186 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Rural Female Pupils Drop Out from Primary Schools, in Nkhata-Bay South District, Malawi

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    Factors Influencing Rural Female Pupils Drop Out from Primary Schools, in Nkhata-Bay South District, Malawi Grace C. Gondwe The problem of the study was to identify factors influencing rural female pupils drop out from primary schools, in Nkhata-Bay south district, Malawi. The research objectives sought to establish the school related factors and out of school factors influencing rural female drop out. To generate and refine the study ideas literature review was essential. The reviewed literature includes different studies focusing on female dropout. The study was based on two theories of motivation: Bernard Weiner’s attribution theory and Abraham Maslow’s theory on human motivation. The study adopted qualitative research design with some basic descriptive results in the form of frequency counts. The target population was rural female primary school dropouts and the study involved thirteen participants. Purposeful sampling and snowballing sampling were used to select the participants for the study. The instrument used to collect data was semi-structured interviews which was done through Skype technology. For refinement and validation, the interview protocol was piloted on five rural primary school dropouts from a different area with similar characteristics as the study area. The study data was analyzed by coding and grouping the emerging themes. The researcher translated all data into English from Chichewa, which was the language used during data collection. The study revealed the following school related factors that influenced dropping out; poor academic performance, grade repetition, overcrowded classroom and teacher’s absenteeism. Pupils’ own lack of interest in school, lack of financial support due to poverty, pregnancy, early marriage and taking care of sick relatives were out of school factors that the study established

    Low-Abundance Resistant Mutations in HIV-1 Subtype C Antiretroviral Therapy-Naïve Individuals as Revealed by Pyrosequencing

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    Given the recent scale-up of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa, we sought to determine how often and at what levels do drug-resistant mutant variants exist in ART-naïve HIV subtype C infected individuals. Samples from 10 ART-naïve Zambian individuals were subjected to ultra-deep pyrosequencing (UDPS) to characterize the frequency of low-abundance drug resistance mutations in the pol gene. Low-abundance clinically relevant variants were detected for nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) and protease inhibitors (PIs) in eight of the ten subjects. Intermediate to high-level resistance was predicted for the majority of NRTIs. Mutations conferring resistance to most firstline and some second-line therapy drugs were also observed. UDPS detected a number of additional major resistant mutations suggesting that these individuals may have an increased risk of virological failure after initiating ART. Moreover, the effectiveness of first-line and even some second-line ART may be compromised in this setting

    Community-linked maternal death review (CLMDR) to measure and prevent maternal mortality: a pilot study in rural Malawi.

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    In Malawi, maternal mortality remains high. Existing maternal death reviews fail to adequately review most deaths, or capture those that occur outside the health system. We assessed the value of community involvement to improve capture and response to community maternal deaths

    Earlier menarche is associated with a higher prevalence of Herpes simplex type-2 (HSV-2) in young women in rural Malawi

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    Remarkably little is known about associations between age at menarche and sexually transmitted infections, although girls with earlier menarche tend to have earlier sexual debut and school drop-out, so an association might be expected. In a population-based survey of >3000 women aged 15–30 in northern Malawi we show that those with earlier menarche had earlier sexual debut, earlier marriage and were more often Herpes simplex type-2 (HSV-2) positive. Compared to those with menarche aged <14, the age-adjusted odds ratios for HSV-2 were 0.89 (95%CI 0.71–1.1), 0.71 (0.57–0.89) and 0.69 (0.54–0.89) for menarche aged 14, 15 and 16+ respectively. This association persisted after adjusting for socio-economic factors, including schooling, and for sexual behaviour. No such association was seen with HIV infection, which is much less common and less uniformly distributed than HSV-2 in this population. The extra vulnerability of girls with earlier menarche needs to be recognised

    Earlier menarche is associated with a higher prevalence of Herpes simplex type-2 (HSV-2) in young women in rural Malawi.

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    Remarkably little is known about associations between age at menarche and sexually transmitted infections, although girls with earlier menarche tend to have earlier sexual debut and school drop-out, so an association might be expected. In a population-based survey of >3000 women aged 15-30 in northern Malawi we show that those with earlier menarche had earlier sexual debut, earlier marriage and were more often Herpes simplex type-2 (HSV-2) positive. Compared to those with menarche aged <14, the age-adjusted odds ratios for HSV-2 were 0.89 (95%CI 0.71-1.1), 0.71 (0.57-0.89) and 0.69 (0.54-0.89) for menarche aged 14, 15 and 16+ respectively. This association persisted after adjusting for socio-economic factors, including schooling, and for sexual behaviour. No such association was seen with HIV infection, which is much less common and less uniformly distributed than HSV-2 in this population. The extra vulnerability of girls with earlier menarche needs to be recognised. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.01604.001

    Water use practices, water quality, and households\u2019 diarrheal encounters in communities along the Boro-Thamalakane-Boteti river system, Northern Botswana

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    Background: Some rural African communities residing along rivers use the untreated river water for domestic purposes, making them vulnerable to waterborne diseases such as diarrhea. Methods: We determined water use practices and water quality, relating them to prevalence of diarrhea in communities along the Boro-Thamalakane-Boteti river system, northern Botswana. A total of 452 households were interviewed and 196 water samples collected show during February, May, September, and December 2012 in settlements of Boro, Maun, Xobe, Samedupi, Chanoga, and Motopi. Information was sought on water use practices (collection, storage, and handling) and diarrheal experience using questionnaires. Water quality was assessed for physicochemical and microbiological parameters using portable field meters and laboratory analysis, respectively. Results: All (100 %) of the river water samples collected were fecally contaminated and unsuitable for domestic use without prior treatment. Samples had Escherichia coli ( E. coli) and fecal streptococci levels reaching up to 186 and 140 CFU/100 ml, respectively. Study revealed high dependence on the fecally contaminated river water with low uptake of water treatment techniques. Up to 48 % of households indicated that they experience diarrhea, with most cases occurring during the early flooding season (May). Nonetheless, there was no significant relationship between river water quality and households\u2019 diarrheal experience across studied settlements (p &gt; 0.05). Failure to treat river water before use was a significant predictor of diarrhea (p = 0.028). Conclusions: Even though the river water was unsafe for domestic use, results imply further recontamination of water at household level highlighting the need for simple and affordable household water treatment techniques

    Delayed acquisition of Plasmodium falciparum antigen-specific CD4+ T cell responses in HIV-exposed uninfected Malawian children receiving daily cotrimoxazole prophylaxis

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    BACKGROUND: Cotrimoxazole (CTX) prophylaxis, recommended in HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) children primarily against HIV-related opportunistic infections, has been shown to have some efficacy against Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The effects of CTX prophylaxis on the acquisition of P. falciparum antigen specific CD4(+) T cells-mediated immunity in HEU children is still not fully understood. METHODS: Peripheral blood was collected from HEU and HIV-unexposed uninfected (HUU) children at 6, 12 and 18 months of age. Proportion of CD4(+) T cells subsets were determined by immunophenotyping. P. falciparum antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells responses were measured by intracellular cytokine staining assay. RESULTS: There were no differences in the proportions of naïve, effector and memory CD4(+) T cell subsets between HEU and HUU children at all ages. There was a trend showing acquisition of P. falciparum-specific IFN-γ and TNF-producing CD4(+) T cells with age in both HUU and HEU children. There was, however, lower frequency of P. falciparum-specific IFN-γ-producing CD4(+) T cells in HEU compared to HUU at 6 and 12 months, which normalized 6 months after stopping CTX prophylaxis. CONCLUSION: The results demonstrate that there is delayed acquisition of P. falciparum-specific IFN-γ-producing CD4(+) T cells in HEU children on daily cotrimoxazole prophylaxis, which is evident at 6 and 12 months of age in comparison to HUU age-matched controls. However, whether this delayed acquisition of P. falciparum-specific IFN-γ-producing CD4(+) T cells leads to higher risk to malaria disease remains unknown and warrants further investigation

    Guardians and research staff experiences and views about the consent process in hospital-based paediatric research studies in urban Malawi: A qualitative study

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    Background: Obtaining consent has become a standard way of respecting the patient’s rights and autonomy in clinical research. Ethical guidelines recommend that the child’s parent/s or authorised legal guardian provides informed consent for their child’s participation. However, obtaining informed consent in paediatric research is challenging. Parents become vulnerable because of stress related to their child’s illness. Understanding the views held by guardians and researchers about the consent process in Malawi, where there are limitations in health care access and research literacy will assist in developing appropriate consent guidelines. Methods: We conducted 20 in-depth interviews with guardians of children and research staff who had participated in paediatric clinical trial and observational studies in acute and non-acute settings in the Southern Region of Malawi. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and thematically analysed. Interviews were compared across studies and settings to identify differences and similarities in participants’ views about informed consent processes. Data analysis was facilitated by NVIVO 11 software. Results: All participants across study types and settings reported that they associated participating in research with therapeutic benefits. Substantial differences were noted in the decision-making process across study settings. Guardians from acute studies felt that the role of their spouses was neglected during consenting, while staff reported that they had problems obtaining consent from guardians when their partners were not present. Across all study types and settings, research staff reported that they emphasised the benefits more than the risks of the study to participants, due to pressure to recruit. Participants from non-acute settings were more likely to recall information shared during the consent process than participants in the acute setting. Conclusion: The health care context, culture and research process influenced participants’ understanding of study information across study types and settings. We advise research managers or principal investigators to define minimum requirements that would not compromise the consent process and conduct study specific training for staff. The use of one size fits all consent process may not be ideal. More guidance is needed on how these differences can be incorporated during the consent process to improve understanding and delivery of consent

    Leveraging routine viral load testing to integrate diabetes screening among patients on antiretroviral therapy in Malawi

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    Background People living with HIV are at an increased risk of diabetes mellitus due to HIV infection and exposure to antiretroviral therapy (ART). Despite this, integrated diabetes screening has not been implemented commonly in African HIV clinics. Our objective was to explore the feasibility of integrating diabetes screening into existing routine HIV viral load (VL) monitoring and to determine a group of HIV patients that benefit from a targeted screening for diabetes. Methods A mixed methods study was conducted from January to July 2018 among patients on ART aged≥18 y and healthcare workers at an urban HIV clinic in Zomba Central Hospital, Malawi. Patients who were due for routine VL monitoring underwent a finger-prick for simultaneous point-of-care glucose measurement and dried blood spot sampling for a VL test. Diabetes was diagnosed according to WHO criteria. We collected demographic and medical history information using an interviewer-administered questionnaire and electronic medical records. We conducted focus group discussions among healthcare workers about their experience and perceptions regarding the integrated diabetes screening program. Results Of patients undergoing routine VL monitoring, 1316 of 1385 (95%) had simultaneous screening for diabetes during the study period. The median age was 44 y (IQR: 38–53); 61% were female; 28% overweight or obese; and median ART duration was 83 mo (IQR: 48–115). At baseline, median CD4 count was 199 cells/mm3 (IQR: 102–277) and 50% were in WHO clinical stages I or II; 45% were previously exposed to stavudine and 88% were virologically suppressed (<1000 copies/mL). Diabetes prevalence was 31/1316 (2.4%). Diabetes diagnosis was associated with age ≥40 y (adjusted OR [aOR] 7.44; 95% CI: 1.74 to 31.80), being overweight and/or obese (aOR 2.46; 95% CI: 1.13 to 5.38) and being on a protease inhibitor-based ART regimen (aOR 5.78; 95% CI: 2.30 to 14.50). Healthcare workers appreciated integrated diabetes screening but also reported challenges including increased waiting time, additional workload and inadequate communication of results to patients. Conclusions Integrating diabetes screening with routine VL monitoring (every 2 y) seems feasible and was valued by healthcare workers. The additional cost of adding diabetes screening into VL clinics requires further study and could benefit from a targeted approach prioritizing patients aged ≥40 y, being overweight/obese and on protease inhibitor-based regimens
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