6,010 research outputs found

    Ions in glass forming glycerol: Close correlation of alpha and fast beta relaxation

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    We provide broadband dielectric loss spectra of glass-forming glycerol with varying additions of LiCl. The measurements covering frequencies up to 10 THz extend well into the region of the fast beta process, commonly ascribed to caged molecule dynamics. Aside of the known variation of the structural alpha relaxation time and a modification of the excess wing with ion content, we also find a clear influence on the shallow loss minimum arising from the fast beta relaxation. Within the framework of mode-coupling theory, the detected significant broadening of this minimum is in reasonable accord with the found variation of the alpha-relaxation dynamics. A correlation between alpha-relaxation rate and minimum position holds for all ion concentrations and temperatures, even below the critical temperature defined by mode-coupling theory.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Present state of power electronics circuitry and perspectives of its development

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    This paper is devoted mainly to the circuitry, because element base is a big independent issue. Let us say a few words about terminology. A modern converter can be rarely represented as a simple device like “rectifier”, “inverter” etc. It usually consists of the combination of several units, performing elementary functions. For such multistage units it makes sense to use a definition of converter “technology”, keeping in mind some actions with electric current for a certain purpose. It is similar to the step activities in chemistry: to take a substance, to heat it etc. After the formulation of a goal and a number of necessary actions it is possible to present a corresponding structure circuit. According to described above we tried to mention basic technologies used in modern power electronics. The perspectives of the electronics in the nearest future are connected with the further improvement of basic technologies, because their combination allows for developing new technologies. In our opinion, there are four such technologies.Стаття присвячена проблемам схемотехніки у сучасній енергетиці. Розглянуто декілька напрямків розробок електроприводів, відмічено їхні переваги та недоліки. Описано сучасні схемотехнічні можливості та перспективні напрямки їхнього подальшого розвитку в Україні

    Pressure dependence of the upper critical field of MgB2 and of YNi2B2C

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    We present measurements of Hc2(T)_{c2}(T) under pressure in MgB2_2 and in YNi2_2B2_2C. The changes in the shape of Hc2(T)_{c2}(T) are interpreted within current models and show the evolution of the main Fermi surface velocities vFv_F and electron-phonon coupling parameters λ\lambda with pressure. In MgB2_2 the electron-phonon coupling strength of the nearly two dimensional σ\sigma band, responsible for the high critical temperature, is more affected by pressure than the π\pi band coupling, and the hole doping of the σ\sigma band decreases. In YNi2_2B2_2C, the peculiar positive curvature of Hc2(T)_{c2}(T) is weakened by pressure.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    High-Pressure Amorphous Nitrogen

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    The phase diagram and stability limits of diatomic solid nitrogen have been explored in a wide pressure--temperature range by several optical spectroscopic techniques. A newly characterized narrow-gap semiconducting phase η\eta has been found to exist in a range of 80--270 GPa and 10--510 K. The vibrational and optical properties of the η\eta phase produced under these conditions indicate that it is largely amorphous and back transforms to a new molecular phase. The band gap of the η\eta phase is found to decrease with pressure indicating possible metallization by band overlap above 280 GPa.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Inelastic scattering of protons from 6,8^{6,8}He and 7,11^{7,11}Li in a folding model approach

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    The proton-inelastic scattering from 6,8^{6,8}He and 7,11^{7,11}Li nuclei are studied in a folding model approach. A finite-range, momentum, density and isospin dependent nucleon-nucleon interaction (SBM) is folded with realistic density distributions of the above nuclei. The renormalization factors NR_R and NI_I on the real and volume imaginary part of the folded potentials are obtained by analyzing the respective elastic scattering data and kept unaltered for the inelastic analysis at the same energy. The form factors are generated by taking derivatives of the folded potentials and therefore required renormalizations. The β\beta values are extracted by fitting the p + 6,8^{6,8}He,7,11^{7,11}Li inelastic angular distributions. The present analysis of p + 8^8He inelastic scattering to the 3.57 MeV excited state, including unpublished forward angle data (RIKEN) confirms L = 2 transition. Similar analysis of the p + 6^6He inelastic scattering angular distribution leading to the 1.8 MeV (L = 2) excited state fails to satisfactorily reproduce the data.Comment: one LaTeX file, five PostScript figure

    Temperature Inversion Symmetry in Gauge-Higgs Unification Models

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    The temperature inversion symmetry R1TR\to \frac{1}{T} is studied for the finite temperature effective potential of the N=1, d=5d=5, supersymmetric SU(3)c×SU(3)wSU(3)_{c}{\times}SU(3)_{w} model, on the orbifold S1/Z2S^{1}/Z_{2}. For the value of the Wilson line parameter α=1\alpha=1 (SU(2)LSU(2)_{L} breaks to a U(1)U'(1)), it is found that the effective potential contains a symmetric part and an anti-symmetric part under ξ1ξ\xi\to \frac{1}{\xi}, with, ξ=RT\xi=RT. When α=0\alpha=0 (for which, SU(2)LSU(2)_{L} remains unbroken) it is found that the only contribution to the effective potential that spoils the temperature inversion symmetry comes from the fermions in the fundamental representation of the gauge group, with (+,+)(+,+) or (,)(-,-), Z2Z_{2} parities. This is interesting since it implies that the bulk effective potential corresponding to models with orbifold fixed point localized fundamental fermions (and with no bulk fundamental fermions) has the temperature inversion symmetry.Comment: 21 pages, version accepted for publication in Theoretical and Mathematical Physic

    First-Principles Calculation of the Superconducting Transition in MgB2 within the Anisotropic Eliashberg Formalism

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    We present a study of the superconducting transition in MgB2 using the ab-initio pseudopotential density functional method and the fully anisotropic Eliashberg equation. Our study shows that the anisotropic Eliashberg equation, constructed with ab-initio calculated momentum-dependent electron-phonon interaction and anharmonic phonon frequencies, yields an average electron-phonon coupling constant lambda = 0.61, a transition temperature Tc = 39 K, and a boron isotope-effect exponent alphaB = 0.31 with a reasonable assumption of mu* = 0.12. The calculated values for Tc, lambda, and alphaB are in excellent agreement with transport, specific heat, and isotope effect measurements respectively. The individual values of the electron-phonon coupling lambda(k,k') on the various pieces of the Fermi surface however vary from 0.1 to 2.5. The observed Tc is a result of both the raising effect of anisotropy in the electron-phonon couplings and the lowering effect of anharmonicity in the relevant phonon modes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Pellet charge exchange helium measurement using neutral particle analyzer in large helical device

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    It is very important to investigate the confinement of alpha particles, which will be produced by nuclear reactions in ITER and fusion reactors. The pellet charge exchange (PCX) measurement is one of the most powerful methods because it can directly provide the profile of the alpha particle energy spectra in a plasma. In the large helical device, PCX using tracer encapsulated solid pellet (TESPEL) has been tried in many hydrogen and helium plasmas, including helium accelerated by using the cyclotron resonance heating. In the PCX, we use the compact neutral particle analyzer without simultaneous mass separation ability. The helium particle measurement can be achieved by the application of voltage in the condenser plate. The scattering of hydrogen particle is carefully considered during the estimation of the helium amount. The radial helium profiles can also be obtained by comparing four TESPEL injection shots with/without higher harmonic fast wave heating and at applied plate voltages for He or H, respectively

    The influence of direct DD-meson production to the determination on the nucleon strangeness asymmetry via dimuon events in neutrino experiments

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    Experimentally, the production of oppositely charged dimuon events by neutrino and anti-neutrino deep inelastic scattering (DIS) is used to determine the strangeness asymmetry inside a nucleon. Here we point out that the direct production of DD-meson in DIS may make substantial influence to the measurement of nucleon strange distributions. The direct DD-meson production is via the heavy quark recombination (HQR) and via the light quark fragmentation from perturbative QCD (LQF-P). To see the influence precisely, we compute the direct DD-meson productions via HQR and LQF-P quantitatively and estimate their corrections to the analysis of the strangeness asymmetry. The results show that HQR has stronger effect than LQF-P does, and the former may influence the experimental determination of the nucleon strangeness asymmetry.Comment: 9 latex pages, 7 figure