676 research outputs found

    Effect of hydroxyethyl starch on acute renal injury in a model of hepatic ischemia-reperfusion

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatic vascular control techniques employed during liver surgery are usually associated with ischemia-reperfusion injury, which could cause acute renal dysfunction. The murine model has been used in the study of this injury. Hydroxyethyl starch has recognized anti-inflammatory properties and improves microcirculation. Third generation hydroxyethyl starches, namely 130/0.4, show a better safety profile than previous molecules. OBJECTIVES: Evaluation of renal injury in a murine model of partial normothermic hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury and assessment of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 effect on this injury. METHODS: Seventy-two male Wistar rats were randomized into six groups with identical characteristics (n = 12 x 6). In three of them, the ischemia-reperfusion injury groups, we placed a clamp in the vascular pedicle of the median and left liver lobes, inducing hepatic ischemia (70%), and removed the clamp 60 minutes later (IRI + HES and IRI + HS groups, with HES or hypertonic saline (7.5%) administration during reperfusion, respectively, and IRI group, without fluid therapy). The control groups were sham-operated without hepatic ischemia and treated likewise (sham + HES, sham + HS and sham groups). After 120 minutes of reperfusion in the ischemia-reperfusion injury groups and 180 minutes in the controls we drew blood from the aorta artery for creatinine, urea and alanine aminotransferase quantification and removed kidney and liver samples for histopathological analysis. RESULTS: As already published by our group, the partial hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury model showed liver injury. In the present work, the IRI group had higher creatinine, urea and histopathological score than sham (p < 0.05). Creatinine and urea mean concentrations were significantly lower both in IRI+HES (23.08 µmol/L and 8.38 mmol/L, respectively) and IRI + HS (26.59 µmol/L and 7.82 mmol/L) when compared to IRI (40.101 µmol/L and 11.25 mmol/L). There was no significant difference between IRI + HES and IRI + HS groups (serum markers and histopathology).Conclusion: The hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury murine model was effective in producing kidney injury. Both the hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 and the hypertonic saline protected the kidney in this context and were not harmful for this organ in the controls. Further studies are necessary to assess clinical implications of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 administration in liver surgery

    Decomposition of spontaneous fluctuations in tumour oxygenation using BOLD MRI and independent component analysis

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    Solid tumours can undergo cycles of hypoxia, followed by reoxygenation, which can have significant implications for the success of anticancer therapies. A need therefore exists to develop methods to aid its detection and to further characterise its biological basis. We present here a novel method for decomposing systemic and tumour-specific contributions to fluctuations in tumour deoxyhaemoglobin concentration, based on magnetic resonance imaging measurements

    Use of Moisturizers and Lubricants for Vulvovaginal Atrophy

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    The estrogen decrease in postmenopausal women results in functional and anatomical changes in the genitourinary tract. The most prevalent and bothersome symptoms are vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, and reduced lubrication, which can significantly affect the quality of life of these women, principally those who are sexually active. Hormonal therapy with local estrogens is generally considered the "gold standard." However, there are cases in which there are clinical concerns about its use or women opt for non-hormonal options. Thus, safe and effective non-hormonal options are needed to improve symptoms in these women. Moisturizers and lubricants are first-line therapy for breast cancer survivors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comportamentos de risco e excesso de peso na adolescência: revisão da literatura

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    A adolescência é uma fase de maior vulnerabilidade para o envolvimento em comportamentos de risco. Paralelamente, o excesso de peso pode ter implicações pessoais e inter-pessoais que podem pôr em causa o bem-estar psicológico dos adolescentes e potenciar o envolvimento em comportamentos de risco. Objectivo: Analisar estudos sobre comportamentos de risco (ferimentos auto-infligidos e consumo de substâncias) num contexto de obesidade ou sobrepeso na adolescência, observando o papel que certas variáveis psico-sociais podem ter na sua moderação. Métodos: Pesquisa de livros e em bases de dados de artigos científicos sobre o tema. Resultados: Os resultados das investigações que procuram associações entre o excesso de peso na adolescência e o cometimento de ferimentos auto-infligidos e/ou consumo de substâncias são pouco consistentes. Alguns estudos mostram que os adolescentes obesos apresentam mais comportamentos de risco, ao passo que outros mostram que o excesso de peso e a obesidade nos jovens parecem estar associados a uma frequência menor ou idêntica deste tipo de comportamentos nos seus pares de peso saudável. Existem evidências de que a regulação emocional, a participação em actividades sociais e o suporte social proporcionado pelos pares e família podem moderar estes comportamentos de risco nos adolescentes com excesso de peso. Conclusão: O excesso de peso não é necessariamente um factor de risco para que os adolescentes cometam ferimentos auto-infligidos ou enveredem por padrões de consumo de álcool e tabaco mais problemáticos, podendo no entanto existir factores psico-sociais que tornem os adolescentes com excesso de peso mais vulneráveis a este tipo de comportamentos. (Discussão) A investigação sobre a associação entre o excesso de peso e o desenvolvimento de comportamentos de risco é reduzida. O número de estudos torna-se ainda mais escasso se reduzirmos os estudos existentes à população adolescente. Relativamente aos ferimentos auto-infligidos, a investigação tem vindo a estudar a relação entre suicídio e obesidade, mas pouco se sabe sobre a prevalência dos vários tipos de comportamentos auto-infligidos e dos perfis de auto-regulação mais frequentes na população jovem obesa. Apesar disso a presença de ferimentos auto-infligidos na adolescência demonstra que é independente da condição de excesso de peso. No entanto outros estudos mostram que o excesso de peso pode traduzir-se em maior vulnerabilidade para cometer ferimentos auto-infligidos. A ausência de resultados consensuais a este nível alerta para o facto de ser urgente explorar esta relação ao mesmo nível do que já foi efectuado no âmbito das perturbações alimentares como a bulimia e a anorexia nervosa. Diversos autores têm encontrado níveis elevados de co-ocorrência da bulimia nervosa e de ferimentos auto-infligidos, tendo ambos sido conceptualizados como estratégias mal-adaptativas de regulação emocional ou de lidar com a insatisfação com a imagem corporal. Nesta linha comprova-se que as dificuldades de auto-regulação também podem ser comuns à obesidade, tornando-se fundamental aprofundar a sua ligação aos ferimentos auto-infligidos. Reflectindo sobre o impacto do sobrepeso no consumo de álcool, surge uma grande diversidade de resultados. Se por um lado encontramos estudos que reforçaram uma relação directa entre o IMC dos adolescentes e o consumo de substâncias, por outro outras investigações mais recentes apontam na direcção contrária. Esta incongruência pode dever-se a aspectos sócio-demográficos específicos da amostra seleccionada para cada estudo (como o sexo e a idade), ou a outros factores de ordem psico-social. Quanto ao consumo de tabaco as investigações mais recentes indicam um aumento do seu consumo nos jovens com excesso de peso em relação aos jovens de peso saudável. A ideia partilhada pelos adolescentes de que o uso de tabaco faz perder peso pode explicar a maior prevalência do uso de tabaco nos adolescentes com excesso de peso em relação a adolescentes com peso normal. A literatura refere ainda que as dificuldades de integração no grupo de pares, sentidas por vezes pelos adolescentes obesos, podem levar a um maior envolvimento nestes comportamentos. Factores como o estado emocional, o suporte familiar, o grau de participação em actividades sociais e a relação com os pares podem assim exercer uma influência negativa ou positiva na prevalência dos comportamentos de risco nos adolescentes com excesso de peso. Também aqui os resultados dos estudos empíricos não permitem dados conclusivos. (...) (Conclusão) O excesso de peso por si só não é necessariamente um factor de risco para o cometimento de ferimentos auto-infligidos e para o consumo de substâncias. No entanto existem factores demográficos e psico-sociais que podem interferir nesta relação, podendo tornar os adolescentes com excesso de peso mais ou menos vulneráveis à adopção destes comportamentos. Os profissionais de saúde desempenham aqui um papel importante na educação para a saúde, podendo alertar os adolescentes para as consequências deste tipo de comportamentos, principalmente os associados ao excesso de peso

    Influence of P53 on the radiotherapy response of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide, and it has a poor prognosis and few therapeutic options. Radiotherapy is one of the most effective forms of cancer treatment, and P53 protein is one of the key molecules determining how a cell responds to radiotherapy. The aim of this study was to determine the therapeutic efficacy of iodine-131 in three human HCC cell lines

    Stimulation of endothelial progenitor cells: a new putative effect of several cardiovascular drugs

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    The role of vascular endothelium in cardiovascular disorders is well recognized. Mature endothelial cells contribute to the repair of endothelial injury, but they only have a limited capacity to do so. This has led to growing interest and further investigation into circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and their role in vascular healing, repair, and postnatal neovascularization. The current perception of vascular health is that of a balance between ongoing injury and resultant vascular repair, mediated at least in part by circulating EPCs. Circulating EPCs play an important role in accelerating endothelialization at areas of vascular damage, and EPC enumeration is a viable strategy for assessing reparative capacity. Recent studies have shown that EPCs are affected both in number and function by several cardiovascular risk factors as well as various cardiovascular disease states, such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and coronary artery disease. The present review summarizes the most relevant studies on the effects of cardiovascular drugs on vascular function and EPCs, focusing on their mechanisms of action

    Impact of splenic artery ligation after major hepatectomy on liver function, regeneration and viability

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    It was reported that prevention of acute portal overpressure in small-for-size livers by inflow modulation results in a better postoperative outcome. The aim is to investigate the impact of portal blood flow reduction by splenic artery ligation after major hepatectomy in a murine model. Forty-eight rats were subjected to an 85% hepatectomy or 85% hepatectomy and splenic artery ligation. Both groups were evaluated at 24, 48, 72 and 120 post-operative hours: liver function, regeneration and viability. All methods and experiments were carried out in accordance with Coimbra University guidelines. Splenic artery ligation produces viability increase after 24 h, induces a relative decrease in oxidative stress during the first 48 hours, allows antioxidant capacity increment after 24 h, which is reflected in a decrease of half-time normalized liver curve at 48 h and at 72 h and in an increase of mitotic index between 48 h and 72 h. Splenic artery ligation combined with 85% hepatectomy in a murine model, allows portal inflow modulation, promoting an increase in hepatocellular viability and regeneration, without impairing the function, probably by inducing a less marked elevation of oxidative stress at first 48 hours

    The effect of imatinib therapy on tumour cycling hypoxia, tissue oxygenation and vascular reactivity

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    BACKGROUND: Several biomedical imaging techniques have recently been developed to probe hypoxia in tumours, including oxygen-enhanced (OE) and blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These techniques have strong potential for measuring both chronic and transient (cycling) changes in hypoxia, and to assess response to vascular-targeting therapies in the clinic. METHODS: In this study, we investigated the use of BOLD and OE-MRI to assess changes in cycling hypoxia, tissue oxygenation and vascular reactivity to hyperoxic gas challenges, in mouse models of colorectal therapy, following treatment with the PDGF-receptor inhibitor, imatinib mesylate (Glivec). RESULTS: Whilst no changes were observed in imaging biomarkers of cycling hypoxia (from BOLD) or chronic hypoxia (from OE-MRI), the BOLD response to carbogen-breathing became significantly more positive in some tumour regions and more negative in other regions, thereby increasing overall heterogeneity. CONCLUSIONS: Imatinib did not affect the magnitude of cycling hypoxia or OE-MRI signal, but increased the heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of BOLD MRI changes in response to gas challenges
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