9 research outputs found

    Identificação dos conceitos de medidas de desfechos de ensaios clínicos em osteogênese imperfeita utilizando a Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde - versão crianças e jovens

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    The biopsychosocial model from the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) has been used as a reference in clinical practice to identify and analyze the functioning components in outcome measures. Objective: The objectives of this study were to identify the concepts contained in outcome measures of clinical trials on Osteogenesis Imperfecta, to analyze how these concepts are linked with the ICF - Children and Youth version (ICF-CY) and describe what the functioning components are that are assessed in these studies. Method: Randomized controlled trials on children with diagnoses of Osteogenesis Imperfecta carried out between 2000 and 2013 were selected using MedLine and Cochrane. The outcome measures were extracted and the concepts contained in the outcome measures were linked to the ICF-CY. Results: Fourteen trials were included. The concepts of clinical and technical measures and of one health assessment instrument (Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory - PEDI) were identified. The concepts of clinical and technical measures were linked to the ICF-CY Body Functions and Structures component. The PEDI concepts were linked to the Body Functions and especially to Activity and Participation. Conclusion: Using the linking of the concepts of outcome measures to the ICF-CY it was possible to verify that clinical trials on Osteogenesis Imperfecta assessed mainly the Body Functions and Body Structures component. Assessments of Activity and Participation and contextual factors are scarce on these studies. More research is necessary on the effects of interventions on these components.O modelo biopsicossocial da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF) tem sido utilizado como referência na prática clínica para identificação e análise dos componentes da funcionalidade presentes em medidas de desfechos. Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivos identificar os conceitos de medidas de desfecho de ensaios clínicos em Osteogênese Imperfeita, analisar como estes conceitos se relacionam com a Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde versão crianças e jovens (CIF-CJ) e descrever quais componentes da funcionalidade mais avaliados. Método: Ensaios clínicos realizados entre 2000 e 2013 em crianças com diagnóstico de Osteogênese Imperfeita foram selecionados a partir de uma revisão nas bases de dados MedLine e Cochrane. As medidas de desfecho foram extraídas e os conceitos significativos de cada medida foram relacionados à CIF-CJ. Resultados: Foram incluídos para o estudo 14 artigos. Os conceitos de medidas clínicas e técnicas e de um instrumento de avaliação padronizado (Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory - PEDI) foram identificados. Os conceitos das medidas clínicas e técnicas relacionaram-se ao componente da CIF-CJ Funções e Estruturas do Corpo. Os conceitos do PEDI relacionaram-se aos componentes Funções do Corpo e principalmente Atividade e Participação. Conclusão: Através do link dos conceitos das medidas de desfecho com a CIF-CJ foi verificado que os ensaios clínicos em OI avaliam principalmente o componente Funções e Estruturas do Corpo. As avaliações da Atividade e Participação e os fatores contextuais ainda são pouco contempladas nestes estudos havendo necessidade de novas pesquisas sobre o efeito das intervenções nestes componentes

    Mortalidade por gastrosquise no estado do Rio de Janeiro: uma série de 10 anos

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a mortalidade e fatores associados em uma série de nascimentos com gastrosquise no estado do Rio de Janeiro em 10 anos (2005 a 2014). MÉTODO: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva, no qual foram relacionadas as bases de dados do Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos e do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade por linkage probabilístico. A base de dados final foi construída em duas etapas, que consistiram em: preparo das duas bases de dados iniciais e estabelecimento de relações entre elas. RESULTADOS: Os recém-nascidos pré-termo e os com baixo peso ao nascer tiveram maior chance de óbito, com significância estatística (p = 0,03 e p = 0,006, respectivamente). Em relação ao local de nascimento, embora a frequência de óbito tenha sido maior nas maternidades do que em hospitais gerais (p = 0,04; OR = 0,5; IC95% 0,3–1,0), foi observado que uma unidade caracterizada como hospital geral apresentou uma frequência alta de nascimentos (61,2%) e, na análise comparativa da chance de óbito dessa unidade com as demais, encontrou-se uma chance de morrer 7,5 maior em hospitais gerais e 3,2 maior em maternidades, com significância estatística (p < 0,001). Além disso, nascer em unidades de terapia intensiva tipo II aumentou a chance de óbito em 3,9 vezes em comparação com as do tipo III (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo dá subsídios para a discussão de duas possíveis estratégias no tratamento de recém-nascidos com gastrosquise. A primeira seria a centralização do cuidado em unidades terciárias, possibilitando que o cuidado à malformação seja analisado de forma mais minuciosa e padronizada. A segunda, e talvez mais factível, seria a elaboração de diretrizes clínicas que padronizem o cuidado imediato aos bebês com gastrosquise nascidos fora de centros terciários, bem como a padronização do transporte deles até a chegada ao centro terciário.OBJECTIVE: To analyze mortality and associated factors in a series of gastroschisis at birth in the state of Rio de Janeiro in a 10-year period (2005 to 2014). METHOD: A retrospective cohort study, which related the databases of the Live Births Information System and the Mortality Information System by probabilistic linkage. Final database was constructed in two stages: preparation of the two initial databases and establishment of relationships between them. RESULTS: Preterm newborns and those with low birthweight had higher risk of death, with statistical significance (p = 0.03 and p = 0.006, respectively). Regarding place of birth, although death frequency was higher in maternity units than in general hospitals (p = 0.04; OR = 0.5; 95%CI 0.3–1.0), it was observed that a unit characterized as a general hospital had a high birth frequency (61.2%). Furthermore, the comparative analysis of the risk of death between this unit and others showed a 7.5 higher risk of death in general hospitals and 3.2 higher in maternity units, with statistical significance (p < 0.001). Moreover, births in level II intensive care units had 3.9 times more risk of death compared with level III (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: This study foments the discussion of two possible strategies in the treatment of gastroschisis in newborns. First, the centralization of care in tertiary units, enabling malformation care to be analyzed in a more detailed and standardized manner. Second, and perhaps more feasible, the elaboration of clinical guidelines to standardize immediate care for gastroschisis in babies born outside tertiary centers, as well as the standardization of their transportation until arrival at the tertiary center

    Nutritional profile of newborns with microcephaly and factors associated with worse outcomes

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the nutritional profile of newborns with microcephaly and factors associated with worse outcomes during the first 14 days of life. METHODS: This investigation is a longitudinal, descriptive study carried out in 21 full-term neonates exposed vertically to the Zika virus and hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit from February to September 2016. Patients receiving parenteral nutrition were excluded. Data analysis was performed using a generalized estimating equation model and Student’s t-test to evaluate the association between worsening weight-for-age z-scores and independent clinical, sociodemographic and nutritional variables during hospitalization, with po0.05 indicating significance. RESULTS: During hospitalization, there was a decrease in the mean values of the weight-for-age z-scores. The factors associated with worse nutritional outcomes were symptomatic exposure to the Zika virus, low maternal schooling, absence of maternal income and consumption of infant formula (po0.05). Calcification and severe microcephaly were also associated with poor nutritional outcomes. Energy and macronutrient consumption remained below the recommendations and had an upward trend during hospitalization. CONCLUSION: The presence of cerebral calcification, the severity of microcephaly and symptomatic maternal exposure to Zika virus affected the nutritional status of newborns. In terms of nutritional factors, human milk intake had a positive impact, reducing weight loss in the first days of life. Other known factors, such as income and maternal schooling, were still associated with a poor nutritional status

    Risk of persistent high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion after electrosurgical excisional treatment with positive margins: a meta-analysis

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Even if precursor lesions of cervical cancer are properly treated, there is a risk of persistence or recurrence. The aim here was to quantify the risks of persistence of high-grade intraepithelial squamous lesions, one and two years after cervical electrosurgical excisional treatment with positive margins. DESIGN AND SETTING: Systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis at Instituto Fernandes Figueira. METHODS: This meta-analysis was on studies published between January 1989 and July 2009 that were identified in Medline, Scopus, Embase, Cochrane, SciELO, Lilacs, Adolec, Medcarib, Paho, Wholis, Popline, ISI Web of Science and Sigle. Articles were selected if they were cohort studies on electrosurgical excisional treatment of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions with a minimum follow-up of one year, a histopathological outcome of persistence of these lesions and a small risk of bias. RESULTS: The search identified 7,066 articles and another 21 in the reference lists of these papers. After applying the selection and exclusion criteria, only four articles were found to have extractable data. The risk of persistence of high-grade intraepithelial lesions after one year was 11.36 times greater (95% confidence interval, CI: 5.529-23.379, P < 0.0001) in patients with positive margins and after two years, was four times greater (95% CI: 0.996-16.164), although without statistical significance. CONCLUSION: This meta-analysis confirms the importance of positive margins as an indicator of incomplete treatment after the first year of follow-up and highlights the need for appropriately chosen electrosurgical techniques based on disease location and extent, with close surveillance of these patients

    Risk of persistent high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion after electrosurgical excisional treatment with positive margins: a meta-analysis

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Even if precursor lesions of cervical cancer are properly treated, there is a risk of persistence or recurrence. The aim here was to quantify the risks of persistence of high-grade intraepithelial squamous lesions, one and two years after cervical electrosurgical excisional treatment with positive margins. DESIGN AND SETTING: Systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis at Instituto Fernandes Figueira. METHODS: This meta-analysis was on studies published between January 1989 and July 2009 that were identified in Medline, Scopus, Embase, Cochrane, SciELO, Lilacs, Adolec, Medcarib, Paho, Wholis, Popline, ISI Web of Science and Sigle. Articles were selected if they were cohort studies on electrosurgical excisional treatment of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions with a minimum follow-up of one year, a histopathological outcome of persistence of these lesions and a small risk of bias. RESULTS: The search identified 7,066 articles and another 21 in the reference lists of these papers. After applying the selection and exclusion criteria, only four articles were found to have extractable data. The risk of persistence of high-grade intraepithelial lesions after one year was 11.36 times greater (95% confidence interval, CI: 5.529-23.379, P < 0.0001) in patients with positive margins and after two years, was four times greater (95% CI: 0.996-16.164), although without statistical significance. CONCLUSION: This meta-analysis confirms the importance of positive margins as an indicator of incomplete treatment after the first year of follow-up and highlights the need for appropriately chosen electrosurgical techniques based on disease location and extent, with close surveillance of these patients

    Aconselhamento sobre o teste rápido anti-HIV em parturientes

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    Introdu&#231;&#227;o: O aconselhamento pr&#233; e p&#243;s-teste anti-HIV &#233; preconizado pelo Minist&#233;rio da Sa&#250;de, e constitui-se em ferramenta para a reflex&#227;o e tomada de decis&#227;o conjunta. Objetivos: Verificar a propor&#231;&#227;o de parturientes que receberam aconselhamento por ocasi&#227;o da submiss&#227;o ao teste r&#225;pido anti-HIV e analisar os fatores associados ao n&#227;o recebimento de aconselhamento por estas parturientes. M&#233;todo: Estudo transversal conduzido nos cinco &#8220;Hospitais Amigos da Crian&#231;a&#8221; do Sistema de Gesta&#231;&#227;o de Alto Risco do munic&#237;pio do Rio de Janeiro. A popula&#231;&#227;o do estudo foram 955 m&#227;es submetidas ao teste r&#225;pido anti-HIV internadas em alojamento conjunto entre 11 de setembro e 11 de dezembro de 2006. Foram aplicados question&#225;rios &#224;s m&#227;es e coletados dados do laborat&#243;rio e do prontu&#225;rio materno. Para an&#225;lise das vari&#225;veis associadas ao n&#227;o recebimento de aconselhamento utilizou-se a regress&#227;o multivariada binomial. Resultados: Foram submetidas ao teste r&#225;pido anti-HIV 28,5% das parturientes. Destas, apenas 26,9% foram aconselhadas. Os fatores associados ao n&#227;o aconselhamento foram: escolaridade materna inferior a 8 anos de estudo (RP = 1,36; IC 95%: 1,15-1,62), realiza&#231;&#227;o de 0 a 3 consultas de pr&#233;-natal (RP = 0,73; IC 95%: 0,59-0,90) e parto em hospitais com menos de 50% das parturientes submetidas ao teste-r&#225;pido anti-HIV (RP = 1,65; IC 95%: 1,40-1,96). Conclus&#245;es: As mulheres em situa&#231;&#227;o socialmente desfavor&#225;vel n&#227;o foram alvo de aconselhamento, e apenas o baixo n&#250;mero de consultas pr&#233;-natais mostrou-se um fator de prote&#231;&#227;o contra o n&#227;o aconselhamento. O aconselhamento foi pouco praticado por ocasi&#227;o da realiza&#231;&#227;o do teste r&#225;pido anti-HIV, sinalizando que este teste vem sendo realizado sem o consentimento das mulheres, de modo imperativo