13 research outputs found

    Clustering and forecasting of dissolved oxygen concentration on a river basin

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    The aim of this contribution is to combine statistical methodologies to geographically classify homogeneous groups of water quality monitoring sites based on similarities in the temporal dynamics of the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, in order to obtain accurate forecasts of this quality variable. Our methodology intends to classify the water quality monitoring sites into spatial homogeneous groups, based on the DO concentration, which has been selected and considered relevant to characterize the water quality. We apply clustering techniques based on Kullback Information, measures that are obtained in the state space modelling process. For each homogeneous group of water quality monitoring sites we model the DO concentration using linear and state space models, which incorporate tendency and seasonality components in different ways. Both approaches are compared by the mean squared error (MSE) of forecasts

    A Step Forward in Breast Cancer Research: a Preliminary Photothermal Approach Using Gold Nanoparticles

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    Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths among women worldwide and comprehends a group of heterogeneous tumors with variable prognosis. A strong investment was made over time and several therapeutic options were proposed. Conventional treatments are still based on surgery and chemo- and radiation therapy, which are generally associated with high invasiveness, extensive side effects and low specificity. Thus, there is a continuous demand for novel therapeutic approaches with better outcomes. Photothermal therapy (PTT) has caught special attention for the treatment of localized and superficial tumors. PTT relies on irradiating tumor cells with light beams, leading to a local hyperthermia of the tumor cells [1]. Its therapeutic value depends, however, on the ability of the light to penetrate the tissues in depth and on how much heat is generated. Some strategies to improve the efficacy of PTT include the use of near infrared radiation (NIR, 650 to 900 nm) to improve the depth reached, and of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) to enhance the photothermal effect [2]. Herein, we proposed the use of AuNPs coated with hyaluronic and oleic acids, combined with NIR laser irradiation for the treatment of breast cancer by photothermal therapy [3]. The coating was added to improve the NPs biocompatibility, biodegradability, and lifetime, as well as to promote the binding of specific ligands for targeting tumor cells. The NPs were physicochemical characterized, and subsequently characterized in vitro using breast cancer cell lines and red blood cells to assess their safety and efficacy. Lastly, the efficacy of the proposed system was assessed in vivo using a 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA)-induced breast cancer model developed by the group. The AuNPs showed no toxicity in vitro and the laser irradiation alone proved to be safe. However, when combining AuNPs with laser irradiation, a significant reduction of the cell’s viability (more than 30%) was observed for some of the breast cell lines tested. The treatment outcomes in vivo were very encouraging, with the tumors treated with both AuNPs and laser irradiation showing necrosis with minimal or absent affection of surrounding healthy cells

    Cohort profile: the Baependi Heart Study--a family-based, highly admixed cohort study in a rural Brazilian town

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    Purpose Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major challenge to global health. The same epidemiological transition scenario is replayed as countries develop, but with variations based on environment, culture and ethnic mixture. The Baependi Heart Study was set up in 2005 to develop a longitudinal family-based cohort study that reflects on some of the genetic and lifestyle-related peculiarities of the Brazilian populations, in order to evaluate genetic and environmental influences on CVD risk factor traits. Participants Probands were recruited in Baependi, a small rural town in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, following by first-degree and then increasingly more distant relatives. The first follow-up wave took place in 2010, and the second in 2016. At baseline, the study evaluated 1691 individuals across 95 families. Cross-sectional data have been collected for 2239 participants. Findings to date Environmental and lifestyle factors and measures relevant to cardiovascular health have been reported. Having expanded beyond cardiovascular health outcomes, the phenotype datasets now include genetics, biochemistry, anthropometry, mental health, sleep and circadian rhythms. Many of these have yielded heritability estimates, and a shared genetic background of anxiety and depression has recently been published. In spite of universal access to electricity, the population has been found to be strongly shifted towards morningness compared with metropolitan areas. Future plans A new follow-up, marking 10 years of the study, is ongoing in 2016, in which data are collected as in 2010 (with the exception of the neuropsychiatric protocol). In addition to this, a novel questionnaire package collecting information about intelligence, personality and spirituality is being planned. The data set on circadian rhythms and sleep will be amended through additional questionnaires, actimetry, home sleep EEG recording and dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) analysis. Finally, the anthropometric measures will be expanded by adding three-dimensional facial photography, voice recording and anatomical brain MRI

    Representações sociais sobre a alimentação da nutriz Social representations on the diet of nursing mothers

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    Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que buscou compreender os significados atribuídos pelas mulheres ao hábito alimentar, no que se referem às proibições, permissões e lactogogos durante o aleitamento materno. Como fundamentação teórica, utilizou-a Teoria das Representações Sociais descrita por Moscovici (2003) e Minayo (2006). Participaram do estudo 58 mães de crianças até 2 anos residentes no município de Coimbra (MG). A análise compreensiva da alimentação revelou que para as mães entrevistadas havia a necessidade de uma alimentação especial durante o puerpério, sendo esta composta de alimentos considerados saudáveis, fortes, lactogênicos, além da ingestão de líquido. Ainda, em relação à dieta da lactante, os alimentos quentes, reimosos, gordurosos deveriam ser evitados. Nessa perspectiva, pensar em alimentação nesta fase fisiológica da mulher implica conhecer os aspectos histórico, social e cultural que interferem na escolha alimentar, permitindo assim entender seus hábitos e crenças para que a atuação profissional seja adequada ao grupo atendido e ao contexto no qual ele se insere.<br>This is a qualitative study that sought to establish the significance attributed by women to adequate eating habits with respect to prohibited, permitted and breastmilk-enhancing products during breastfeeding. It was based on the Theory of Social Representations described by Moscovici (2003) and Minayo (2006). 58 mothers of children up to 2 years of age living in the city of Coimbra in Minas Gerais state participated in the survey. Comprehensive analysis of feeding revealed that the new mothers interviewed understood the need for a special diet during postpartum based on healthy, fortified and lactose-rich food, as well as the need for ingesting liquids. Breatfeeding mothers appreciated the need to avoid hot, creamy and fatty food. In this perspective, feeding during this physiological phase implies an understanding of cultural, social and historical aspects which dictate eating habits. This assists in understanding customs and beliefs in order to provide professional assistance geared to the group being assisted in its proper context