4 research outputs found

    Efecto de la temperatura y la precipitaci贸n durante el llenado de grano sobre la dormici贸n y sensibilidad al agua en granos de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    Tesis (Maestr铆a en Ciencias Agropecuarias. Menci贸n: Tecnolog铆a de Semillas) -- UNC- Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, 2020Los granos de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.) pueden presentar dormici贸n y sensibilidad al agua poscosecha, que retrasan su utilizaci贸n industrial. Ambas, dependen del genotipo y del ambiente durante la maduraci贸n del grano. Con el fin de analizar el efecto de la temperatura media y las precipitaciones acumuladas durante y en el tercio final del llenado de grano, sobre la dormici贸n y la sensibilidad al agua y la relaci贸n entre ellas, tres cultivares de cebada fueron sembrados en cuatro fechas en 2009 y dos fechas en 2011. Se registraron temperaturas medias y precipitaciones diarias desde antesis a madurez fisiol贸gica. La dormici贸n se evalu贸 como la germinaci贸n a los 12 d铆as pos-madurez fisiol贸gica y la sensibilidad al agua como la germinaci贸n en exceso de agua, a los 100 d铆as pos-madurez fisiol贸gica. Las variables que se relacionaron con la germinaci贸n y sensibilidad al agua fueron la temperatura media y las precipitaciones acumuladas durante el llenado de grano. Ambientes con mayores temperaturas medias durante el llenado de grano disminuyeron la dormici贸n, no as铆 la sensibilidad al agua, cuya variaci贸n dependi贸 del cultivar. El incremento de las precipitaciones durante el llenado de grano disminuy贸 la dormici贸n, pero aument贸 la sensibilidad al agua en los tres cultivares.After harvesting, barley grains (Hordeum vulgare L.) can show dormancy and water sensitivity, which delays industrial use. Both effects depend on the barley genotype and environmental conditions during grain maturation. In order to analyze the effect of the average temperature and the total rainfall accumulated during and in the final third of the grain filling, on the dormancy and water sensitivity and the relationship between them, three barley cultivars were sowing on four dates in 2009 and two dates in 2011. Mean temperature and daily rainfall were recorded from anthesis to physiological maturity. Dormancy was evaluated as germination at 12 days post physiological maturity and the water sensitivity as germination in water excess conditions at 100 days post physiological maturity. The variables that presented correlation with germination and water sensitivity were average temperature and accumulated rainfall during grain maturity. Environments with average high temperature during grain filling, reduced dormancy, but water sensitivity decrease, was cultivar dependent. The increase of rainfall during grain filling, decreased dormancy, but increased water sensitivity in all three cultivars.Fil: Gonz谩lez Parodi, Silvana N. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; Argentina.Fil: Viega Caz茅res, Luis Mar铆a. Universidad de la Rep煤blica. Facultad de Agronom铆a. Departamento Biolog铆a vegetal; Uruguay

    Effect of temperature and precipitation during grain filling on dormancy and water sensitivity in barley grains (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    Los granos de cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.) pueden presentar dormici贸n y sensibilidad al agua poscosecha, que retrasan su utilizaci贸n industrial. Ambas dependen del genotipo y del ambiente durante la maduraci贸n del grano. Con el fin de analizar el efecto de la temperatura media y las precipitaciones acumuladas durante y en el tercio final del llenado de grano, sobre la dormici贸n y la sensibilidad al agua y la relaci贸n entre ellas, fueron sembrados tres cultivares de cebada en cuatro fechas durante el 2009 y dos durante 2011. Se registraron temperaturas y precipitaciones diarias desde antesis a madurez fisiol贸gica. La dormici贸n se evalu贸 como la germinaci贸n a los 12 d铆as pos-madurez fisiol贸gica y la sensibilidad al agua como la germinaci贸n en exceso de agua, a los 100 d铆as pos-madurez fisiol贸gica. Las variables que presentaron mejor correlaci贸n con germinaci贸n y sensibilidad al agua fueron la temperatura media y las precipitaciones acumuladas durante el llenado de grano. Ambientes con mayores temperaturas medias durante el llenado de grano disminuyeron la dormici贸n, pero la disminuci贸n de la sensibilidad al agua dependi贸 del cultivar. El incremento de las precipitaciones durante el llenado de grano disminuy贸 la dormici贸n, pero aument贸 la sensibilidad al agua en los tres cultivares.After harvesting, barley grains (Hordeum vulgare L.) can show dormancy and water sensitivity, which delays industrial use. Both effects depend on the barley genotype and environmental conditions during grain maturation. In order to analyze the effect of the average temperature and the total rainfall accumulated during and in the final third of the grain filling, on the dormancy and water sensitivity and the relationship between them, three cultivars of barley were sownin four dates in 2009 and two in 2011. Temperature and daily rainfall were recorded from anthesis to physiological maturity. The dormancy was evaluated as germination at 12 days post physiological maturity and the water sensitivity as germination in water excess conditions at 100 days post physiological maturity. The variables that presented a higher correlation with germination and water sensitivity were average temperature and accumulated rainfall during grain maturity. Environments with average high temperature during grain filling, reduced dormancy, but on water sensitivity decrease was cultivar dependent. The increase of rainfall during grain filling, decreased dormancy, but increased water sensitivity in all three cultivars.Fil: Gonz谩lez Parodi, Silvana N.. Instituto Nacional de Investigaci贸n Agropecuaria; UruguayFil: Viega Caz茅res, Luis Mar铆a. Universidad de la Republica. Facultad de Agricultura; UruguayFil: Beretta, Andres. Instituto Nacional de Investigaci贸n Agropecuaria; UruguayFil: C贸rdoba, Mariano. Universidad Nacional de C贸rdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Departamento de Desarrollo Rural. Area de Estad铆stica y Biometr铆a; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnolog铆a Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Unidad de Fitopatolog铆a y Modelizaci贸n Agr铆cola - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - C贸rdoba. Unidad de Fitopatolog铆a y Modelizaci贸n Agr铆cola; ArgentinaFil: Rossi Rodr铆guez, Carlos Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Investigaci贸n Agropecuaria; Urugua

    From pomegranate marcs to a potential bioactive ingredient: a recycling proposal for pomegranate squeezing marcs

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    Pomegranate fruit is recognized as an important source of health compounds and its juicy arils represent the most commercially exploitable part of the fruit. Nevertheless, by-products coming from pomegranate juice processing represent both a challenging disposal problem and a promising source of health ingredients. In particular, the marcs obtained after juice squeezing are usually discarded or used for oil production in virtue of their lipophilic fraction, although the residues of pericarp and arils are proven to still be a good source of hydrophilic compounds such as polyphenols. Pulsed Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction, using just water as solvent, and spray drying microdispersion, using low methoxyl pectin as polymeric matrix, have been employed respectively to extract and formulate the water-soluble bioactive molecules from these by-products. From 100 g of pomegranate fresh marcs almost the same quantity of phenolic compounds found in 100 mL of the corresponding juice can be extracted with similar antioxidant activity, but with higher content in vitamin C and practically without total soluble solids. The extracts have been sprayed obtaining powders with an encapsulation efficiency of about 50%. The extracts, both before and after the microparticles production, have been characterized and their capacity in inhibition of platelets aggregation induced by thrombin has been tested ex-vivo on human platelets (% inhibition: about 60% and 30% before and after microencapsulation, respectively). Finally, fresh-cut apple wedges were enriched by vacuum impregnation with the formulated extracts, tentatively used as potential novel ingredients, obtaining \u201cpolyphenol-enriched\u201d apple