59 research outputs found

    InSAR-based mapping of ground deformation caused by industrial waste disposals: the case study of the Huelva phosphogypsum stack, SW Spain

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    Close to the city of Huelva, SW Spain, and near the Atlantic Ocean, there is a phosphogypsum (PG) stack that accumulates 100 Mt of wastes and extends over 1000 ha. The stack lies directly over estuarine unconsolidated sediments with no protective layer in between. Here, we evaluate for the first time the structural stability of the PG stack, monitoring the deformation suffered by the salt-marsh basement. Through the web-based Geohazard Exploitation Platform (GEP) of the European Space Agency (ESA), a specific differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) algorithm known as arallel Small Baseline Subset (P-SBAS) has been used to process 279 ESA Sentinel-1 images acquired between October 2016 and June 2021. Resulting displacement maps and time-series curves reveal vertical displacements of up to 16 cm/year. This vertical motion has been associated to subsidence. In parallel with subsidence, horizontal movements > 2.5 cm/year have been also accounted and linked to talus destabilization. The analysis also demonstrates that the Huelva PG stack is vulnerable to adverse weather condition. The present study demonstrates that the InSAR-based methods are effective tools for monitoring the stability and ground motion of large waste stockpiles.This work was financed by the ESA thorough a project covered by the NOR Sponsorship Program. The project (ID: Felipe González) was intended to use the Geohazards TEP service (https:// geoha zards- tep. eu/#!) for the analysis of the subsidence of SW Spain. Special thanks are extended to Hervé Caumont (Terradue Programme Manager) who patiently provided technical support during all the analysis. The original manuscript was significantly improved thanks to the valuable suggestions and comments of two anonymous reviewers. Aerial photograph in Figure 1 was provided by the Mesa de la Ría Association. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA

    Palynological age constraint of Les Vilelles unit, Catalan Coastal Chain, Spain

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    Les Vilelles unit is a detrital sequence exposed at the southwestern margin of the Catalan Coastal Chain (CCC), NE Spain, below the Carboniferous turbiditic series. Based on the palynological content, the age of this unit was initially assigned to the Middle-Late Devonian (Eifelian to Famennian). Additional radiolarian and conodont findings were considered to be Early–Middle Mississippian (Tournaisian to early Visean). To clarify this age discrepancy a new and more comprehensive palynostratigraphic analysis has been conducted in the upper part of the section representative of Les Vilelles unit. This has provided an assemblage of miospores, acritarchs, prasinophyta phycomata and chitinozoans that can be confidently assigned to a latest Frasnian interval, in contact with the Frasnian–Famennian boundary. Therefore, the present analysis refines the Middle–Late Devonian age formerly assigned, establishes a latest Frasnian age for the top of the unit, and provides new insights to the better understanding of the unconformity and hiatus separating the pre-Carboniferous and Carboniferous CCC series in the Priorat Massif. The study also includes a systematic section with the description of three newly established miospore species: Dibolisporites coniugatum, Dibolisporites prioratum and Rugospora spinosa.This research was funded by the CICYT (Spain) Research Project CGL2011-30011, the Research Group THARSIS RNM 198-PAI (Junta de Andalucía) and the Consolidated Research Group SGR444 (Generalitat de Catalunya

    Clastic dykes of the FilĂłn Norte open pit (Tharsis). Interpretation related with the uppermost Devonian crisis of the Iberian Pyrite Belt basin

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    Basic rocks from the FilĂłn Norte open pit (Tharsis, Iberian Pyrite Belt) are hydrothermally altered and crosscutted by a stockwork which is composed by carbonate filled veins and clastic dikes. Both, dykes and veins, show carbnonate selvages. Clastic dykes include black shale, basic rock and siliceous fragments that exhibit angular to lobulate shape and grain size up to 40 cm in diameter. Palynomorphs recovered from black shales of the clastic dykes give an uppermost Devonian age (LN Biozone). Dykes and veins belong to a fracture system representing the escape pathways of fluids trapped within the footwall muddy sediments when the basic sill was intruded. Black shale sedimentation, emplacement of the basic sills, fracturation and carbonate alteration, and filling of veins and dykes constitute a succession of nearly coeval events, all of them related with the uppermost Devonian crisis of the South Iberian Basin

    Facies relationships of Devonian alluvial and coastal deposits of the Furnas Formation, Paraná Basin, Brazil

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    The depositional environment of Upper Silurian-Lower Devonian strata along the eastern margen of the Paraná Basin, Brazil, is reconstructed. Sedimentological analyses are based on a detailed study of two basal sections of the Furnas Formation in Paraná State. Sedimentation was initiated as an alluvial braided system, as evindenced mainly by ridge and bar facies. This evolved into a deltaic complex including mounth bar facies. The alluvial facies grades also laterally into a coastal marine deposits along a sinous shorelin

    AIoTES: Setting the principles for semantic interoperable and modern IoT-enabled reference architecture for Active and Healthy Ageing ecosystems

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    [EN] The average life expectancy of the world's population is increasing and the healthcare systems sooner than later will be compromised by its reduced capacity and its highly economic cost; in addition, the age distribution of the population is leading towards the older spectrum. This trend will lead to immeasurable and unexpected economic problems and social changes. In order to face up this challenge and complex economic and social problem, it is necessary to rely on the appropriate digital tools and technological infrastructures for ensuring that the elderly are properly cared in their everyday living environments and they can live independently for longer. This article presents ACTIVAGE IoT Ecosystem Suite (AIoTES), a concrete reference architecture and its implementation process that addresses these issues and that was designed within the first European Large Scale Pilot, ACTIVAGE, a H2020 funded project by the European Commission with the objective of creating sustainable ecosystems for Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) based on Internet of Things and big data technologies. AIoTES offers platform level semantic interoperability, with security and privacy, as well as Big Data and Ecosystem tools. AIoTES enables and promotes the creation, exchange and adoption of crossplatform services and applications for AHA. The number of existing AHA services and solutions are quite large, especially when state-of-the-art technology is introduced, however a concrete architecture such as AIoTES gains more importance and relevance by providing a vision for establishing a complete ecosystem, that looks for supporting a larger variety of AHA services, rather than claiming to be a unique solution for all the AHA domain problems. AIoTES has been successfully validated by testing all of its components, individually, integrated, and in real-world environments with 4345 direct users. Each validation is contextualized in 11 Deployment Sites (DS) with 13 Validation Scenarios covering the heterogeneity of the AHA-IoT needs. These results also show a clear path for improvement, as well as the importance for standardization efforts in the ever-evolving AHA-IoT domain.We thank to all the people who have participated in the development and validation of AIoTES. This work has been developed under the framework of the ACTIVAGE project. The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732679.Valero-López, CI.; Medrano-Gil, A.; González-Usach, R.; Julián-Seguí, M.; Fico, G.; Arredondo, MT.; Stavropoulos, TG.... (2021). AIoTES: Setting the principles for semantic interoperable and modern IoT-enabled reference architecture for Active and Healthy Ageing ecosystems. Computer Communications. 177:96-111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comcom.2021.06.0109611117

    Basin Evolution and Massive Sulfide Deposition at Rammelsberg (Germany): Updating the Subsidence Analysis

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    The Rammelsberg sulfide deposit is classically considered as a SEDEX-type deposit. The origin of SEDEX-type massive sulfides links with the evolution of their hosting basins. They frequently constitute the source for the metal-enriched basinal brines transported afterwards as mineralizing hydrothermal fluids. This study revisits previous data concerning the analysis of the basin that hosts the Rammelsberg deposit, the Goslar basin, updating its subsidence analysis and providing new tectonic and total subsidence curves from two different paleogeographic locations: the depocenter and the basin margin. The basin evolution is defined by five stages depicting different subsidence intensity and mechanisms for each of these locations. The stratigraphic position of Rammelsberg coincides with a drastic change in the basin evolution. A rapid tectonic subsidence event is proposed as a trigger mechanism for hydrothermal activity. The paleogeographic location and the relation between supply of mineralizing fluids and sedimentation ratewere critical for the concentration or dissemination of sulfides.This research was funded by the CICYT (Spain) Research Projects CGL2011-30011 and CGL2016-79204-R and the Research Group THARSIS RNM 198-PAI (Junta de Andalucia)
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