7,962 research outputs found

    The Chemical Composition of Cernis 52 (BD+31 640)

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    We present an abundance analysis of the star Cernis 52 in whose spectrum we recently reported the napthalene cation in absorption at 6707.4 {\AA}. This star is on a line of sight to the Perseus molecular complex. The analysis of high-resolution spectra using a chi^2-minimization procedure and a grid of synthetic spectra provides the stellar parameters and the abundances of O, Mg, Si, S, Ca, and Fe. The stellar parameters of this star are found to be T_{eff} = 8350 +- 200 K, logg= 4.2 +- 0.4 dex. We derived a metallicity of [Fe/H] = -0.01 +- 0.15. These stellar parameters are consistent with a star of 2\sim 2 \Msun in a pre-main-sequence evolutionary stage. The stellar spectrum is significantly veiled in the spectral range 5150-6730 {\AA} up to almost 55 per cent of the total flux at 5150 {\AA} and decreasing towards longer wavelengths. Using Johnson-Cousins and 2MASS photometric data, we determine a distance to Cernis 52 of 23185+135^{+135}_{-85} pc considering the error bars of the stellar parameters. This determination places the star at a similar distance to the young cluster IC 348. This together with its radial velocity, v_r=13.7+-1 km/s, its proper motion and probable young age support Cernis 52 as a likely member of IC 348. We determine a rotational velocity of v\sin i=65 +- 5 km/s for this star. We confirm that the stellar resonance line of \ion{Li}{1} at 6707.8 {\AA} is unable to fit the broad feature at 6707.4 {\AA}. This feature should have a interstellar origin and could possibly form in the dark cloud L1470 surrounding all the cluster IC 348 at about the same distance.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Broadband transverse susceptibility in multiferroic Y-type hexaferrite Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22

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    Producción CientíficaNoncollinear spin systems with magnetically induced ferroelectricity from changes in spiral magnetic ordering have attracted significant interest in recent research due to their remarkable magnetoelectric effects with promising applications. Single phase multiferroics are of great interest for these new multifunctional devices, being Y-type hexaferrites good candidates, and among them the ZnY compounds due to their ordered magnetic behaviour over room temperature. Polycrystalline Y type hexaferrites with composition Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe2O22 (BSZFO) were sintered in 1050 °C–1250 °C temperature range. Transverse susceptibility measurements carried out on these BSZFO samples in the temperature range 80–350 K with DC fields up to ± 5000 Oe reveal different behaviour depending on the sintering temperature. Sample sintered at 1250 °C is qualitatively different, suggesting a mixed Y and Z phase like CoY hexaferrites. Sintering at lower temperatures produce single phase Y-type, but the transverse susceptibility behaviour of the sample sintered at 1150 °C is shifted at temperatures 15 K higher. Regarding the DC field sweeps the observed behaviour is a peak that shifts to lower values with increasing temperature, and the samples corresponding to single Y phase exhibit several maxima and minima in the 250 K–330 K range at low DC applied field as a result of the magnetic field induced spin transitions in this compound.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; Agencia Estatal de Investigación with FEDER (MAT2016-80784-P

    Majorizing sequences for Newton’s method from initial value problems

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    AbstractThe most restrictive condition used by Kantorovich for proving the semilocal convergence of Newton’s method in Banach spaces is relaxed in this paper, providing we can guarantee the semilocal convergence in situations that Kantorovich cannot. To achieve this, we use Kantorovich’s technique based on majorizing sequences, but our majorizing sequences are obtained differently, by solving initial value problems

    Prospects for the Detection of the Deep Solar Meridional Circulation

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    We perform helioseismic holography to assess the noise in p-mode travel-time shifts which would form the basis of inferences of large-scale flows throughout the solar convection zone. We also derive the expected travel times from a parameterized return (equatorward) flow component of the meridional circulation at the base of the convection zone from forward models under the assumption of the ray and Born approximations. From estimates of the signal-to-noise ratio for measurements focused near the base of the convection zone, we conclude that the helioseismic detection of the deep meridional flow including the return component may not be possible using data spanning an interval less than a solar cycle

    Chemical abundances of stars with brown-dwarf companions

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    It is well-known that stars with giant planets are on average more metal-rich than stars without giant planets, whereas stars with detected low-mass planets do not need to be metal-rich. With the aim of studying the weak boundary that separates giant planets and brown dwarfs (BDs) and their formation mechanism, we analyze the spectra of a sample of stars with already confirmed BD companions both by radial velocity and astrometry. We employ standard and automatic tools to perform an EW-based analysis and to derive chemical abundances from CORALIE spectra of stars with BD companions. We compare these abundances with those of stars without detected planets and with low-mass and giant-mass planets. We find that stars with BDs do not have metallicities and chemical abundances similar to those of giant-planet hosts but they resemble the composition of stars with low-mass planets. The distribution of mean abundances of α\alpha-elements and iron peak elements of stars with BDs exhibit a peak at about solar abundance whereas for stars with low-mass and high-mass planets the [Xα_\alpha/H] and [XFe_{\rm Fe}/H] peak abundances remain at 0.1\sim -0.1~dex and +0.15\sim +0.15~dex, respectively. We display these element abundances for stars with low-mass and high-mass planets, and BDs versus the minimum mass, mCsinim_C \sin i, of the most-massive substellar companion in each system, and we find a maximum in α\alpha-element as well as Fe-peak abundances at mCsini1.35±0.20m_C \sin i \sim 1.35\pm 0.20 jupiter masses. We discuss the implication of these results in the context of the formation scenario of BDs in comparison with that of giant planets.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic