221 research outputs found

    Bose-Einstein condensate in Bloch bands with off-diagonal periodic potential

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    We report the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in the Bloch bands with off-diagonal periodic potential (ODPP), which simultaneously plays the role of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and Zeeman field. This model can be realized using two independent Raman couplings in the same three level system, in which the time-reversal symmetry ensures the energy degeneracy between the two states with opposite momenta. We find that these two Raman couplings can be used to tune the spin polarization in momentum space, thus greatly modifies the effective scatterings over the Bloch bands. We observe a transition from the Bloch plane wave phase with condensate at one wave vector to the Bloch stripe phase with condensates at the two Bloch states with opposite wave vectors. These two phases will exhibit totally different spin textures and density modulations in real space, which are totally different from that in free space. In momentum space multiple peaks differ by some reciprocal lattice vectors can be observed, reflecting the periodic structure of the ODPP. A three-band effective model is proposed to understand these observations. This system can provide a new platform in investigating of various physics, such as collective excitations, polaron and topological superlfuids, over the Bloch bands.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Gap-free X and Y chromosome assemblies of Salix arbutifolia reveal an evolutionary change from male to female heterogamety in willows, without a change in the position of the sex-determining locus

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    Summary In the Vetrix clade of Salix, a genus of woody flowering plants, sex determination involves chromosome 15, but an XY system has changed to a ZW system. We studied the detailed genetic changes involved. We used genome sequencing, with chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) and PacBio HiFi reads to assemble chromosome level gap-free X and Y of Salix arbutifolia, and distinguished the haplotypes in the 15X- and 15Y-linked regions, to study the evolutionary history of the sex-linked regions (SLRs). Our sequencing revealed heteromorphism of the X and Y haplotypes of the SLR, with the X-linked region being considerably larger than the corresponding Y region, mainly due to accumulated repetitive sequences and gene duplications. The phylogenies of single-copy orthogroups within the SLRs indicate that S. arbutifolia and Salix purpurea share an ancestral SLR within a repeat-rich region near the chromosome 15 centromere. During the change in heterogamety, the X-linked region changed to a W-linked one, while the Z was derived from the Y

    Simple scheme for expanding a polarization-entangled W state by adding one photon

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    We propose a simple scheme for expanding a polarization-entangled W state. By mixing a single photon and one of the photons in an n-photon W state at a polarization-dependent beam splitter (PDBS), we can obtain an (n+1)-photon W state after post-selection. Our scheme also opens the door for generating n-photon W states using single photons and linear optics.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Service utilization in community health centers in China: a comparison analysis with local hospitals

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    BACKGROUND: Being an important part of China's Urban Health Care Reform System, Community Health Centers (CHCs) have been established throughout the entire country and are presently undergoing substantial reconstruction. However, the services being delivered by the CHCs are far from reaching their performance targets. In order to assess the role of the CHCs, we examined their performance in six cities located in regions of South-East China. The purpose of this investigation was to identify the utilization and the efficiency of community health resources that are able to provide basic medical and public health services. METHODS: The study was approved by Peking University Health Science Center Institutional Reviewing Board (NO: IRB00001052-T1). Data were collected from all the local health bureaux and processed using SPSS software. Methods of analysis mainly included: descriptive analysis, paired T-test and one-way ANOVA. RESULTS: The six main functions of the CHCs were not fully exploited and the surveys that were collected on their efficiency and utilization of resources indicate that they have a low level of performance and lack the trust of local communities. Furthermore, the CHCs seriously lack funding support and operate under difficult circumstances, and residents have less positive attitudes towards them. CONCLUSION: The community health service must be adjusted according to the requirements of urban medical and health reform, taking into account communities' health needs. More research is required on the living standards and health needs of residents living within the CHC's range, taking into consideration the users' needs in expanding the newly implemented service, and at the same time revising the old service system so as to make the development of CHCs realistic and capable of providing a better service to patients. Several suggestions are put forward for an attainable scheme for developing a community health service

    Sports promote brain evolution: a resting-state fMRI study of volleyball athlete

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    BackgroundLong-term skill learning can lead to structure and function changes in the brain. Different sports can trigger neuroplasticity in distinct brain regions. Volleyball, as one of the most popular team sports, heavily relies on individual abilities such as perception and prediction for high-level athletes to excel. However, the specific brain mechanisms that contribute to the superior performance of volleyball athletes compared to non-athletes remain unclear.MethodWe conducted a study involving the recruitment of ten female volleyball athletes and ten regular female college students, forming the athlete and novice groups, respectively. Comprehensive behavioral assessments, including Functional Movement Screen and audio-visual reaction time tests, were administered to both groups. Additionally, resting-state magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data were acquired for both groups. Subsequently, we conducted in-depth analyses, focusing on the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (ALFF), regional homogeneity (ReHo), and functional connectivity (FC) in the brain for both the athlete and novice groups.ResultsNo significant differences were observed in the behavioral data between the two groups. However, the athlete group exhibited noteworthy enhancements in both the ALFF and ReHo within the visual cortex compared to the novice group. Moreover, the functional connectivity between the visual cortex and key brain regions, including the left primary sensory cortex, left supplementary motor cortex, right insula, left superior temporal gyrus, and left inferior parietal lobule, was notably stronger in the athlete group than in the novice group.ConclusionThis study has unveiled the remarkable impact of volleyball athletes on various brain functions related to vision, movement, and cognition. It indicates that volleyball, as a team-based competitive activity, fosters the advancement of visual, cognitive, and motor skills. These findings lend additional support to the early cultivation of sports talents and the comprehensive development of adolescents. Furthermore, they offer fresh perspectives on preventing and treating movement-related disorders. Trial registrationRegistration number: ChiCTR2400079602. Date of Registration: January 8, 2024
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