76 research outputs found

    Procedimiento para modular las propiedades eléctricas de óxidos con estructura tipo perovskita derivados del niobato de sodio mediante la creación de vacantes catiónicas

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    Procedimiento para modular las propiedades eléctricas de óxidos con estructura tipo perovskita derivados del niobato de sodio mediante la creación de vacantes catiónicas. La presente invención se refiere a un procedimiento para modificar controladamente las propiedades eléctricas del óxido NaNbO3 mediante la creación de vacantes catiónicas en la subred A de la estructura tipo perovskita. La introducción progresiva de vacantes en la subred A al dopar con un ión alcalinotérreo como por ejemplo Sr2+ o con un ión de tierra rara como por ejemplo La3+ permite la estabilización de un material ferroeléctrico, y el cambio continuo de comportamiento ferroeléctrico a ferroeléctrico-relaxor característico de las disoluciones sólidas tipo perovskita sin plomo. La presente invención incluye el procedimiento para la obtención de los óxidos que, en función de sus propiedades, pueden ser usados en dispositivos electrónicos como materiales piezoeléctricos y piroeléctricos en sensores y actuadores.Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)A1 Solicitud de patentes con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    High resolution transmission electron microscopy: A key tool to understand drug release from mesoporous matrices

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    This work demonstrates that high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) is an essential tool to understand drug delivery performance of mesoporous silica materials, mainly those submitted to functionalization processes involving harsh conditions that may affect the mesostructure. Herein an SBA-15-type mesoporous material bearing Si(CH2)(2)P(O)(OCH2CH3)(2) groups was synthesized following the co-condensation route. Then, the resulting material was treated with 37 wt% HCl to convert ethylphosphonate groups to ethylphosphonic acid groups. The proper dealkylation of ethoxy groups following acid treatment was confirmed by FTIR and CP-MAS H-1 -> C-13 solid state NMR, which indicated the presence of Si(CH2)(2)P(O)(OH)(2) functionalities in the treated sample. Characterization of mesoporous materials by XRD diffraction and N-2 adsorption points to well-ordered SBA-15 structures in both untreated and acid-treated samples. Nonetheless, a deep study by HRTEM reveals that the acid-treatment provokes noticeable loss of mesostructural order, only remaining small crystalline domains. This structural damage does not influence cargo loading but it severely affects the release of molecules confined into the mesopores, as concluded from in vitro delivery tests using cephalexin as model drug. Thus, whereas untreated sample showed a sustained diffusion-controlled drug release during more than 2 weeks, 100% of the loaded drug was released only after 10 h from treated sample. This abrupt burst effect cannot be explained on the basis of the existing matrix-drug interactions, whose nature and extension is quite similar under the release conditions for both samples. Thus, it can be only understood on the basis of the mesostructural damage revealed by HRTEM studies. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Morphology and magnetic properties of W-capped Co nanoparticles

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    3 páginas, 3 figuras, 2 tablas.-- et al.Co–W nanoparticles formed by sequential sputtering of Co on amorphous alumina substrate and subsequent W capping are studied by high resolution and by scanning transmission electron microscopies, and by superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry. The analysis is focused on W nominal thickness dependence. Results suggest the formation of amorphous Co–W alloy nanoparticles, whose magnetic moment per Co atom is systematically reduced as the nominal thickness of W capping layer increases. The Co–W nanoparticles show superparamagnetic behavior. The activation energy for moment reversal and the effective anisotropy are obtained.The financial support of MAT08/1077 is acknowledged. A. I. Figueroa acknowledges a JAE-Predoc grant.Peer reviewe

    Hybrid Enzyme-Polymeric Capsules/Mesoporous Silica Nanodevice for In Situ Cytotoxic Agent Generation

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    A novel nanocarrier based on functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticles able to transport a non-toxic pro-drug and the enzyme responsible for its activation is presented. This nanodevice is able to generate in situ cytotoxic species once accumulated in the tumoral cell. Enzymes are sensitive macromolecules which can suffer denaturalization in biological media due to the presence of proteases or other aggressive agents. Moreover, the direct attachment of enzymes to the silica surface can reduce their activity by conformational changes or active site blockage. For these reasons, in order to create a robust system able to work in living organisms, the enzymes are previously coated with a protective polymeric shell which allows the attachment on the silica surface preserving their activity. The efficacy of this hybrid nanodevice for antitumoral purposes is tested against several human tumoral cells as neuroblastoma and leukemia showing significant efficacy. It converts this device in a promising candidate for further in vivo studies for oncology therapy

    Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in granular multilayers of CoPd alloyed nanoparticles

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    Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license.-- et al.Co-Pd multilayers obtained by Pd capping of pre-deposited Co nanoparticles on amorphous alumina are systematically studied by means of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, extended x-ray absorption fine structure, SQUID-based magnetometry, and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. The films are formed by COPD alloyed nanoparticles self-organized across the layers, with the interspace between the nanoparticles filled by the non-alloyed Pd metal. The nanoparticles show atomic arrangements compatible with short-range chemical order of L10 strucure type. The collective magnetic behavior is that of ferromagnetically coupled particles with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, irrespective of the amount of deposited Pd. For increasing temperature three magnetic phases are identified: hard ferromagnetic with strong coercive field, soft-ferromagnetic as in an amorphous asperomagnet, and superparamagnetic. Increasing the amount of Pd in the system leads to both magnetic hardness increment and higher transition temperatures. Magnetic total moments of 1.77(4) μB and 0.45(4) μB are found at Co and Pd sites, respectively, where the orbital moment of Co, 0.40(2) μB, is high, while that of Pd is negligible. The effective magnetic anisotropy is the largest in the capping metal series (Pd, Pt, W, Cu, Ag, Au), which is attributed to the interparticle interaction between de nanoparticles, in addition to the intraparticle anisotropy arising from hybridization between the 3d-4d bands associated to the Co and Pd chemical arrangement in a L10 structure type.The financial support of the Spanish Ministerio de Economía MAT2014-53921-R and Aragonese DGA-IMANA E34 projects is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Structural and magnetic properties of granular CoPd multilayers

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    Multilayers of bimetallic CoPd alloyed and assembled nanoparticles, prepared by room temperature sequential sputtering deposition on amorphous alumina, were studied by means of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, SQUID-based magnetometry and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. Alloying between Co and Pd in these nanoparticles gives rise to a high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Their magnetic properties are temperature dependent: at low temperature, the multilayers are ferromagnetic with a high coercive field; at intermediate temperature the behavior is of a soft-ferromagnet, and at higher temperature, the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in the nanoparticles disappears. The magnetic orbital moment to spin moment ratio is enhanced compared with Co bare nanoparticles and Co fcc bulk.The financial support of the Spanish MINECO MAT2011-23791, MAT2014-53921-R and Aragonese DGA-IMANA E34 projects is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Energy metabolism during repeated sets of leg press exercise leading to failure or not

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    This investigation examined the influence of the number of repetitions per set on power output and muscle metabolism during leg press exercise. Six trained men (age 34±6 yr) randomly performed either 5 sets of 10 repetitions (10REP), or 10 sets of 5 repetitions (5REP) of bilateral leg press exercise, with the same initial load and rest intervals between sets. Muscle biopsies (vastus lateralis) were taken before the first set, and after the first and the final sets. Compared with 5REP, 10REP resulted in a markedly greater decrease (P<0.05) of the power output, muscle PCr and ATP content, and markedly higher (P<0.05) levels of muscle lactate and IMP. Significant correlations (P<0.01) were observed between changes in muscle PCr and muscle lactate (R2 = 0.46), between changes in muscle PCr and IMP (R2 = 0.44) as well as between changes in power output and changes in muscle ATP (R2 = 0.59) and lactate (R2 = 0.64) levels. Reducing the number of repetitions per set by 50% causes a lower disruption to the energy balance in the muscle. The correlations suggest that the changes in PCr and muscle lactate mainly occur simultaneously during exercise, whereas IMP only accumulates when PCr levels are low. The decrease in ATP stores may contribute to fatigue

    SrMnO3 thermochromic behavior governed by size-dependent structural distortions

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    The influence of particle size in both the structure and thermochromic behavior of 4H-SrMnO related perovskite is described. Microsized SrMnO suffers a structural transition from hexagonal (P6/mmc) to orthorhombic (C222) symmetry at temperature close to 340 K. The orthorhombic distortion is due to the tilting of the corner-sharing MnO units building the 4H structural type. When temperature decreases, the distortion becomes sharper reaching its maximal degree at ∼125 K. These structural changes promote the modification of the electronic structure of orthorhombic SrMnO phase originating the observed color change. nano-SrMnO adopts the ideal 4H hexagonal structure at room temperature, the orthorhombic distortion being only detected at temperature below 170 K. A decrease in the orthorhombic distortion degree, compared to that observed in the microsample, may be the reason why a color change is not observed at low temperature (77 K)

    Magnetism and structure of amorphous Co-W alloyed nanoparticles

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    Resumen del póster presentado al American Physical Society March Meeting celebrado en Boston (US) del 27 de febrero al 2 de marzo de 2012.-- et al.W-capped Co nanoparticles dispersed in an alumina matrix are studied by means of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, extended x-ray absorption fine structure, SQUID-based magnetic measurements, ac magnetic susceptibility, and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. Results show the formation of amorphous Co-W alloy nanoparticles, the magnetic properties of which are modified by the amount of W or Co present in the samples. The average Co magnetic moment depends on the number of W atoms surrounding it. Co-W particles show superparamagnetic behavior and are described as an array of noninteracting particles with random anisotropy axes and an average moment per particle proportional to the particle volume and to the average Co moment for each alloy composition. Values of the magnetic anisotropy constant of the particles are on the order of 10 6 erg/cm 3 , higher than that of bulk Co. Evidence of short-range ordering within each amorphous particle is found that provides insight of the origin of their magnetic anisotropy.Peer reviewe