24 research outputs found

    Genetic divergence among African and American cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. race latifolium H.) cultivars and inbred lines through random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers.

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    Cotton (Gossypium spp.) is an important cash crop and the second largest source of textile fiber and edible oil throughout the world. This study was conducted to investigate the genetic divergence through random amplified polymorphism (RAPD) molecular markers among the introduced African and American cultivars and inbred lines of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. raça latifolium H.) in Mozambique. We used 24 RAPD primers that amplified a total of 166 bands, identifying 90.96% ofpolymorphism. The intra and inter group genetic variability quantification evidenced significant variability of 16.30% between the African and American groups. The highest genetic similarity was observed among the African commercial cotton cultivars, whereas American cultivars and inbred lines were considered the most dissimilar ones. The arithmetic complement of Jaccard, obtained with 151 RAPD molecular markers showed that African cultivars Albar BC853 and STAM 42 were the most similar, while the most dissimilar combinations were TAMCOT Sphinx and ISA 205 followed by TAMCOT Sphinx vs ALBAR BC853 and TAMCOT Sphinx vs REMU 40 combinations.Keywords: Molecular variance analysis, decamer primers, dissimilarity, Gossypium hirsutum, molecular markers

    Linkage mapping of the Phg-1 and Co-14 genes for resistance to angular leaf spot and anthracnose in the common bean cultivar AND 277

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    The Andean common bean AND 277 has the Co-14 and the Phg-1 alleles that confer resistance to 21 and eight races, respectively, of the anthracnose (ANT) and angular leaf spot (ALS) pathogens. Because of its broad resistance spectrum, Co-14 is one of the main genes used in ANT resistance breeding. Additionally, Phg-1 is used for resistance to ALS. In this study, we elucidate the inheritance of the resistance of AND 277 to both pathogens using F2 populations from the AND 277 × Rudá and AND 277 × Ouro Negro crosses and F2:3 families from the AND 277 × Ouro Negro cross. Rudá and Ouro Negro are susceptible to all of the above races of both pathogens. Co-segregation analysis revealed that a single dominant gene in AND 277 confers resistance to races 65, 73, and 2047 of the ANT and to race 63-23 of the ALS pathogens. Co-14 and Phg-1 are tightly linked (0.0 cM) on linkage group Pv01. Through synteny mapping between common bean and soybean we also identified two new molecular markers, CV542014450 and TGA1.1570, tagging the Co-14 and Phg-1 loci. These markers are linked at 0.7 and 1.3 cM, respectively, from the Co-14/Phg-1 locus in coupling phase. The analysis of allele segregation in the BAT 93/Jalo EEP558 and California Dark Red Kidney/Yolano recombinant populations revealed that CV542014450 and TGA1.1570 segregated in the expected 1:1 ratio. Due to the physical linkage in cis configuration, Co-14 and Phg-1 are inherited together and can be monitored indirectly with the CV542014450 and TGA1.1570 markers. These results illustrate the rapid discovery of new markers through synteny mapping. These markers will reduce the time and costs associated with the pyramiding of these two disease resistance genes