143 research outputs found

    Professional identity assignments to support beginning teachers’ growth into the profession

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    Developing a professional identity is a key element of the transition into the teaching profession. Limited research exists on professional development activities and ideas that support beginning teachers’ development of their professional identity in practice. For this study teachers participated in an induction programme that focused on beginning teachers’ professional identity. This study reports on the development and testing of three online professional identity assignments with 46 beginning teachers from 11 secondary schools. These assignments were based on research findings regarding the influence of ‘significant others’ and ‘stories to live by’ on teachers’ professional identity development. Analysis of the results reveals that the assignments each provide valuable input for doing identity work with beginning teachers in view of their further professional development. It can be concluded that the assignments we developed are useful for beginning teachers to reflect on and make sense of who they are and want to become

    Student Questioning:what does questioning reveal about prior knowledge, historical reasoning and affect?

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    Students ask historical questions when they are engaged in historical reasoning and trying to understand a particular historical phenomenon. Student questioning can be regarded as the engine and a destination of historical reasoning. This study is aimed at deeper insight into thinking processes underlying students’ historical questions using a general model of questioning and a domain-specific model of historical reasoning. Thirty-three secondary school students were instructed to read a text and underline striking text segments. At the point of underlining, students were asked to verbalize their thoughts. In our protocol analysis we focused on the questions students spontaneously asked while verbalizing their prior knowledge, reasoning, and feelings. It appeared that in half of the 251 analyzed fragments (episodes) students verbalized an extent of historical reasoning and expressed feelings. Questions were mostly asked when students expressed a knowledge deficit, but spontaneous questions were also present in episodes with historical reasoning and episodes with affective responses. All components, activating prior knowledge, realizing a knowledge deficit, historical reasoning and experiencing affective thoughts, help students to ask their questions and help them to process the introduction into a historical topic

    Implementación del balance de línea para la mejora de la productividad en las líneas de costura de una empresa de confección - Lima 2020

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    En el presente trabajo se implementó el balance de línea, debido a los bajos niveles de productividad de las líneas de costura, las cuales generan mayores costos por minuto trabajado de la mano de obra directa. El objetivo principal fue determinar en qué medida la implementación del balance de línea mejora la productividad de las líneas de costura de una empresa de confecciones -Lima 2020; se trabajó con dos variables entre ellas balance de línea, con sus dimensiones mano de obra y tiempo estándar; la segunda variable productividad, con sus dimensiones eficiencia y recursos económicos. La metodología planteada fue de enfoque cuantitativo, nivel explicativo y diseño cuasi experimental. En el desarrollo de la investigación se determinó las causas de los bajos niveles de productividad con el diagrama de Ishikawa y Pareto, luego se utilizó el formato de capacidades y la ficha de observación para determinar la mejora de la productividad; el balance de línea se implementó en la producción de prendas box en 4 líneas de costura por 7 días y el periodo de observación con y sin balance de línea fue de 14 días. En los resultados se demuestra que los bajos niveles de productividad se dan por la ausencia de mano de obra calificada y curvas de aprendizaje; luego de implementar el balance de línea se logró disminuir el tiempo estándar de 25.4 a 22.4 minutos/prenda, se mejoró la eficiencia de 75% a 88% y se optimizó los recursos económicos de 0.063a 0.055 dólares/minuto; finalmente la productividad mejoró en 15%.In the present work, the line balance was implemented, due to the low levels of productivity of the sewing lines, which generate higher costsper minute worked from direct labor. The main objective was to determine to what extent the implementation of the line balance improves the productivity of the sewing lines of a clothing company -Lima 2020; Two variables were used, including line balance, with its dimensions of labor and standard time; the second variable productivity, with its dimensions efficiency and economic resources. The proposed methodology was quantitative approach, explanatory level and quasi-experimental design. In the development of the research, the causes of low productivity levels were determined with the Ishikawa and Pareto diagram, then the capabilities format and the observation card were used to determine the productivity improvement; The line balance was implemented in the production of box garments in 4 sewing lines for 7 days and the observation period with and without line balance was 14 days. The results show that the low levels of productivity are due to the absence of qualified labor and learning curves; After implementing the line balance, the standard time was reduced from 25.4 to 22.4 minutes / garment, efficiency was improved from 75% to 88% and economic resources were optimized from 0.063 to 0.055 dólares/ minute; finally productivity improved by 15%.Campus Lima Centr

    Agenda praktijkgericht onderzoek health:Topsector Life Sciences & Health

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    De Regiegroep van de topsector Life Sciences & Health wil een impuls geven aan initiatieven die praktijkgericht onderzoek op het gebied van Health betreffen. De redenen hiervoor zijn de relatief bescheiden positie van Health vergeleken bij de Life Sciences in de eerdere agendering onder de topsector en de verwachting dat praktijkgericht onderzoek door hogescholen een substantiële bijdrage kan leveren aan de doelstellingen onder het topsectorenbeleid. Daarom is opdracht gegeven tot het opstellen van een agenda voor praktijkgericht onderzoek “Health”. Deze agenda moet leiden tot samenwerking met een solide economische component tussen hogescholen, eventuele andere kennisinstellingen en publieke en private partijen uit de beroepspraktijk. De Agenda Praktijkgericht Onderzoek Health is ingedeeld in vier overkoepelende thema’s (A - D) waarop het onderzoek van hogescholen zich zou moeten richten. Binnen elk thema zijn onderwerpen benoemd die op basis van deze verkenning prioriteit verdienen