3,138 research outputs found


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    To become a psychotherapist is a self-organizing challenge for anyone who assumes that role, involving a dynamic dialogical interplay between social expectations and personal features. This involves subjective and intersubjective processes in which self-image (or “internal I-position”) emerges as co-relative others’ images (or “external I-positions”). The classical distinction between the motives of agency and communion is considered here a valuable theoretical tool for this dialogical approach, because it may help to distinguish and classify diversity in terms of two kinds of orientations towards clients: one more self-centred (focused on the therapist’s abilities and power) and the other a more other-centred (focused on the contact and empathy with the client). Following these assumptions, clearly rooted in a dialogical approach of self-identity, we analyse the discourse of three psychotherapists about two different clients (one referred to as a “positive client” and another referred to as a “negative client”). The results suggest that this adaptation is a very dynamic process and that different therapists create different meanings to their occupational role. Moreover, this analysis also allows a distinction between those different selfimages in terms of their global orientation. One of the therapists seems to engage in self-organization processes focused in self-needs, other seems focused on client’s needs and the third seems to keep a balance between thosetwo orientations. The implication of these results for future research and their practical and theoretical implications are discussed


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    In this commentary we discuss our reactions towards the six contributions on our article “The psychotherapist’s social role under a dialogical perspective: A study of the personal construction of «I as psychotherapist»” (in this issue). These commentaries discuss a multiplicity of problems and potentials, providing us with a meaningful space for dialogue among our multiple and sometimes discrepant perspectives. We have organized our reaction around three issues: (1) the importance of context influence on the process of being a psychotherapist; (2) the use of the motives as a tool to organize the psychotherapists’ diversity; and (3) the methodology for studying the dialogical processes

    Drawing on the Innovative Moments Model during Career Construction Counseling to explain and foster client change

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    Career Construction Counseling (CCC) is a narrative intervention that supports individuals in the elaboration of narrative identity and career construction. The theory, research, and practice of this approach to career counseling has benefited from the Innovative Moments Model (IMM) to explain client change. Similar to CCC, the IMM is grounded on a narrative conception of human functioning, in which psychological difficulties arise from problematic self-narratives that constrain the meaning-making. Change takes place when clients challenge problematic self-narratives and construct new meanings that lead to new ways of behaving, thinking, or feeling. These novelties are termed innovative moments. The integration of IMM into the study of CCC has provided empirical evidence about the processes of client change throughout this intervention. Findings show that the transformation of a client’s self-narrative is associated with the aims of each session revealing a movement from a focus in structuring the past to an increased engagement in projecting the future. Moreover, results suggest the possibility of using IMs as process markers to guide counselors in facilitating client change during counseling sessions. The purpose of this chapter is to explain the contribution of IMM to CCC theory, research, and practice. We begin by presenting the Innovative Moments framework. Then we review CCC process research using the Innovative Moment’s framework. Finally, research implications for theory and practice of CCC are discussed

    Dirac points merging and wandering in a model Chern insulator

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    We present a model for a Chern insulator on the square lattice with complex first and second neighbor hoppings and a sublattice potential which displays an unexpectedly rich physics. Similarly to the celebrated Haldane model, the proposed Chern insulator has two topologically non-trivial phases with Chern numbers ±1\pm1. As a distinctive feature of the present model, phase transitions are associated to Dirac points that can move, merge and split in momentum space, at odds with Haldane's Chern insulator where Dirac points are bound to the corners of the hexagonal Brillouin zone. Additionally, the obtained phase diagram reveals a peculiar phase transition line between two distinct topological phases, in contrast to the Haldane model where such transition is reduced to a point with zero sublattice potential. The model is amenable to be simulated in optical lattices, facilitating the study of phase transitions between two distinct topological phases and the experimental analysis of Dirac points merging and wandering

    Strategic Interaction in Local Fiscal Policy: Evidence from Portuguese Municipalities

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    This paper aims at testing the degree of interaction between Portuguese municipalities’ expenditure levels by estimating a dynamic panel model, based on jurisdictional reaction functions. The analysis is performed for all 278 Portuguese mainland municipalities from 1986 to 2006, using alternative ways to measure neighbourhood. Results indicate that local governments’ spending decisions are significantly influenced by the actions of neighbouring municipalities. For total expenditures, there is evidence that a 10% increase in nearby municipalities’ expenditures boosts expenditures in a given municipality by around 3.8%.spending interactions, local government, spatial econometrics, dynamic panel data

    The Conception and Realization of a Mobile Windows Phone Location-based Augmented Reality Application

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    It is considered very evolved having Augmented Reality (AR) to be used in an application. This raises the need to have good AR frameworks and AR engines to facilitate the development. Most of the available engines and frameworks are either hard to understand, due to poor documentation or do not provide a sufficient insight, or are proprietary, which force the developer to pay for it. This thesis introduces a location-based AR engine from scratch, which is in its dynamic structure easy to understand and to integrate it in any custom application. The usage of user controls and the possibility to extend the available classes provide a good basis to individualize the engine. This engine is based on the original AREA for iOS[1] and uses advanced calculations to enhance performance. This engine is made for Windows Phone 8.1 using C# with XAML(Extensible Application Markup Language) to create the UI

    Desenvolvimento de um modelo de comportamento elastoplástico através de inteligência artificial

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    In the past few years, there has been tremendous advances in the accuracy and predictive capabilities of tools for the simulation of materials. Predictive modeling has now become a powerful tool that can also deliver real value through application and innovation to the global industry. Simulation of forming operations, particularly using the nite element method, is clearly dependent on the accuracy of the constitutive models. In the last years, several methodologies were developed to improve the accuracy of constitutive models through parameter identi cation and calibration methodologies. However, independently of the e cacy of the calibration methods, the accuracy of a constitutive model is always constrained to its prede ned mathematical formulation. Additionally, using known elastoplastic formulations, it is impossible to reproduce the material phenomena if these phenomena are not formulated mathematically. In the past several years, arti cial intelligence (AI) techniques have become more robust and complex. This eld has set the ambitious goal of making machines either seemingly or genuinely intelligent. The sub- eld of arti cial intelligence known as machine learning attempts to make computers learn from observations. Machine-learning algorithms are general tools that can be tted to a vast number of problems, including predicting the stress-strain relationship of the material. This work proposes to model the behavior of a metal material using machinelearning (ML) techniques and use this ML in forming simulations. Initially, the ML model is designed and trained using a known plane stress elastoviscoplasticity model to evaluate its competence to replace classical models. Di erent ML topologies and optimization techniques are used to train the model. Then, the AI model is introduced into a nite element analysis (FEA) code, as a user subroutine, and its attainment in forming simulations is evaluated. The replacement of classical formulations by AI techniques for the material behavior de nition is analysed and discussed.Nos últimos anos, tem havido enormes avanços na precisão e capacidades preditivas de ferramentas para a simulação de materiais. A modelação preditiva tornou-se numa ferramenta poderosa que também pode agregar um grande valor por meio de aplicações e inovações para a indústria global. A simulação das operações de conformação, particularmente usando o método dos elementos finitos, é claramente dependente da precisão dos modelos constitutivos. Nos últimos anos, várias metodologias foram desenvolvidas para melhorar a precisão de modelos constitutivos através de metodologias de identificação e calibração de parâmetros. No entanto, independentemente da eficácia dos métodos de calibração, a precisão de um modelo constitutivo é sempre restrita a sua formulação matemática predefinida. Adicionalmente, usando formulações elastoplasticas conhecidas, e impossível reproduzir os fenomenos do comportamento de materiais se estes comportamentos não forem eficazmente formulados matematicamente. Recentemente, as tecnicas de inteligencia artificial (IA) tornaram-se mais robustas e complexas. Este campo estabeleceu o objetivo ambicioso de tornar as maquinas aparentemente ou genuinamente inteligentes. O sub-campo da inteligencia artificial conhecido como aprendizagem computacional tenta fazer com que os computadores aprendam com as observações. Os algoritmos de aprendizagem computacional são ferramentas gerais que podem ser adaptadas a um grande numero de problemas, incluindo a previsão da relação tensao-deformação do material. Este trabalho propõe modelar o comportamento de um material metalico utilizando tecnicas de aprendizagem computacional (ML) e utilizar este ML na modelação de simulações. Inicialmente, o modelo ML e projetado e treinado usando um modelo de elastoviscoplasticidade em estado plano de tensão de forma a avaliar a sua eficacia na substituição de modelos classicos. Diferentes topologias ML e tecnicas de otimização são usadas para treinar o modelo. Em seguida, o modelo IA e introduzido num codigo de analise de elementos finitos (FEA), como user subroutine, e a sua concretização em simulações de conformação e avaliada. A substituição de formulações classicas por tecnicas de IA para a definiçao do comportamento do material e analisada e discutida.Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânic

    Vivências dos enfermeiros como cuidadores de doentes com perturbações obsessivo-compulsivas

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciado em EnfermagemNo âmbito da unidade curricular do Projeto de Graduação e Integração Profissional da Licenciatura em Enfermagem da Universidade Fernando Pessoa, foi proposta a realização de uma investigação relacionada com o tema escolhido pelo aluno dos propostos pelo professor. O tema escolhido foi: As vivências dos Enfermeiros como Cuidadores de Doentes com Perturbações Obsessivo-compulsivas. Para a realização desta investigação foi utilizado o método qualitativo. Esta investigação pretende analisar e conhecer as vivências dos enfermeiros como cuidadores de doentes com perturbações obsessivo-compulsivas e de que forma é que essas vivências podem contribuir para a evolução da prática da enfermagem, bem como no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos enfermeiros. O instrumento de colheita de dados foi a entrevista, realizada a uma amostra de três enfermeiros especialistas de Saúde Mental e Psiquiátrica do Hospital Magalhães Lemos no Porto. Conclui-se que as vivências dos enfermeiros passam pela visualização de alguns comportamentos destes doentes, aos quais os enfermeiros tiveram a oportunidade de se defrontar, desde o início da sua atividade profissional, e que essas vivências contribuem também para um crescimento pessoal dos enfermeiros com todas as experiências que acumulam de cada vez que estão com um doente com perturbação obsessivo-compulsivo.As part of the course of Graduation Project and Professional Integration of the Degree in Nursing at the University Fernando Pessoa it was proposed to carry out an investigation relating to the theme chosen by the student and proposed by the teacher. The theme chosen was: The Experiences of Nurses as Caregivers of Patients with Obsessive-compulsive Disorders. In carrying out this research it will be addressed the qualitative method. The research aims are to analyze, know and understand the nurses’ experiences as caregivers of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders and how could these experiences contribute to the evolution of nursing practice, as well as their personal and professional development. The data collection instrument was the interview, conducted on a sample of three Mental and Psychiatric Health experts working at Hospital Magalhães Lemos, Oporto. It was concluded that the nurses’ experiences include visualizing some patients’ behavior, whom the nurses had the opportunity to face from the beginning of their professional activity, and that this involvement also contributes to the nurses’ personal growth with all the experiences that accumulate each time they are with a patient with an obsessive-compulsive disorder

    Reabilitação da escola secundária Eça de Queirós, em Lisboa: coordenação e fiscalização da obra

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    A Coordenação e Fiscalização da obra de reabilitação de uma Escola é um projecto tecnicamente bastante motivador. Este tipo de intervenção assume um grau acentuado de complexidade face à frequente escassez de informação exacta sobre a construção existente, designadamente no que diz respeitos às instalações especiais. Esta situação implica que os Projectistas e Donos de Obra tenham uma tarefa mais dificultada na correcta, perfeita e total definição dos trabalhos a realizar. Cabe sobretudo à Fiscalização, sob coordenação e orientação do seu responsável máximo em obra, o Chefe da Fiscalização, em representação do Dono de Obra, assegurar a coordenação de todos os intervenientes, garantido o controlo da qualidade e dos custos da obra. Neste âmbito, são utilizados pelas Empresas e equipas de Fiscalização diversas ferramentas e métodos de controlo da obra, em regra previamente estabelecidos com o Dono de Obra. Este trabalho será tanto mais produtivo quanto maior for a colaboração dos Empreiteiros durante a execução dos trabalhos de reabilitação, designadamente na entreajuda com a Fiscalização e Dono de Obra na procura de soluções que permitam ultrapassar todas as questões que vão surgindo ao longo do período de construção. No presente relatório procurar-se-á descrever os métodos e princípios utilizados durante o estágio, sempre com dois objectivos fundamentais: - Representar e defender os interesses do Dono de Obra; - Em conjunto com os restantes intervenientes no processo, procurar que o produto final se aproxime o mais possível do definido em projecto, garantindo a qualidade, funcionalidade e durabilidade desejáveis. Será efectuada, ainda, a identificação dos procedimentos utilizados pelo Chefe de Fiscalização e restante elementos da sua equipa, constituindo um exemplo de como pode ser efectuada a Coordenação e Fiscalização de uma obra de um modo eficaz, conduzindo ao cumprimento dos objectivos traçados pelo Dono de Obra. Desta forma, poderá concluir-se que a mais-valia que os Donos de Obra retiram da contratação de uma equipa de Fiscalização, será bastante superior ao custos a suportar por esta