63 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of a supervised physical activity programme on physical activity adherence in patients with cardiovascular risk factors

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    Introduction Physical activity referral schemes (PARS) in primary care centres increase the level of physical activity (PA) in the general population. However, few studies assess PA adherence after interventions. This study aimed at: (i) to assess PA adherence after a six-month PARS, and at 12-months (after six months of a follow-up period without intervention), (ii) and to assess the impact of PARS on health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients with cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF). Materials and methods A six-month PARS decrease the number of inactive patients and improves PA level and HRQL. Improvements in physical functioning, social functioning, and emotional component were retained up to one year. PARS appear to be an adequate treatment to improve the health of patients with CVRF. El 75% de los pacientes (n = 242; 62,6 ± 8,5 años; 75% mujeres) completaron el PPAFS (asistencia media del 84,1%). Los PPAFS aumentan el nivel de AF y mejoran la CVRS (p < 0,01). A los 12 meses, el número de pacientes físicamente inactivos sigue siendo inferior a los datos basales, el nivel de AF disminuye pero se mantienen los efectos positivos en la CVRS, especialmente en la funcionalidad social (26,4), la funcionalidad física (18,2) y el componente emocional (18,3) (p < 0,01). Longitudinal design. A total of 323 patients with ≥2 CVRF, in contemplative stage of change, from 27 primary care centres in Catalonia, were referred during 2010–2011 to a six-month PARS (three sessions/week of 60 min of moderate-intensity PA (MPA)). PA level and HRQL were analysed at baseline, at six-months, and at 12-months follow-up measurement, with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (short version), and the SF-12, respectively. Results Out of the total number of patients (323), 75% (n = 242; 62.6 ± 8.5 years; 75% women) completed the PARS, with a mean attendance of 84.1%. A six-month PARS increased PA level, especially MPA and improved HRQL (p < 0.01). At 12-months, the number of physically inactive patients remained lower than baseline; MPA level decreased, and the positive effects on HRQL were retained, especially in social functioning (26.4), physical functioning (18.2), and emotional component (18.3) (p < 0.01). Out of the total number of patients (323), 75% (n = 242; 62.6 ± 8.5 years; 75% women) completed the PARS, with a mean attendance of 84.1%. A six-month PARS increased PA level, especially MPA and improved HRQL (p < 0.01). At 12-months, the number of physically inactive patients remained lower than baseline; MPA level decreased, and the positive effects on HRQL were retained, especially in social functioning (26.4), physical functioning (18.2), and emotional component (18.3) (p < 0.01). Conclusions A six-month PARS decrease the number of inactive patients and improves PA level and HRQL. Improvements in physical functioning, social functioning, and emotional component were retained up to one year. PARS appear to be an adequate treatment to improve the health of patients with CVRF

    Flowability of granular materials with industrial applications: an experimental approach

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    Designing bulk material handling equipment requires a thorough understanding of the mechanical behaviour of powders and grains. Experimental characterization of granular materials is introduced focusing on flowability. A new prototype is presented which performs granular column collapse tests. The device consists of a channel whose design accounts for test inspection using visualization techniques and load measurements. A reservoir is attached where packing state of the granular material can be adjusted before run-off to simulate actual handling conditions by fluidisation and deaeration of the pile. Bulk materials on the market, with a wide range of particle sizes, can be tested with the prototype and the results used for classification in terms of flowability to improve industrial equipment selection processes.Postprint (published version

    Introducción de la Perspectiva de Género en la docencia de Ingeniería del Software [Introduction of the Gender Perspective in the Teaching of Software Engineering]

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    La desigualdad de género es un problema a nivel mundial, pero se encuentra especialmente latente en el contexto de los campos de Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas sobre todo a nivel universitario y, por tanto, laboral. Motivar a las mujeres a estudiar ingeniería es uno de los objetivos que se pueden encontrar en los planes estratégicos no solo de grandes empresas tecnológicas sino también de organizaciones, instituciones y gobiernos. La incorporación de la perspectiva de género en los currículos de educación superior se considera un factor clave a la hora de que los jóvenes comprendan la realidad social. Bajo este marco surge el proyecto de innovación docente cuyo objetivo es incorporar la perspectiva de género en el currículo del Grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Salamanca. En el presente trabajo se describe la primera fase del proyecto, un caso de estudio en una asignatura de carácter obligatorio, Ingeniería de Software I. [Gender inequality is a global problem, but is especially latent in the context of the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, especially at the university level and, therefore, labor. Motivating women to study engineering is one of the objectives that can be found in the strategic plans not only of large technology companies but also of organizations, institutions and governments. The incorporation of the gender perspective in higher education curricula is considered a key factor when young people understand the social reality. In this context emerges the project of teaching innovation whose goal is to incorporate the gender perspective in the curriculum of the Degree in Computer Sciences of the University of Salamanca. This paper describes the first phase of the project, a case study in a compulsory subject, Software Engineering I.

    Rapid and Digital Detection of Inflammatory Biomarkers Enabled by a Novel Portable Nanoplasmonic Imager

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    New point-of-care diagnostic devices are urgently needed for rapid and accurate diagnosis, particularly in the management of life-threatening infections and sepsis, where immediate treatment is key. Sepsis is a critical condition caused by systemic response to infection, with chances of survival drastically decreasing every hour. A novel portable biosensor based on nanoparticle-enhanced digital plasmonic imaging is reported for rapid and sensitive detection of two sepsis-related inflammatory biomarkers, procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) directly from blood serum. The device achieves outstanding limit of detection of 21.3 pg mL for PCT and 36 pg mL for CRP, and dynamic range of at least three orders of magnitude. The portable device is deployed at Vall d'Hebron University Hospital in Spain and tested with a wide range of patient samples with sepsis, noninfectious systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), and healthy subjects. The results are validated against ultimate clinical diagnosis and currently used immunoassays, and show that the device provides accurate and robust performance equivalent to gold-standard laboratory tests. Importantly, the plasmonic imager can enable identification of PCT levels typical of sepsis and SIRS patients in less than 15 min. The compact and low-cost device is a promising solution for assisting rapid and accurate on-site sepsis diagnosis

    Report of the Working Group on Acoustic and Egg Surveys for Sardine and Anchovy in ICES Areas 7, 8, and 9

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    The increasing resistance to carbapenems is an alarming threat in the fight against multiresistant bacteria. The dissemination properties of antimicrobial resistance genes are supported by their detection in a diverse population of bacteria, including strains isolated from the environment. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) collected from a river ecosystem in the Barcelona metropolitan area (Spain). Identification of β-lactamases and other resistance determinants was determined as was the antimicrobial susceptibility profile. Moreover, screening of virulence factors, plasmid addiction systems, plasmid partition systems and replicon typing was performed. The results identified 8 isolates belonging to different species (Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella oxytoca, Raoultella ornithinolytica). The most prevalent enzyme was KPC-2 (n = 6), followed by VIM-1 (n = 2) and IMI-2 (n = 1), whereas no OXA-48-type was detected. In addition, one strain was positive for both KPC-2 and VIM-1 enzymes. All the carbapenemase-encoding plasmids carried at least one plasmid addiction or partition system, being vagCD and parAB the most frequently detected, respectively. E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates carried a low number of virulence-associated factors and none of the detected clones has previously been identified in the clinical setting. These findings support the high dissemination potential of the carbapanemase-encoding genes and reinforce the idea that the environment is another reservoir that may play an important role in the capture, selection and dissemination of carbapenem resistance genes

    Cumplimiento de la dieta mediterránea y nivel de actividad física de los usuarios de la web PAFES (Plan de Actividad Física, Deporte y Salud)

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    Background: The Physical Activity Plan Sport and Health web site (www.pafes.cat) allows users to assess the level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MD) and level of physical activity (PA) by two interactive questionnaires: the MD questionnaire adapted from the study Prevention with Mediterranean Diet (Predimed) and the abbreviated version of the International Physical Activity questionnaire (IPAQ).Methods: A descriptive analysis was performed on the results of both questionnaires during the period 2009 to 2010.Results: Of the 1376 questionnaires analyzed on adherence to the MD, 12.5% of users have a high compliance, 67.2% moderate, and 20.3% low. Almost all (95.8%) used olive oil as the main added fat, 82.2% and 78.4% reported a low intake of butter and derivatives, and sugary drinks, respectively, and 70.9% referred to an adequate intake of vegetables. On the negative side, 82.3% reported a low intake of legumes, 71.6% a high intake of red meat, 67.6% and 25% lower intake of fruit and nuts, respectively. As regards PA, of the 1221 questionnaires analyzed, 79.4% of the population met the PA health recommendations, 36.5% at a high level, and 42.9% moderate.Conclusions: Web questionnaires can be a useful tool in the promotion and dissemination of both habits. As a suggestion for improvement, we propose the inclusion of demographic variables to determine the profile of users who completed the questionnaires.Introducción: La web del PAFES permite a los usuarios evaluar el nivel de adhesión a la dieta mediterránea y el nivel de actividad física (AF) mediante dos cuestionarios interactivos: el cuestionario de dieta mediterránea adaptado del estudio “Prevención con dieta mediterránea” (Predimed) y la versión abreviada del Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física (IPAQ).Material y métodos: Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los resultados obtenidos de ambos cuestionarios durante el periodo 2009-2010.Resultados: De los 1.376 cuestionarios analizados sobre adhesión a la dieta mediterránea, el 12,5% de los usuarios tiene un cumplimiento alto; el 67,2%, moderado y el 20,3%, bajo. El 95,8% utiliza aceite de oliva como principal grasa de adición, el 82,2 y el 78,4% declaran un consumo bajo de mantequilla y derivados y de bebidas azucaradas respectivamente, y el 70,9% refiere un consumo adecuado de verduras. Como aspectos negativos, el 82,3% declara un consumo bajo de legumbres; el 71,6%, un consumo alto de carne roja, y el 67,6 y el 25% un consumo bajo de fruta y frutos secos respectivamente. Respecto a la AF, de los 1.221 cuestionarios analizados, el 79,4% de la población cumple con las recomendaciones de AF saludable, el 36,5% en un nivel alto y el 42,9% en un nivel moderado.Conclusiones: Los cuestionarios vía web pueden ser una herramienta útil en la promoción y la difusión de ambos hábitos saludables. Como propuesta de mejora, se plantea la inclusión de variables sociodemográficas para conocer el perfil de los usuarios que responden a los cuestionarios

    Comparison of MODIS-derived land surface temperatures with in situ temperatures measured in the Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica: first results

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    Ponencia presentada en: XVII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Teledetección celebrado en Murcia, del 3 al 7 de octubre de 2017.[ES]En el marco del proyecto PERMASNOW estamos comparando los datos térmicos MODIS (LST, 1-km) con los obtenidos in situ (Ta y Ts) en las estaciones meteorológicas de la AEMET y las propias del proyecto en la península Hurd, isla Livingston (Antártida). Este trabajo muestra los primeros resultados obtenidos para las estaciones de la AEMET: Juan Carlos I (JCI), Glaciar Johnson (GJ) y Glaciar Hurd (GH) en el periodo marzo-2000/julio-2002 y febrero-2016. Se comparan los datos diarios LST con los valores medios diarios de Ta y Ts. Se observa una alta correlación lineal entre Ta y Ts, restringiéndose entonces la comparación a Ta. Se confirma también la tendencia lineal ligeramente decreciente de Ta en el periodo estudiado. Aunque la nubosidad limita la disponibilidad de datos LST, sin embargo, el mayor problema proviene de la calidad de los datos LST, observando que los que no son de “good quality” generalmente subestiman mucho LST y no son fiables. El producto MODIS-albedo diario (500-m) nos ayuda a mejorar el filtrado de datos de “other quality” y “cloud”, además de clasificar la cubierta en tierra (con/sin nieve) o agua (nieve/hielo fundido). El filtrado reduce a un 3-8% los días con datos disponibles en JCI y GJ y elimina todos en GH. Un ajuste lineal simple no explica bien la relación LST (tierra/agua)-Ta (R2=0,1-0,4), recurriendo a regresiones lineales múltiples para tener en cuenta las variaciones anuales/estacionales en esta relación. Así R2 sube a 0,3-0,6, siendo mejor en JCI (R2=0,6 y RSE~2°C). Se concluye que los datos LST-MODIS sirven para estimar tendencias a largo plazo en Ta a nivel global en la isla Livingston. Mejorar la calidad de los datos LST en este tipo de ambientes fríos es esencial.[EN]In the framework of the PERMASNOW project, we are comparing the MODIS thermal data (LST, 1-km) with those obtained in situ (Ta and Ts) at the AEMET meteorological stations and the project’s stations in the Hurd Peninsula, Livingston Island (Antarctica). This article shows the first results obtained at the AEMET stations: Juan Carlos I (JCI), Glacier Johnson (GJ) and Glacier Hurd (GH) in the period of March-2000/July-2002 and February-2016. The daily LST data are compared with the daily mean values of Ta and Ts. A high linear correlation between Ta and Ts is observed, and thus, the comparison being restricted to Ta. The slightly decreasing linear trend of Ta in the studied period is also confirmed. Although the cloudiness limits the availability of LST data, however, the main problem proceeds from the quality of the LST data, observing that those with no “good quality” usually underestimate LST and are not reliable. The daily MODIS albedo product (500-m) helps us to improve the filtering of data with “other quality” and “cloud”, besides of classifying the cover in land (with/without snow) or water (melting snow/ice). The filtering reduces to 3-8% the days with available data at JCI and GJ, and eliminates all of them in GH. A simple linear fit does not explain well the relationship LST (land/water)-Ta (R2=0.1-0.4), appealing to multiple linear regressions to take into account the annual/seasonal variations in this relationship. So, R2 goes up to 0.3-0.6, being better at JCI (R2=0.6 and RSE~2°C). It is concluded that the MODIS-LST data are useful for estimating long-term trends in Ta at a global level in the Livingston Island. Improving the quality of the LST data in this type of cold environments is essential.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO), a través del proyecto PERMASNOW (CTM2014-52021-R)

    Biomarkers and clinical scores to aid the identification of disease severity and intensive care requirement following activation of an in-hospital sepsis code

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    Few validated biomarker or clinical score combinations exist which can discriminate between cases of infection and other non-infectious conditions following activation of an in-hospital sepsis code, as well as provide an accurate severity assessment of the corresponding host response. This study aimed to identify suitable blood biomarker (MR-proADM, PCT, CRP and lactate) or clinical score (SOFA and APACHE II) combinations to address this unmet clinical need. A prospective, observational study of patients activating the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital sepsis code (ISC) within the emergency department (ED), hospital wards and intensive care unit (ICU). Area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curves, logistic and Cox regression analysis were used to assess performance. 148 patients fulfilled the Vall d'Hebron ISC criteria, of which 130 (87.8%) were retrospectively found to have a confirmed diagnosis of infection. Both PCT and MR-proADM had a moderate-to-high performance in discriminating between infected and non-infected patients following ISC activation, although the optimal PCT cut-off varied significantly across departments. Similarly, MR-proADM and SOFA performed well in predicting 28- and 90-day mortality within the total infected patient population, as well as within patients presenting with a community-acquired infection or following a medical emergency or prior surgical procedure. Importantly, MR-proADM also showed a high association with the requirement for ICU admission after ED presentation [OR (95% CI) 8.18 (1.75-28.33)] or during treatment on the ward [OR (95% CI) 3.64 (1.43-9.29)], although the predictive performance of all biomarkers and clinical scores diminished between both settings. Results suggest that the individual use of PCT and MR-proADM might help to accurately identify patients with infection and assess the overall severity of the host response, respectively. In addition, the use of MR-proADM could accurately identify patients requiring admission onto the ICU, irrespective of whether patients presented to the ED or were undergoing treatment on the ward. Initial measurement of both biomarkers might therefore facilitate early treatment strategies following activation of an in-hospital sepsis code

    Characterization of a proteomic profile associated with organ dysfunction and mortality of sepsis and septic shock

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    Proteomic profile; Organ dysfunction; Septic shockPerfil proteòmic; Disfunció orgànica; Xoc sèpticPerfil proteómico; Disfunción orgánica; Choque sépticoIntroduction The search for new biomarkers that allow an early diagnosis in sepsis and predict its evolution has become a necessity in medicine. The objective of this study is to identify, through omics techniques, potential protein biomarkers that are expressed in patients with sepsis and their relationship with organ dysfunction and mortality. Methods Prospective, observational and single-center study that included adult patients (≥ 18 years) who were admitted to a tertiary hospital and who met the criteria for sepsis. A mass spectrometry-based approach was used to analyze the plasma proteins in the enrolled subjects. Subsequently, using recursive feature elimination classification and cross-validation with a vector classifier, an association of these proteins with mortality and organ dysfunction was established. The protein-protein interaction network was analyzed with String software. Results 141 patients were enrolled in this study. Mass spectrometry identified 177 proteins. Of all of them, and by recursive feature elimination, nine proteins (GPX3, APOB, ORM1, SERPINF1, LYZ, C8A, CD14, APOC3 and C1QC) were associated with organ dysfunction (SOFA > 6) with an accuracy of 0.82 ± 0.06, precision of 0.85 ± 0.093, sensitivity 0.81 ± 0.10, specificity 0.84 ± 0.10 and AUC 0.82 ± 0.06. Twenty-two proteins (CLU, LUM, APOL1, SAA1, CLEBC3B, C8A, ITIH4, KNG1, AGT, C7, SAA2, APOH, HRG, AFM, APOE, APOC1, C1S, SERPINC1, IGFALS, KLKB1, CFB and BTD) were associated with mortality with an accuracy of 0.86 ± 0.05, a precision of 0.91 ± 0.05, a sensitivity of 0.91 ± 0.05, a specificity of 0.72 ± 0.17, and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.81 ± 0.08 with a confidence interval of 95%. Conclusion In sepsis there are proteomic patterns associated with organ dysfunction and mortality.To Toni del Pino, Rosa Ras and Pol Herrero from the Proteomics and Metabolomics Area of the Center for Omic Sciences (COS), a Joint between Rovira I Virgili University and Eurecat (Reus, Spain), for their contribution to the proteomics analysis. Samples and data from patients included in this study were provided by the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Biobank (PT20/00107), integrated in the Spanish National Biobanks Network, and they were processed following standard operating procedures with the appropriate approval of the Ethical and Scientific Committees. The authors kindly appreciate the generous donation of samples and clinical data of the donors of the Sepsis Bank of HUVH Biobank