6 research outputs found

    Attribute Grammars as Record Calculus - A Structure-Oriented Denotational Semantics of Attribute Grammars by Using Cardelli's Record Calculus

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    In this paper, we present a new denotational semantics of attribute grammars (AGs) by using Cardelli's record calculus. This new denotational semantics is simple, natural and structureoriented. AGs have been considered useful in describing interactive programming environments as well as in specifying the semantics of programming languages. Using AGs, interactive programming environments are often described as attributed trees with several AG extensions, e.g., higherorder features, subtree replacement, and remote access. Unfortunately, it was not easy to compare various denitions for these extensions in a formal way. One of the reasons is that previous studies for AG semantics are not structure-oriented, that is, they are based on attribute valuation, not an attributed tree itself. For example, AG semantics based on attribute valuation can not deal directly with program transformation such as a \Theta (b + c) ) a \Theta b + a \Theta c. In our new semantics, an attributed tree is repre..

    Using Object-Oriented Attribute Grammars as ODB System Generator

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    This paper presents MAGE2 system. It implements a computational model OOAG (ObjectOriented Attribute Grammars) and creates its attributed object trees in object-oriented database (ODB) using persistent object allocation mechanism of object-oriented database management systems (ODBMS). The MAGE2 is a programming support and execution environment for OOAG

    Iterative Delta Debugging

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    Iterative delta debugging

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    Abstract. Automated debugging attempts to locate the reason for a failure. Delta debugging minimizes the difference between two inputs, where one input is processed correctly while the other input causes a failure, using a series of test runs to determine the outcome of applied changes. Delta debugging is applicable to inputs or to the program itself, as long as a correct version of the program exists. However, complex errors are often masked by other program defects, making it impossible to obtain a correct version of the program through delta debugging in such cases. Iterative delta debugging extends delta debugging and removes series of defects step by step, until the final unresolved defect alone is isolated. The method is automated and managed to localize a bug in some real-life examples.

    A Functional Semantics of Attribute Grammars

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    A definition of the semantics of attribute grammars is given, using the lambda calculus. We show how this semantics allows us to prove results about attribute grammars in a calculational style. In particular, we give a new proof of Chirica and Martin's result [6], that the attribute values can be computed by a structural recursion over the tree. We also derive a new definedness test, which encompasses the traditional closure and circularity tests. The test is derived by abstract interpretation