343 research outputs found

    Genetic Transformation of Rhodesgrass (Chloris Gayana Kunth.) by Particle Bombardment

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    Rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana Kunth) has been cultivated as one of the most important warm-season grasses in the world. One of the major limitations for cattle production on forage grasses, especially warm-season grasses is poor digestibility if compared to temperate grasses (Gondo et al., 2003). It is believed that the low digestibility of warm-season grasses is due to high lignin contents (Akashi et al., 2003). Recently, modification of the lignin content of plants appears to be feasible using genetic engineering strategies. We have established a methodology for high-frequency somatic embryogenesis and multiple shoot formation from seed-derived shoot apical meristems in rhodesgrass. Also, we have studied several factors involved in particle bombardment transformation

    Oxalate and silica contents of seven varieties of Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum)

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    Oxalate and silica are considered antinutrients. Large quantities of oxalate and silica in plants can interfere with the uptake of essential minerals in ruminants. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the total silica and oxalate contents of seven varieties of Napier grass to find out which is best for cultivation. Taiwan, Zanzibar, Pakchong, Purple, Kobe, Indian, and Dwarf Napier grass were grown in a completely randomized design with three replications to determine their soluble oxalate, total oxalate, and silica contents. Plants were harvested at two months of plant maturity. Whole plant of the Dwarf Napier grass contained significantly higher soluble oxalate content than tall varieties. Total oxalate content in whole plant differed significantly among varieties. Dwarf showed the highest total oxalate content (3.23% dry matter (DM)) followed by Kobe (2.61%), Zanzibar (2.60%), Purple (2.44%), Taiwan (2.43%), Indian (2.15%), and Pakchong (1.95%). Regardless of variety, leaf tissue contained significantly higher soluble oxalate and total oxalate than stem tissue. There were no differences in silica content among them. In conclusion, the tall varieties could produce lower levels of soluble oxalate than the Dwarf variety, whereas silica content might not vary among them.Keywords: botanical fractions, mineral bioavailability, ruminan

    Projeto-piloto de promoção comercial de frutas da produção integrada: fundamentos e resultados.

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    Cognitive Performance in Centenarians and the Oldest Old: Norms from the Georgia Centenarian Study

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    We present normative data from a large population-based sample of centenarians for several brief, global neurocognitive tasks amenable for frail elders. Comparative data from octogenarians are included. A total of 244 centenarians and 80 octogenarians from Phase III of the Georgia Centenarian Study were administered the Mini-Mental Status Examination, Severe Impairment Battery, and Behavioral Dyscontrol Scale. Centenarians (age 98–107) were stratified into three age cohorts (98–99, 100–101, 102–107), octogenarians into two 5- year cohorts (80–84, 85–89). Highly significant differences were observed between groups on all measures, with greater variation and dispersion in performance among centenarians, as well as stronger associations between age and performance. Descriptive statistics and normative ranges (unweighted and population-weighted) are provided by age cohort. Additional statistics are provided by education level. While most previous centenarian studies have used convenience samples, ours is population-based and likely more valid for comparison in applied settings. Results suggest centenarians look different than do even the oldest age range of most normative aging datasets (e.g., 85–90). Results support using global measures of neurocognition to describe cognitive status in the oldest old, and we provide normative comparisons to do so

    Atrazine-Induced Aromatase Expression Is SF-1 Dependent: Implications for Endocrine Disruption in Wildlife and Reproductive Cancers in Humans

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    BACKGROUND: Atrazine is a potent endocrine disruptor that increases aromatase expression in some human cancer cell lines. The mechanism involves the inhibition of phosphodiesterase and subsequent elevation of cAMP. METHODS: We compared steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) expression in atrazine responsive and non-responsive cell lines and transfected SF-1 into nonresponsive cell lines to assess SF-1’s role in atrazine-induced aromatase. We used a luciferase reporter driven by the SF-1–dependent aromatase promoter (ArPII) to examine activation of this promoter by atrazine and the related simazine. We mutated the SF-1 binding site to confirm the role of SF-1. We also examined effects of 55 other chemicals. Finally, we examined the ability of atrazine and simazine to bind to SF-1 and enhance SF-1 binding to ArPII. RESULTS: Atrazine-responsive adrenal carcinoma cells (H295R) expressed 54 times more SF-1 than nonresponsive ovarian granulosa KGN cells. Exogenous SF-1 conveyed atrazine-responsiveness to otherwise nonresponsive KGN and NIH/3T3 cells. Atrazine induced binding of SF-1 to chromatin and mutation of the SF-1 binding site in ArPII eliminated SF-1 binding and atrazine-responsiveness in H295R cells. Out of 55 chemicals examined, only atrazine, simazine, and benzopyrene induced luciferase via ArPII. Atrazine bound directly to SF-1, showing that atrazine is a ligand for this “orphan” receptor. CONCLUSION: The current findings are consistent with atrazine’s endocrine-disrupting effects in fish, amphibians, and reptiles; the induction of mammary and prostate cancer in laboratory rodents; and correlations between atrazine and similar reproductive cancers in humans. This study highlights the importance of atrazine as a risk factor in endocrine disruption in wildlife and reproductive cancers in laboratory rodents and humans

    RNA Editing Genes Associated with Extreme Old Age in Humans and with Lifespan in C. elegans

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    The strong familiality of living to extreme ages suggests that human longevity is genetically regulated. The majority of genes found thus far to be associated with longevity primarily function in lipoprotein metabolism and insulin/IGF-1 signaling. There are likely many more genetic modifiers of human longevity that remain to be discovered.Here, we first show that 18 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the RNA editing genes ADARB1 and ADARB2 are associated with extreme old age in a U.S. based study of centenarians, the New England Centenarian Study. We describe replications of these findings in three independently conducted centenarian studies with different genetic backgrounds (Italian, Ashkenazi Jewish and Japanese) that collectively support an association of ADARB1 and ADARB2 with longevity. Some SNPs in ADARB2 replicate consistently in the four populations and suggest a strong effect that is independent of the different genetic backgrounds and environments. To evaluate the functional association of these genes with lifespan, we demonstrate that inactivation of their orthologues adr-1 and adr-2 in C. elegans reduces median survival by 50%. We further demonstrate that inactivation of the argonaute gene, rde-1, a critical regulator of RNA interference, completely restores lifespan to normal levels in the context of adr-1 and adr-2 loss of function.Our results suggest that RNA editors may be an important regulator of aging in humans and that, when evaluated in C. elegans, this pathway may interact with the RNA interference machinery to regulate lifespan

    Tendência genética de características de desempenho produtivo em bovinos da Raça Senepol.

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    Objetivou-se com esse trabalho estimar as tendências genéticas das características de locus quantitativo como peso ao nascer (PN), à fase materna (P120), à desmama (PD) e ao sobreano (PS), perímetro escrotal ao sobreano (PES) e para as características de avaliação subjetiva: escore de conformação frigorífica ao sobreano (CFS), em bovinos da raça Senepol. Foram feitas 37.498 observações, entre o período de 2001 a 2014. Para a análise crítica dos dados utilizou-se o programa estatístico SAS (2002 - 2010), foi utilizada a Metodologia de Modelos Mistos Henderson (1953) para a análise genética, sendo adotado o Modelo Animal, considerando as características múltiplas. As médias anuais das tendências genéticas encontradas para PN, P120, PD, PS, PES e CFS foram de 0,03 kg, 0,361 kg, 0,434 kg, 0,984 kg, 0,003 (1 - 6) e 0,002 cm respectivamente. As análises de tendência genética obtidas mostraram-se positiva para todas as características observadas indicando haver progresso genético dentro da raça analisada.Título em inglês: Genetic trend of performance traits in bovines of Senepol Breed

    Anisotropic Magnetoresistance Effects in Fe, Co, Ni, Fe_4N, and Half-Metallic Ferromagnet: A Systematic Analysis

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    We theoretically analyze the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) effects of bcc Fe (+), fcc Co (+), fcc Ni (+), Fe4_4N (-), and a half-metallic ferromagnet (-). The sign in each ( ) represents the sign of the AMR ratio observed experimentally. We here use the two-current model for a system consisting of a spin-polarized conduction state and localized d states with spin--orbit interaction. From the model, we first derive a general expression of the AMR ratio. The expression consists of a resistivity of the conduction state of the σ\sigma spin (σ=\sigma=\uparrow or \downarrow), ρsσ\rho_{s \sigma}, and resistivities due to s--d scattering processes from the conduction state to the localized d states. On the basis of this expression, we next find a relation between the sign of the AMR ratio and the s--d scattering process. In addition, we obtain expressions of the AMR ratios appropriate to the respective materials. Using the expressions, we evaluate their AMR ratios, where the expressions take into account the values of ρs/ρs\rho_{s \downarrow}/\rho_{s \uparrow} of the respective materials. The evaluated AMR ratios correspond well to the experimental results.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, minor mistakes corrected, final versio