5 research outputs found

    Planejamento e planos na educação municipal na microrregião do Jalapão-Tocantins (2015-2025): concepções, organização interna e consonância com o plano nacional (2014-2024)

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    This Master's Dissertation in Education is linked to the line of research Specific Curriculum of Stages and Modalities of Education, of the Professional Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Tocantins (PPPGE-UFT). It talks about the theme of municipal education planning and Municipal Education Plans (PME) in the micro-region of Jalapão- Tocantins. It aims to reveal the perspective of educational planning that has been materialized in the micro-region of Jalapão-Tocantins, with the movement of internal organization of the PME (2015-2025), approaching the normative, historical elements, structures, the diagnosis of the educational situation and of in line with the National Education Plan 2014-2024 (PNE). The epistemological focus of investigation is historical-dialectical materialism, with information collected through bibliographic and documental research. With the approval of Law No. 13.005/2014, which established the PNE, States, the Federal District and Municipalities should prepare or adapt, by 2015, their respective education plans, in line with the guidelines, goals and strategies of the PNE, as well as implement them over a period of ten years, which required collaborative actions between federative entities, continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation. This process of elaboration of PME required from educational management a change of perspective regarding educational planning, as a formative and dialectical process, not notary and static, as well as the ability to mobilize local society, organization and proposition of thematic discussions from the perspective of Democratic management; formation of collectives for the elaboration of the diagnosis of the educational situation; articulations with the local political power, City Council and Executive, in order to ensure the sanction of the Plan Laws. And, after this process, the guarantee of financial conditions for the execution of public policies, materializing the Plans over ten years. In this movement, contradictions and disputes of interests related to educational planning stand out and, consequently, problems in guaranteeing unity and variety in the fifteen SMEs, in alignment with local interests and national and state public policies. Finally, compromising the materialization of the National Education System, considering that the Plans are articulators of the municipal systems and, therefore, of the National System.Esta Dissertação de Mestrado em Educação está vinculada à linha de pesquisa Currículos Específicos de Etapas e Modalidades de Educação, do Programa Profissional de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (PPPGE-UFT). Disserta a respeito do tema planejamento da educação municipal e Planos Municipais de Educação (PME) da microrregião do Jalapão-Tocantins. Tem por objetivo desvelar a perspectiva de planejamento educacional que vem sendo materializada na microrregião do Jalapão-Tocantins, com o movimento de organização interna dos PME (2015-2025), abordando os elementos normativos, históricos, estruturas, o diagnóstico da situação educacional e de consonância com o Plano Nacional de Educação 2014-2024 (PNE). O enfoque epistemológico de investigação é o materialismo histórico-dialético, com informações coletadas por pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Com a aprovação da Lei nº 13.005/2014, que instituiu o PNE, Estados, Distrito Federal e Municípios deveriam elaborar ou adequar, até 2015, seus respectivos planos de educação, em consonância com as diretrizes, metas e estratégias do PNE, assim como implementá-los em um período de dez anos, o que requeria ações em regime de colaboração entre os entes federativos, monitoramento contínuo e avaliação periódica. Esse processo de elaboração dos PME exigiu da gestão educacional mudança de perspectiva a respeito do planejamento educacional, como um processo formativo e dialético, não cartorial e estático, assim como a capacidade de mobilização da sociedade local, organização e proposição de discussões temáticas na perspectiva da gestão democrática; formação de coletivos para elaboração do diagnóstico da situação educacional; articulações com o poder político local, Câmara Municipal e Executivo, a fim de assegurar a sanção das Leis dos Planos. E, após esse processo, a garantia de condições financeiras para a execução das políticas públicas, materializando os Planos no decorrer de dez anos. Nesse movimento, sobressaem contradições e disputas de interesses relacionados ao planejamento educacional e, consequentemente, problemas na garantia da unidade e da variedade nos quinze PME, no alinhamento aos interesses locais e às políticas públicas nacionais e estaduais. Comprometendo, enfim, a materialização do Sistema Nacional de Educação, considerando que os Planos são articuladores dos sistemas municipais e, por conseguinte, do Sistema Nacional

    Autonomia federativa, sistemas municipais de ensino/educação: impactos para a educação no Tocantins

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    ABSTRACT. In Brazil, there are four types of federal entities endowed with autonomy, two of them from traditional entities (Union and States) and two from recent entities (Federal District and Municipalities), unlike the classic federations in which there is a central political power (Union) and the regional centers of power (states). In the framework of the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Municipality is part of the Federation, with administrative, legislative and political autonomy within the scope of its attributions. In the field of education, the municipal federated entity, in contrast to the historical hierarchical condition, at least formally, achieves autonomy to organize its own teaching/education system, a fundamental feature of the Federal State safeguarded by the Constitution and legislation dealing with the subject. In this article, dialectically correlating society and education, the conditions of Tocantins Municipalities are problematized for the materialization of autonomy and education management, based on theoretical and documentaries’ bases and unsystematic observation. These entities face conceptual, cultural, political, administrative, financial, pedagogical and collaboration-related challenges. Therefore, care should be taken to avoid a precarious solution, that of nominees systems, created legally, but without real and effective action.ABSTRACT. In Brazil, there are four types of federal entities endowed with autonomy, two of them from traditional entities (Union and States) and two from recent entities (Federal District and Municipalities), unlike the classic federations in which there is a central political power (Union) and the regional centers of power (states). In the framework of the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Municipality is part of the Federation, with administrative, legislative and political autonomy within the scope of its attributions. In the field of education, the municipal federated entity, in contrast to the historical hierarchical condition, at least formally, achieves autonomy to organize its own teaching/education system, a fundamental feature of the Federal State safeguarded by the Constitution and legislation dealing with the subject. In this article, dialectically correlating society and education, the conditions of Tocantins Municipalities are problematized for the materialization of autonomy and education management, based on theoretical and documentaries’ bases and unsystematic observation. These entities face conceptual, cultural, political, administrative, financial, pedagogical and collaboration-related challenges. Therefore, care should be taken to avoid a precarious solution, that of nominees systems, created legally, but without real and effective action.RESUMEN. En Brasil, hay cuatro tipos de entidades federativas dotadas de autonomía, dos de ellas de entidades tradicionales (Unión y Estados) y dos de entidades recientes (Distrito Federal y Municipios), a diferencia de las federaciones clásicas en las que hay un poder político central (Unión) y centros de poder regionales (estados). Según la Constitución Federal de 1988, el Municipio es parte de la Federación, con autonomía administrativa, legislativa y política en el ámbito de sus atribuciones. En el ámbito educativo, la entidad federativa municipal, en contraposición a la histórica condición jerárquica, al menos formalmente, gana autonomía para organizar su propio sistema docente/educativo, característica fundamental del Estado Federal sustentado en la Constitución y en la legislación que se ocupa del tema. En este artículo, correlacionando dialécticamente sociedad y educación, se discuten las condiciones de los Municipios de Tocantins para la materialización de la autonomía y la gestión educativa, con base en bases de observación teóricas, documentales y no sistemáticas. Estas entidades enfrentan desafíos conceptuales, culturales, políticos, administrativos, financieros, pedagógicos y de colaboración. Por tanto, hay que tener cuidado para evitar una solución precaria, la de los sistemas nominales, creados legalmente, pero sin una actuación real y efectiva.ABSTRACT. In Brazil, there are four types of federal entities endowed with autonomy, two of them from traditional entities (Union and States) and two from recent entities (Federal District and Municipalities), unlike the classic federations in which there is a central political power (Union) and the regional centers of power (states). In the framework of the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Municipality is part of the Federation, with administrative, legislative and political autonomy within the scope of its attributions. In the field of education, the municipal federated entity, in contrast to the historical hierarchical condition, at least formally, achieves autonomy to organize its own teaching/education system, a fundamental feature of the Federal State safeguarded by the Constitution and legislation dealing with the subject. In this article, dialectically correlating society and education, the conditions of Tocantins Municipalities are problematized for the materialization of autonomy and education management, based on theoretical and documentaries’ bases and unsystematic observation. These entities face conceptual, cultural, political, administrative, financial, pedagogical and collaboration-related challenges. Therefore, care should be taken to avoid a precarious solution, that of nominees systems, created legally, but without real and effective action.No Brasil, há quatro espécies de entes federados dotados de autonomia, duas delas de entes tradicionais (União e Estados) e duas de entes recentes (Distrito Federal e Municípios), diferentemente, das federações clássicas em que há um poder político central (União) e os centros regionais de poder (estados). No arcabouço da Constituição Federal de 1988, o Município compõe a Federação contando com autonomia administrativa, legislativa e política, no âmbito de suas atribuições. No campo da educação, o ente federado municipal, em contraposição à histórica condição hierárquica, pelo menos formalmente, logra autonomia para organizar seu sistema próprio de ensino/educação, traço fundamental do Estado Federal salvaguardada pela Constituição e legislação que trata do tema. Neste artigo, correlacionando dialeticamente sociedade e educação, problematizam-se condições dos Municípios Tocantinenses para a materialização da autonomia e da gestão da educação, assentando-se em bases teóricas e documentais e observação assistemática. Esses entes enfrentam desafios de natureza conceitual, cultural, política, administrativa, financeira, pedagógica e relativa ao regime de colaboração. Assim sendo, cabe cautela para evitar uma precária solução, a de sistemas nominais, criados legalmente, mas sem atuação real e efetiva. Palavras-chave: política e gestão da educação, educação municipal, município.   Federative autonomy, municipal education/education systems: impacts for education in Tocantins ABSTRACT. In Brazil, there are four types of federal entities endowed with autonomy, two of them from traditional entities (Union and States) and two from recent entities (Federal District and Municipalities), unlike the classic federations in which there is a central political power (Union) and the regional centers of power (states). In the framework of the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Municipality is part of the Federation, with administrative, legislative and political autonomy within the scope of its attributions. In the field of education, the municipal federated entity, in contrast to the historical hierarchical condition, at least formally, achieves autonomy to organize its own teaching/education system, a fundamental feature of the Federal State safeguarded by the Constitution and legislation dealing with the subject. In this article, dialectically correlating society and education, the conditions of Tocantins Municipalities are problematized for the materialization of autonomy and education management, based on theoretical and documentaries’ bases and unsystematic observation. These entities face conceptual, cultural, political, administrative, financial, pedagogical and collaboration-related challenges. Therefore, care should be taken to avoid a precarious solution, that of nominees systems, created legally, but without real and effective action. Keywords: education policy and management, municipal education, municipality.   Autonomía federativa, educación municipal/sistemas educativos: impactos para la educación en Tocantins RESUMEN. En Brasil, hay cuatro tipos de entidades federativas dotadas de autonomía, dos de ellas de entidades tradicionales (Unión y Estados) y dos de entidades recientes (Distrito Federal y Municipios), a diferencia de las federaciones clásicas en las que hay un poder político central (Unión) y centros de poder regionales (estados). Según la Constitución Federal de 1988, el Municipio es parte de la Federación, con autonomía administrativa, legislativa y política en el ámbito de sus atribuciones. En el ámbito educativo, la entidad federativa municipal, en contraposición a la histórica condición jerárquica, al menos formalmente, gana autonomía para organizar su propio sistema docente/educativo, característica fundamental del Estado Federal sustentado en la Constitución y en la legislación que se ocupa del tema. En este artículo, correlacionando dialécticamente sociedad y educación, se discuten las condiciones de los Municipios de Tocantins para la materialización de la autonomía y la gestión educativa, con base en bases de observación teóricas, documentales y no sistemáticas. Estas entidades enfrentan desafíos conceptuales, culturales, políticos, administrativos, financieros, pedagógicos y de colaboración. Por tanto, hay que tener cuidado para evitar una solución precaria, la de los sistemas nominales, creados legalmente, pero sin una actuación real y efectiva. Palabras clave: política y gestión educativa, educación municipal, municipio

    Educação Municipal no Tocantins: institucionalização orgânica dos sistemas, redes e escolas

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    ABSTRACT. Discussing the institutionalization of municipal education systems, a concept that is still original and broad for many, requires care in separating the conditions, as well as considering the multiple meanings of the expression system, seen in the field of education, for a more contextualized view. Thus, this text, based on theoretical-documental analysis, aims to analyze the movement of effective institutionalization of a municipal educational system, which implies a set of material and immaterial elements, including management, articulated and interdependent, in an organic relationship and uninterrupted. The theoretical-documental analysis indicates that there is no normative obligation for the Municipality to institutionalize its system in the field of education, as well as that institutionalization is not a guarantee of better education. It is concluded, however, that, in a democratic perspective, this movement can be a possibility of materializing a State project that guarantees education in its broadest scope, not as a concession to the working class; inclusive; democratic; and of social quality for all people. However, one cannot lose sight of the broader social relations with their structural and conjectural factors, in search of such mediations.ABSTRACT. Discussing the institutionalization of municipal education systems, a concept that is still original and broad for many, requires care in separating the conditions, as well as considering the multiple meanings of the expression system, seen in the field of education, for a more contextualized view. Thus, this text, based on theoretical-documental analysis, aims to analyze the movement of effective institutionalization of a municipal educational system, which implies a set of material and immaterial elements, including management, articulated and interdependent, in an organic relationship and uninterrupted. The theoretical-documental analysis indicates that there is no normative obligation for the Municipality to institutionalize its system in the field of education, as well as that institutionalization is not a guarantee of better education. It is concluded, however, that, in a democratic perspective, this movement can be a possibility of materializing a State project that guarantees education in its broadest scope, not as a concession to the working class; inclusive; democratic; and of social quality for all people. However, one cannot lose sight of the broader social relations with their structural and conjectural factors, in search of such mediations.RESUMEN. Discutir la institucionalización de los sistemas educativos municipales, concepto que aún es original y amplio para muchos, requiere cuidado en la separación de las condiciones, así como considerar los múltiples significados del sistema de expresión, visto en el campo de la educación, para una mirada más contextualizada. Así, este texto, a partir de un análisis teórico-documental, asume el objetivo de analizar el movimiento de institucionalización efectiva de un sistema educativo municipal, lo que implica un conjunto de elementos materiales e inmateriales, incluyendo la gestión, articulados e interdependientes, en una relación orgánica e ininterrumpida. El análisis teórico-documental indica que no existe una obligación normativa para el Municipio de institucionalizar su sistema en el campo de la educación, así como que la institucionalización no es garantía de una mejor educación. Se concluye, sin embargo, que, en una perspectiva democrática, este movimiento puede ser una posibilidad de materializar un proyecto de Estado que garantice la educación en su más amplio alcance, no como una concesión a la clase trabajadora; inclusivo; democrático; y de calidad social para todas las personas. Sin embargo, no se pueden perder de vista las relaciones sociales más amplias con sus factores estructurales y conjeturales, en busca de tales mediaciones.ABSTRACT. Discussing the institutionalization of municipal education systems, a concept that is still original and broad for many, requires care in separating the conditions, as well as considering the multiple meanings of the expression system, seen in the field of education, for a more contextualized view. Thus, this text, based on theoretical-documental analysis, aims to analyze the movement of effective institutionalization of a municipal educational system, which implies a set of material and immaterial elements, including management, articulated and interdependent, in an organic relationship and uninterrupted. The theoretical-documental analysis indicates that there is no normative obligation for the Municipality to institutionalize its system in the field of education, as well as that institutionalization is not a guarantee of better education. It is concluded, however, that, in a democratic perspective, this movement can be a possibility of materializing a State project that guarantees education in its broadest scope, not as a concession to the working class; inclusive; democratic; and of social quality for all people. However, one cannot lose sight of the broader social relations with their structural and conjectural factors, in search of such mediations.Discutir a institucionalização dos sistemas municipais de ensino, conceito ainda original e amplo para muitos, exige cuidado em separar os condicionantes, bem como considerar os múltiplos sentidos do sistema de expressão, vistos no campo da educação, para uma visão mais contextualizada. Assim, este texto, com base em análise teórico-documental, assume como objetivo analisar o movimento de institucionalização efetiva de um sistema educacional municipal, o que implica um conjunto de elementos materiais e imateriais, incluindo gestão, articulados e interdependentes, em uma relação orgânica e ininterrupta. A análise teórico-documental indica que não há obrigação normativa para o Município institucionalizar seu sistema no campo da educação, assim como que a institucionalização não é garantia de uma educação melhor. Conclui-se, no entanto, que, em uma perspectiva democrática, esse movimento pode ser uma possibilidade de materialização de um projeto de Estado que garanta a educação em seu âmbito mais amplo, não como uma concessão à classe trabalhadora; inclusivo; democrático; e de qualidade social para todas as pessoas. Porém, não se pode perder de vista as relações sociais mais amplas com seus fatores estruturais e conjunturais, em busca de tais mediações. Palavras-chave: gestão educacional, sistema de educação, sistema municipal de ensino no Tocantins, município.   Municipal education in Tocantins: organic institutionalization of systems, networks and schools ABSTRACT. Discussing the institutionalization of municipal education systems, a concept that is still original and broad for many, requires care in separating the conditions, as well as considering the multiple meanings of the expression system, seen in the field of education, for a more contextualized view. Thus, this text, based on theoretical-documental analysis, aims to analyze the movement of effective institutionalization of a municipal educational system, which implies a set of material and immaterial elements, including management, articulated and interdependent, in an organic relationship and uninterrupted. The theoretical-documental analysis indicates that there is no normative obligation for the Municipality to institutionalize its system in the field of education, as well as that institutionalization is not a guarantee of better education. It is concluded, however, that, in a democratic perspective, this movement can be a possibility of materializing a State project that guarantees education in its broadest scope, not as a concession to the working class; inclusive; democratic; and of social quality for all people. However, one cannot lose sight of the broader social relations with their structural and conjectural factors, in search of such mediations. Keywords: educational management, education system, municipal education system in Tocantins, municipality.   Educación Municipal en Tocantins: institucionalización orgánica de sistemas, redes y escuelas RESUMEN. Discutir la institucionalización de los sistemas educativos municipales, concepto que aún es original y amplio para muchos, requiere cuidado en la separación de las condiciones, así como considerar los múltiples significados del sistema de expresión, visto en el campo de la educación, para una mirada más contextualizada. Así, este texto, a partir de un análisis teórico-documental, asume el objetivo de analizar el movimiento de institucionalización efectiva de un sistema educativo municipal, lo que implica un conjunto de elementos materiales e inmateriales, incluyendo la gestión, articulados e interdependientes, en una relación orgánica e ininterrumpida. El análisis teórico-documental indica que no existe una obligación normativa para el Municipio de institucionalizar su sistema en el campo de la educación, así como que la institucionalización no es garantía de una mejor educación. Se concluye, sin embargo, que, en una perspectiva democrática, este movimiento puede ser una posibilidad de materializar un proyecto de Estado que garantice la educación en su más amplio alcance, no como una concesión a la clase trabajadora; inclusivo; democrático; y de calidad social para todas las personas. Sin embargo, no se pueden perder de vista las relaciones sociales más amplias con sus factores estructurales y conjeturales, en busca de tales mediaciones. Palabras clave: gestión educativa, sistema educativo, sistema educativo municipal en Tocantins, municipio