57 research outputs found

    An Ontological Approach to Analyze the Data Required by a System Quality Scheme

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    According to IEEE, software quality is the degree to which software possesses a desired combination of attributes. Quality attributes have been of interest to the software community since 1970 and in the past few years this interest has increase. However, still is not clear how product quality should apply in the development process. The need to know what quality characteristics influence a specific entity and which is the information required to cover its measurement is the objective of this work. This paper presents an ontology to document a quality scheme with a specification based on ISO/IEC 25010. This contribution includes rules and queries that help to determine the data required to carry out the measurement process.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    An Ontological Approach to Analyze the Data Required by a System Quality Scheme

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    According to IEEE, software quality is the degree to which software possesses a desired combination of attributes. Quality attributes have been of interest to the software community since 1970 and in the past few years this interest has increase. However, still is not clear how product quality should apply in the development process. The need to know what quality characteristics influence a specific entity and which is the information required to cover its measurement is the objective of this work. This paper presents an ontology to document a quality scheme with a specification based on ISO/IEC 25010. This contribution includes rules and queries that help to determine the data required to carry out the measurement process.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    A model for capturing and tracing architectural designs

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    Software architecture constitutes the primary design of a software system. Consequently, architectural design decisions involved in architecture design have a key impact on the system in such aspects as future maintenance costs, resulting quality, and timeliness. However, the applied knowledge employed and the design decisions taken by software architects are not explicitly represented in the design despite their important role; consequently, they remain in the mind of designers and are lost with time. In this work, a model for capturing and tracing the products and architectural design decisions involved in software architecture design processes is proposed. An operational perspective is considered in which design decisions can be modelled by means of design operations. The basic ontology of situation calculus is adopted to formally model the evolution of a software architecture.1st International Workshop on Advanced Software Engineering: Expanding the Frontiers of Software Technology - Session 1: Software Architecture.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    A model for capturing and tracing architectural designs

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    Software architecture constitutes the primary design of a software system. Consequently, architectural design decisions involved in architecture design have a key impact on the system in such aspects as future maintenance costs, resulting quality, and timeliness. However, the applied knowledge employed and the design decisions taken by software architects are not explicitly represented in the design despite their important role; consequently, they remain in the mind of designers and are lost with time. In this work, a model for capturing and tracing the products and architectural design decisions involved in software architecture design processes is proposed. An operational perspective is considered in which design decisions can be modelled by means of design operations. The basic ontology of situation calculus is adopted to formally model the evolution of a software architecture.1st International Workshop on Advanced Software Engineering: Expanding the Frontiers of Software Technology - Session 1: Software Architecture.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    A model for documenting architectural decisions

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    A software architecture is the result of architectural design decisions. Documenting a software architecture should not only describe the final model, but also why the architecture looks as it does. During the software architecture design process, several decisions are made, which need to be captured and documented in a systematic way to prevent knowledge vaporization and high architecture’ costs of change. In this work, a model for capturing, documenting and recovering architectural design processes and their underlying design rationale is proposed. The design process is envisioned under an operational perspective, where design decisions are represented as sequences of operations. Besides, the model is extensible to manage several design products types from different domains and views, including aspects of architectural rationale. Complementary, the proposal provides a semi-automatic mechanism for generating architectural rationale documents based on the use of templates.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    An Ontological Approach to Analyze the Data Required by a System Quality Scheme

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    According to IEEE, software quality is the degree to which software possesses a desired combination of attributes. Quality attributes have been of interest to the software community since 1970 and in the past few years this interest has increase. However, still is not clear how product quality should apply in the development process. The need to know what quality characteristics influence a specific entity and which is the information required to cover its measurement is the objective of this work. This paper presents an ontology to document a quality scheme with a specification based on ISO/IEC 25010. This contribution includes rules and queries that help to determine the data required to carry out the measurement process.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Trazabilidad de procesos ágiles: un modelo para la trazabilidad de procesos scrum

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    La trazabilidad es considerada en metodologías ágiles como un aspecto esencial a incorporar para la producción de software de calidad. Sin embargo, los procesos de desarrollo ágiles en contraposición a los procesos de desarrollo “pesados”, no permiten la aplicación directa de las técnicas de trazabilidad tradicionales. En consecuencia, es fundamental desarrollar modelos que permitan trazar los requerimientos bajo el enfoque de los métodos ágiles. En este trabajo se aborda esta problemática centrada en la metodología ágil Scrum. El modelo propuesto es desarrollado con el objetivo de brindar soporte a las siguientes preguntas de competencia: i) ¿Qué eventos originaron un artefacto en particular?; ii) ¿Qué requerimientos guiaron la generación de tal artefacto?; ¿Quiénes son los participantes involucrados en un evento dado? Las respuestas a estar preguntas asistirían las tareas de trazabilidad en proyectos ágiles tales como: Stakeholders con Requerimientos, User Stories con Versiones y Requerimientos con Requerimientos.WIS - X Workshop ingeniería de softwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Trazabilidad de Procesos Scrum

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    La trazabilidad es considerada en metodologías ágiles como un aspecto fundamental a estudiar para desarrollar sistemas de calidad. Sin embargo, los procesos ágiles ocurren en entornos donde no es frecuente encontrar un documento de especificación de requerimientos, no siendo posible aplicar técnicas clásicas de trazabilidad. En consecuencia, en este trabajo se propone un modelo de trazabilidad basado en las prácticas de Scrum. El objetivo principal del modelo es representar trazas existentes entre los artefactos generados durante procesos Scrum. La propuesta es especializada y ejemplificada siguiendo la documentación del proceso de desarrollo de Moodle.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Exadat: Análisis de Variabilidad en Persistencia de Productos de Software

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    Existe una tendencia mundial hacia el desarrollo y evolución de familias de productos en lugar de la creación de un producto de software para un cliente específico. Sin embargo, es común la construcción de tal familia a partir de varios sistemas a medida. Además, estas implementaciones usualmente carecen de la documentación de la arquitectura implementada. A partir de esta problemática se plantea en este trabajo la identificación de familia de productos de software desde una perspectiva de persistencia. El enfoque propuesto utiliza mecanismos de ingeniería reversa para reconstruir la arquitectura del producto implementado. A partir de la arquitectura se identifican posibles puntos de variación y variantes implicadas en la persistencia de datos.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Trazabilidad de Procesos Scrum

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    La trazabilidad es considerada en metodologías ágiles como un aspecto fundamental a estudiar para desarrollar sistemas de calidad. Sin embargo, los procesos ágiles ocurren en entornos donde no es frecuente encontrar un documento de especificación de requerimientos, no siendo posible aplicar técnicas clásicas de trazabilidad. En consecuencia, en este trabajo se propone un modelo de trazabilidad basado en las prácticas de Scrum. El objetivo principal del modelo es representar trazas existentes entre los artefactos generados durante procesos Scrum. La propuesta es especializada y ejemplificada siguiendo la documentación del proceso de desarrollo de Moodle.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO