40 research outputs found

    Approximate formula for the ground state energy of anyons in 2D parabolic well

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    We determine approximate formula for the ground state energy of anyons in 2D parabolic well which is valid for the arbitrary anyonic factor \nu and number of particles N in the system. We assume that centre of mass motion energy is not excluded from the energy of the system. Formula for ground state energy calculated by variational principle contains logarithmic divergence at small distances between two anyons which is regularized by cut-off parameter. By equating this variational formula to the analogous formula of Wu near bosonic limit (\nu ~ 0)we determine the value of the cut-off and thus derive the approximate formula for the ground state energy for the any \nu and N. We checked this formula at \nu=1, when anyons become fermions, for the systems containing two to thirty particles. We find that our approximate formula has an accuracy within 6%. It turns out, at the big number N limit the ground state energy has square root dependence on factor \nu.Comment: 7 page

    Recent developments in the genetics of childhood epileptic encephalopathies: impact in clinical practice

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    Atlas of marine bony fish otoliths (Sagittae) of Southeastern - Southern Brazil Part I: Gadiformes (Macrouridae, Moridae, Bregmacerotidae, Phycidae and Merlucciidae); Part II: Perciformes (Carangidae, Sciaenidae, Scombridae and Serranidae)

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    Specific sensitization to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and cutaneous reactivity to histamine in Brazilian children

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    The immediate hypersensitivity cutaneous test is a recognized method for etiologic diagnosis of allergic diseases. It is easily conducted, painless and can be quickly interpreted, making it ideal for use with children. However, its low positivity in infants limits its use with this population. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the skin reactivity of atopic and non-atopic children of different ages to increasing concentrations of histamine and to an extract of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dpt). Atopic children (A, n = 217) and non-atopic children (C, n = 198), under 15 years of age were grouped by age and administered skin prick tests. Increasing concentrations of histamine (1, 9, 81 and 243 mg/ml) and Dpt (10,000 AU/ml) were applied to the forearm. Skin reactions were recorded after 15 minutes and expressed as the mean of the largest wheal and ifs midpoint perpendicular diameter. Cutaneous reactions were observed in the early phases of life with a progressive increase observed in both groups. Significant differences were noted between the two groups starting at 48 months of life. As the concentration of histamine was increased, we observed a higher level of cutaneous reactivity in younger children. Comparative analysis of cutaneous reactivity to the histamine solution (1 mg/ml) and the Dpt extract showed parallelism between them and wheals with diameters larger than 3 mm after 12 months of age. We concluded that the skin prick test with Dpt is reliable in atopic children after 1 year of age. Reactivity to higher concentrations of histamine was observed after 3 months of age for all children. However, considering all age groups, the skin reactivity in atopic children to histamine (1 mg/ml) was more precocious when compared to controls.UNIV FED SAO PAULO,DEPT PEDIAT,ESCOLA PAULISTA MED,DIV RHEUMATOL ALLERGY & CLIN IMMUNOL,SAO PAULO,BRAZILUNIV FED SAO PAULO,DEPT PEDIAT,ESCOLA PAULISTA MED,DIV RHEUMATOL ALLERGY & CLIN IMMUNOL,SAO PAULO,BRAZILWeb of Scienc


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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Utilização de melaço de soja (resíduo) da produção de proteína de soja para a geração de biometano em reator UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket)

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    A produção de biogás a partir da digestão anaeróbia de resíduos e subprodutos agroindustriais está conquistando cada vez mais destaque no cenário econômico, devido, principalmente, à produção de bioenergia por meio do reaproveitamento do biometano. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o potencial de produção de biogás (biometano) a partir do melaço de cana, um subproduto da produção de proteína de soja, com aplicação de reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB), cuja tecnologia é consolidada para a digestão anaeróbia. O reator de bancada (12 L) foi alimentado com melaço de soja, substrato para cinco condições operacionais (0,28 kgDQO.m-3.d-1 a 3,91 kgDQO.m-3.d-1), aumentando-se, de forma gradual, a concentração do substrato em termos de demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) de 500 a 4.000 mgO2.L-1. Além disso, testaram-se diferentes tempos de detenção hidráulicos, de 48h e 24h. Durante o período experimental (122 dias), verificou-se remoção média de matéria orgânica, de 77 a 83 % em termos de DQOtotal, com produção máxima de biogás de 1,82 L.d-1. Os resultados obtidos no trabalho permitem viabilizar a utilização do melaço de soja, substrato ainda não estudado, para a produção de biometano. Dessa forma, uma destinação mais adequada do melaço de soja pode ser aplicada para a atual queima em caldeiras da quase totalidade gerada na produção de proteína de soj