2,086 research outputs found

    Civilization, economy and spontaneous order: The evolutionary infeasibility of the socialism

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    The purpose of this paper is to explain the scope of evolutionary infeasibility of socialism in the broad sense, in light of the theory of spontaneous order of F. A. Hayek. To that end we will study the redefinition of socialism in the context of evolutionary praxeology, we apply the theory of the infeasibility of socialism itself, of the Austrian School in two examples, included in the definition of socialism in the broad sense: the monetary and financial policy under fractional banking system and neo malthusian analysis off efficiently ecological and economic sustainability of large populations. Wiht such examples showing the range off diversity of socialism, understood as constructive intellectual error, we will base our analysis on the theory of the Sensory Order Hayek on the human mind and the limits of reason as the cause of the scientific impracticability of any attempt to centralized planning teleological over evolutionary self-regulating systems, whose enormous inherent complexity of information is overwhelming for to human reason except in limited circunstances and only in general strokes.Spontaneous order, cognitive psychology, evolutionary economics, constructivism, neo-malthusianism

    CivilizaciĂłn, economĂ­a y orden espontaneo: La inviabilidad evolutiva del socialismo

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    The purpose of this paper is to explain the scope of evolutionary infeasibility of socialism in the broad sense, in light of the theory of spontaneous order of F. A. Hayek. To that end we will study the redefinition of socialism in the context of evolutionary praxeology, we apply the theory of the infeasibility of socialism itself, of the Austrian School in two examples, included in the definition of socialism in the broad sense: the monetary and financial policy under fractional banking system and neo malthusian analysis off efficiently ecological and economic sustainability of large populations. Wiht such examples showing the range off diversity of socialism, understood as constructive intellectual error, we will base our analysis on the theory of the Sensory Order Hayek on the human mind and the limits of reason as the cause of the scientific impracticability of any attempt to centralized planning teleological over evolutionary self-regulating systems, whose enormous inherent complexity of information is overwhelming for to human reason except in limited circunstances and only in general strokes

    El dilema de la polĂ­tica monetaria: Una trilogĂ­a en V partes

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    The purpose of this paper is to show that all alternative monetary systems and policies currently in place in the world in effect are in the limits of the Krugman´s trilemma. In first place we review the three alternatives representatively exemplified by three historical experiences of different periods. And finaly we observe the fail as the three, in the short or long term, because they are a constructivist interference in the harmonically evolution of the interdependent systems of the spontaneous order of the civilisation

    El dilema de la polĂ­tica monetaria: Una trilogĂ­a en V partes

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    The purpose of this paper is to show that all alternative monetary systems and policies currently in place in the world in effect are in the limits of the Krugman´s trilemma. In first place we review the three alternatives representatively exemplified by three historical experiences of different periods. And finaly we observe the fail as the three, in the short or long term, because they are a constructivist interference in the harmonically evolution of the interdependent systems of the spontaneous order of the civilisation

    CivilizaciĂłn, economĂ­a y orden espontaneo: La inviabilidad evolutiva del socialismo

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    The purpose of this paper is to explain the scope of evolutionary infeasibility of socialism in the broad sense, in light of the theory of spontaneous order of F. A. Hayek. To that end we will study the redefinition of socialism in the context of evolutionary praxeology, we apply the theory of the infeasibility of socialism itself, of the Austrian School in two examples, included in the definition of socialism in the broad sense: the monetary and financial policy under fractional banking system and neo malthusian analysis off efficiently ecological and economic sustainability of large populations. Wiht such examples showing the range off diversity of socialism, understood as constructive intellectual error, we will base our analysis on the theory of the Sensory Order Hayek on the human mind and the limits of reason as the cause of the scientific impracticability of any attempt to centralized planning teleological over evolutionary self-regulating systems, whose enormous inherent complexity of information is overwhelming for to human reason except in limited circunstances and only in general strokes

    Una revisiĂłn de la enfermedad holandesa a la luz de la teorĂ­a austriaca del ciclo econĂłmico

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the phenomenon has been called Dutch disease in the light of Austrian business cycle theory. To this end we will see the history of Austrian business cycle theory from its roots in Wicksell ([1898] 2000) to the extension of the theory in open economies with fiat currencies in Cachanosky (2012). We will review the concept of Dutch disease and the positions of its nature negative, neutral or positive in terms of growth, along with the problem of real exchange rate and its possible relationship with the long term growth, and taking into account the relevant differences between the economies that emit fiat currencies used as reserves and economies that import those currencies as reserves to issue their money, finally we postulate that the Dutch disease, as the economic malaise, it´s simply a variant specific and peripheral, of the distortions in the inter-temporary structure of capital by bad investments, extensively studied in the Austrian business cycle theory

    Una revisiĂłn de la enfermedad holandesa a la luz de la teorĂ­a austriaca del ciclo econĂłmico

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the phenomenon has been called Dutch disease in the light of Austrian business cycle theory. To this end we will see the history of Austrian business cycle theory from its roots in Wicksell ([1898] 2000) to the extension of the theory in open economies with fiat currencies in Cachanosky (2012). We will review the concept of Dutch disease and the positions of its nature negative, neutral or positive in terms of growth, along with the problem of real exchange rate and its possible relationship with the long term growth, and taking into account the relevant differences between the economies that emit fiat currencies used as reserves and economies that import those currencies as reserves to issue their money, finally we postulate that the Dutch disease, as the economic malaise, it´s simply a variant specific and peripheral, of the distortions in the inter-temporary structure of capital by bad investments, extensively studied in the Austrian business cycle theory

    On the Extreme Positive Feedback Star-Forming Mode from Massive and Compact Superstar Clusters

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    The force of gravity acting within the volume occupied by young, compact and massive superstar clusters, is here shown to drive in situ all the matter deposited by winds and supernovae into several generations of star formation. These events are promoted by radiative cooling which drains the thermal energy of the ejected gas causing its accumulation to then rapidly exceed the gravitational instability criterion. A detailed account of the integrated ionizing radiation and mechanical luminosity as a function of time is here shown to lead to a new stationary solution. In this, the mass deposition rate MË™\dot M, instead of causing a wind as in the adiabatic solution, turns into a positive feedback star-forming mode equal to the star formation rate. Some of the implications of this extreme positive feedback mode are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The value of truth and the normativity of evidence

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    To say that evidence is normative is to say that what evidence one possesses, and how this evidence relates to any proposition, determines which attitude among believing, disbelieving and withholding one ought to take toward this proposition if one deliberates about whether to believe it. It has been suggested by McHugh that this view can be vindicated by resting on the premise that truth is epistemically valuable. In this paper, I modify the strategy sketched by McHugh so as to overcome the initial difficulty that it is unable to vindicate the claim that on counterbalanced evidence with respect to P one ought to conclude deliberation by withholding on P. However, I describe the more serious difficulty that this strategy rests on principles whose acceptance commits one to acknowledging non-evidential reasons for believing. A way to overcome this second difficulty, against the evidentialists who deny this, is to show that we sometimes manage to believe on the basis of non-epistemic considerations. If this is so, one fundamental motivation behind the evidentialist idea that non-epistemic considerations could not enter as reason in deliberation would lose its force. In the second part of this paper I address several strategies proposed in the attempt to show that we sometimes manage to believe on the basis of non-epistemic considerations and show that they all fail. So, I conclude that the strategy inspired by McHugh to ground the normativity of evidence on the value of truth ultimately fails

    The monetary policy dilemma: A trilogy in V parts

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    The purpose of this paper is to show that all alternative monetary systems and policies currently in place in the world in effect are in the limits of the Krugman´s trilemma. In first place we review the three alternatives representatively exemplified by three historical experiences of different periods. And finaly we observe the fail as the three, in the short or long term, because they are a constructivist interference in the harmonically evolution of the interdependent systems of the spontaneous order of the civilisation.Orden espontaneo, política monetaria, reserva fraccionaria
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