The purpose of the research is to analyse the degree of compliance with the usability recommendations focused on reducing noise. The two main objectives are (1) Determine which recommendations are the most forgotten by web developers without training in usability. (2) Determine which recommendations are most important according to web developers' thinking. In the conclusions we determine which are the most important recommendations. What are the most applied recommendations and their degree of compliance. Reflections are also extracted about the relationship of the results obtained

    A pedagogical tool based on the development of a computer application to improve learning in advanced mathematics

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    Dynamic study of iterative methods has become more common in recent decades thanks to the development of computers, something that illustrates the importance of including these methods in curricula. There are several types of software whose didactic application in the classroom is very useful, but they have not been designed in response to students’ difficulties related to learning of the dynamics of iterative methods. It should also be noted that there is no software exclusively designed for teaching iterative methods, and th with the difficulties students encounter in this area, has caused many students problems with understanding fundamental concepts as it is a subject with a large visual component. Taking into account all the above factors, we have designed a software program to help students understand this subject and allow teachers to perform simulations in the classroom while preventing students from using the tool or the parametric plane or dynamic plane that is appropriate for the particular situation they face. This article considers the development of a methodological proposal in which the software we designed is used with a sample of students from the Discrete and Continuous Dynamic Systems module on the Master’s degree in Mathematical Engineering and Computing at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, and their results are compared with another sample of students who did not have access to this mathematical tool. The result that emerges is that the group that followed the new methodology obtained much higher average score than the groups taught with the previous methodology.El estudio dinámico de los métodos iterativos ha aumentado en las últimas décadas debido al desarrollo de los ordenadores, aspecto por el cual se ha visto la necesidad de incluir la enseñanza de estos métodos en los planes de estudio. En la actualidad, hay varios tipos de software cuya aplicación didáctica en las aulas es de gran utilidad, pero no se han diseñado atendiendo a las dificultades que los alumnos presentan en relación al aprendizaje de la dinámica de los métodos iterativos. Cabe, asimismo, destacar que no existe un software diseñado en exclusiva para la enseñanza de métodos iterativos y este hecho, junto con las dificultades encontradas por los alumnos en esta temática, ha llevado a que muchos de ellos no entiendan los conceptos fundamentales, ya que se trata de una materia que tiene un alto componente visual. Teniendo en cuenta todos los factores anteriores, se ha diseñado un software que sirve para ayudar a los alumnos en la comprensión de esta materia, permite a los profesores realizar simulaciones en el aula y a la vez evita que los alumnos puedan utilizar la herramienta, el plano de parámetros o el plano dinámico que no corresponda en cada situación a la que se enfrenten. El presente artículo aborda el desarrollo de una propuesta metodológica en la que se emplea el software diseñado en una muestra de alumnos de la asignatura Sistemas Dinámicos Discretos y Continuos del Máster en Ingeniería Matemática y Computación de la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, y se comparan los resultados con otra muestra de alumnos que no han dispuesto de la herramienta. El resultado que se desprende es que el grupo que siguió la nueva metodología obtiene una nota media muy superior al grupo con el que se utilizó la metodología habitual

    Introduction to the Special Section on Social Computing and Social Internet of Things

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    The papers in this special section focus on social computing and the social Internet of Things (SIoT). SIoT is a new and latest paradigm that extends Internet of Things. This provides an ideal platform for interconnected devices and objects to effectively interact across social platforms for the betterment of the community on a whole. Any Social Internet of things based system means that the data is distributed in nature and focuses on the interest of a larger group of people than a particular individual. Thus social Internet of things have a wide scope and can be used to develop a wide range of applications that involves a group of people or community working towards accomplishing a common objective such as joint ventures, office setup, co-ownerships and so on. Social Computing may be defined as the study of the collaborative behavior of a group of computer users working on some common objectives

    Special Issue on Human Computer Interaction: INTERACCIÓN 2014

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    This special issue of the IEEE Latin America Transactions journal includes a selection of the four best papers presented at the 15th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (INTERACCIÓN 2014) held in Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, from September 10th to September 12th, 2014. In addition, this issue includes other three papers related with the area of HC

    Special issue on alternative reality and analytics for learning: UNESCO-UNIR LATAM 2016

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    One of the main challenges in modern education is to blend formal official learning with a huge variety of content provision, group discussion, self-entrepreneurship, user’s own portfolio, and long lists of possibilities off-the-classroom. Informal learning happens anytime, anywhere. We strongly believe that formal learning does too. The cornerstone is to find the right balance between both contexts. The effective integration of Open Educational Resources with formal lessons, or between traditional lectures and live multi-user conferences, or even more, between spontaneous forum contributions outside the learning management system, and the official activities towards certification, will make the difference: the actual change of an educational paradigm. And this could be so for every single shareholder of the educational community, from teachers to tutors, from support staff to managers, from content providers to learning designers and, of course, from students to graduates

    Advanced Sensors Technology in Education

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    The topic presented will show how different kinds of sensors can help to improve our skills in learning environments. When we open the mind and let it take the control to be creative, we can think how a martial art would be improved with registered sensors, or how a person may dance with machines to improve their technique, or how you may improve your soccer kick for a penalties round. The use of sensors seems easy to imagine in these examples, but their use is not limited to these types of learning environments. Using depth cameras to detect patterns in oral presentations, or improving the assessment of agility through low cost-sensors with multimodal learning analytics, or using computing devices as sensors to measure their impact on primary and secondary students' performances are the focus of this study as well. We hope readers will find original ideas that allow them to improve and advance in their own researches

    Study of Factors Affecting the Choice Modal of Transportation in an Urban Environment Using Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    In modern economies it is essential a proper system of transport that enables population mobility and consequent accessibility to services. However, its current configuration is causing strong negative externalities and generates much of the problems of environmental, social and energetic sustainability. The changes required by the current unsustainable configuration have to be based on a new vision of transport and on the development of theoretical and empirical criteria that enable the creation of sustainable transport systems. The purpose of this study is to analyse the most important factors of urban mobility in its current configuration, but not only the mobility of passengers but of all the elements of mobility in urban environments. Externalities caused by transport have been analysed, and the necessary principles to develop a model to aid decision-making regarding the modal split in a city have been developed. From a holistic view, it has been developed an analytical model based on methodological support obtained from the technique of multi-criteria analysis AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), with the aim of achieving user satisfaction, sustainable growth and energetic and environmental efficiency. The construction of the model has allowed to analyse the sensitivity and robustness of the AHP, so as to obtain the classification of attributes with respect to an ideal situation, but also the most appropriate modal split of alternatives with respect to the various evaluation criteria. As operation check of the functioning made by the model, a methodology in a case study with different characteristics has been applied

    Analysis of Knowledge Management in the Context of Projects in Colombia: Subject Area: (Knowledge Management and Project Management)

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    This research work conducted a meticulous analysis about the Knowledge Management (KM) in the context of projects in Colombia, with the aim of determinate the way organizations carryout related activities and practices about the matter of study. 3 distinctive KM clusters were identified by conducting an extensive fieldwork and deploying a meticulous statistical analysis of the collected data. Firstly; a theoretical framework was built, allowing the identification of concepts about knowledge management. Secondly; a research methodology was constructed, variables of study were identified and integrated into an information gathering instrument, applied randomly on an extensive fieldwork covering more than 500 organizations nationwide, by interviewing project representatives. Subsequently; a detailed statistical analysis was carryout, techniques such as hierarchical clustering, variables factor maps, Principal Components Analysis (PCA), boxplots and Anova tests, were used to identify the KM clusters related to the management of projects in Colombia. Afterwards; the characteristics of each of the clusters of KM in the context of projects in Colombia were documented. And finally; conclusions were established and as future lines of research were outlined

    The influence of employee emotional intelligence on enterprise innovation performance using an adaptive mathematical modeling of emotions

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    Regular proportions of insight for emotional intelligence– for example, the IQ test – commonly center around the rationale and thinking in regions like math. Understanding cognizance has been considered a prominent research area in the present era. The possibility of this type of thinking supports the general achievement in the work environment, which is more powerful, and positively appears to be natural: It quantifies the person's capacity to get a handle on and orchestrate realities in their environment. In late years, the possibility that there is just a solitary type of knowledge that has gone under expanding the investigation. In this paper, the tests, learning about feelings, the capacity to perform assignments are identified with the information using an Adaptive Mathematical Modeling of Emotions (AMME) that has been designed mathematically. The fundamental contention is how the individual ought to act in a sincerely loaded circumstance, which does not pursue the individual who could do the detailed conduct adequately investigated in this research. © 2020 Elsevier Lt

    Social4all: Definition of specific adaptations in Web applications to improve accessibility

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    Web accessibility guidelines help developers to create websites which can more easily be used by people with different limitations. The principles and techniques of accessibility focus on the suitable use of standard Web components, alternative methods to present information, and alternatives to facilitate user interaction. Currently, the biggest part in creating accessible websites is played by Web developers, because they manage the page code. Unfortunately, there are millions of websites which do not follow accessibility guidelines, as this usually requires great effort and knowledge of accessibility issues. This research aims to create a platform, based on a novel approach, which allows a set of accessibility problems to be solved without modifying the original page code. The proposed platform is able to analyse websites and detect many accessibility problems automatically; after this, a guided assistant is used to offer adequate solutions to each detected problem. The assistant tries to abstract references to Web implementation issues and to explain every accessibility problem in an understandable way for non-technical people. This new approach could be useful to improve the level of accessibility of many websites for people besides Web developers