2 research outputs found

    Inventory Of The Ichthyofauna From The Jordão And Areia River Basins (iguaçu Drainage,brazil) Reveals Greater Sharing Of Species Than Thought

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Recent sampling on fish from the headwaters of the Jordão and Areia rivers,combined with collection databases and specialized literature reports,yielded the first species inventory. Both basins reflect the high endemism rate associated with the Iguaçu River. However,four species previously thought to be restricted to the Jordão River basin are now known to also occur in the basin of the Areia River: Astyanax jordanensis Vera Alcaraz,Pavanelli & Bertaco,2009; Characidium travassosi Melo,Buckup & Oyakawa,2016; Jenynsia diphyes Lucinda,Ghedotti & Graça,2006; and Trichomycterus igobi Wosiacki & de Pinna,2008. This suggests an ancestral connection between the tributaries of the Jordão and Areia rivers,with putative drainage rearrangements resulting from the uplift of the Serra da Esperança. The endemic fauna of this region is presently threatened by invasive species,the construction of dams,and other human activities. © 2016 Check List and Authors.126CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Assessing the photometric redshift precision of the S-PLUS survey: The Stripe-82 as a test-case

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    Indexación ScopusIn this paper we present a thorough discussion about the photometric redshift (photo-z) performance of the Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS). This survey combines a seven narrow +5 broad passband filter system, with a typical photometric-depth of r ∼ 21 AB. For this exercise, we utilize the Data Release 1 (DR1), corresponding to 336 deg2 from the Stripe-82 region. We rely on the BPZ2 code to compute our estimates, using a new library of SED models, which includes additional templates for quiescent galaxies. When compared to a spectroscopic redshift control sample of ∼100 k galaxies, we find a precision of σz <0.8 per cent, <2.0 per cent, or <3.0 per cent for galaxies with magnitudes r < 17, <19, and <21, respectively. A precision of 0.6 per cent is attained for galaxies with the highest Odds values. These estimates have a negligible bias and a fraction of catastrophic outliers inferior to 1 per cent. We identify a redshift window (i.e. 0.26 < z < 0.32) where our estimates double their precision, due to the simultaneous detection of two emission lines in two distinct narrow bands; representing a window opportunity to conduct statistical studies such as luminosity functions. We forecast a total of ∼2 M, ∼16 M and ∼32 M galaxies in the S-PLUS survey with a photo-z precision of σz <1.0 per cent, <2.0 per cent, and <2.5 per cent after observing 8000 deg2. We also derive redshift probability density functions, proving their reliability encoding redshift uncertainties and their potential recovering the n(z) of galaxies at z < 0.4, with an unprecedented precision for a photometric survey in the Southern hemisphere. © 2020 The Author(s)https://academic-oup-com.recursosbiblioteca.unab.cl/mnras/article/499/3/3884/585601