14 research outputs found

    Efeito do emprego de fonte alternativa de potássio na produtividade de pastagem.

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    A bovinocultura é atividade importante para o Brasil. Porém, a mesma apresenta índices técnicos e econômicos, bastante abaixo do potencial, devido, principalmente, a baixa produtividade das pastagens, que são a base alimentar dos animais. Há várias alternativas de aumentar a produtividade das pastagens, entre as quais está a adubação. Todos os nutrientes são importantes para que as plantas forrageiras, que compõe a pastagem, cresçam de modo mais rápido. O potássio é um destes. A principal fonte deste nutriente, na agricultura brasileira, é o cloreto de potássio, que é, em grande parte, proveniente de importação. Visando diminuir esta dependência brasileira, vários esforços estão sendo feitos, sendo que, um deles é a pesquisa de fontes alternativas de nutrientes, para uso na agricultura. Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da aplicação de um resíduo de mineração (pó de rocha), na produtividade de uma pastagem. Foram conduzidos três experimentos, em uma pastagem de capim Mombaça. Os tratamentos usados, nos três experimentos, foram sem emprego de adubo potássico, a fonte tradicional deste nutriente (cloreto de potássio)bitstream/item/134214/1/CNPASA-bpd9.pd

    Infrainguinal bypass for peripheral arterial occlusive disease: when arms save legs.

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    OBJECTIVES: Determine if arm veins are good conduits for infrainguinal revascularisation and should be used when good quality saphenous vein is not available. DESIGN: Retrospective study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We evaluated a consecutive series of infrainguinal bypass (IB) using arm vein conduits from March 2001 to December 2006.We selected arm vein by preoperative ultrasound mapping to identify suitable veins. We measured vein diameter and assessed vein wall quality. We followed patients with systematic duplex imaging at 1 week, 1, 3, 6 and 12 months, and annually thereafter. We treated significative stenoses found during the follow-up. RESULTS: We performed 56 infrainguinal revascularisation using arm vein conduits in 56 patients. Primary patency rates at 1, 2 and 3 years were 65%, 51% and 47%. Primary assisted patencies at 1, 2 and 3 years were 96%, 96% and 82%. Secondary patency rates at 1, 2 and 3 years were 92%, 88% and 88%. The three-year limb salvage rate was 88%. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that infrainguinal bypass using arm vein for conduits gives good patency rates, if selected by a preoperative US mapping to use the best autogenous conduit available

    Genetic and developmental disorders of the oral mucosa : epidemiology; molecular mechanisms; diagnostic criteria; management

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    A large number of disorders may affect the oral cavity, including genetic diseases, infections, cancers, blood diseases, skin diseases, endocrine and metabolic disorders, autoimmune and rheumatologic diseases, local lesions, to name a few. Oral mucosa shows a considerable variation in its normal structure and a wide range of conditions may affect it. Such conditions are often harmless or minor and could be primary or secondary to systemic disease. Several of them are quite rare and, hence, the diagnosis is not easy. Clinically, lesions may appear as ulcers, discoloration of the oral mucosa and alterations in size and configuration of oral anatomy. Genetic disorders have specific manifestations and can be caused by a derangement of one or more components of the tissue. Many of them follow the skin or systemic signs of the underlying genetic disease, but in a few cases oral signs could be the first manifestation of the disorder. Among them genodermatoses are prominent. They are inherited disorders characterized by a multisystem involvement. This review describes chondro-ectodermal dysplasia, dyskeratosis congenita, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis, keratosis follicularis, lipoid proteinosis, multiple hamartoma syndrome, pachyonychia congenita, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, tuberous sclerosis and white sponge nevus. Other genetic disorders not included in the genodermatosis group and reported in the present review are: acanthosis nigricans, angio-osteo-hypertrophic syndrome, encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis, familial adenomatous polyposis, focal dermal hypoplasia, focal palmoplantar and oral mucosa hyperkeratosis syndrome, gingival fibromatosis, Maffucci's syndrome, neurofibromatosis (type 1) and oro-facial-digital syndrome (type 1). Disorders during embryonic development might lead to a wide range of abnormalities in the oral cavity; some of them are quite common but of negligible concern, whereas others are rare but serious, affecting not only the oral mucosa, but also other structures of the oral cavity (ie palate, tongue and gingiva). Fordyce's granules, leukoedema, cysts of the oral mucosa in newborns, retrocuspid papilla, geographic tongue, fissured tongue, median rhomboid glossitis, hairy tongue, lingual varices and lingual thyroid nodule are described. This review may help dentists, dental hygienists, but also general internists and pediatricians to diagnose different disorders of the oral mucosa, to understand the pathogenesis and to schedule a treatment plan