10 research outputs found

    Epidemiologia molecular da raiva animal no semiárido da Paraíba, nordeste do Brasil

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    In the semiarid of the state of Paraíba, the anti-rabies vaccination is not common, most of the local inhabitants who deal with the animals do not know the incidence of the disease in the region. In this study, samples of foxes (Pseudalopex vetulus), insectivorous bats (Molossus molossus), raccoons (Procyon cancrivorous) and domestic animals brains were submitted to the diagnosis of rabies, by using the direct fluorescent antibody technique (d-FAT) and mouse inoculation test (MIT). Of the 581 examined materials, 50 (8.60 %) were positive for d-FAT and 47 (8.09 %) for MIT. From the positive samples for rabies, RNAs were extracted and transformed to cDNA, at the Laboratory of Rabies/Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia/USP, SP. The phylogenetic characterization of the N gene was performed at the Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Saúde Animal, Universidade Nihon, Faculdade de Ciências Bioresource, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japão. Based on the results of genotyping and phylogenetic analyzes, it is concluded that the epidemiology of rabies is complex in the semiarid of Paraíba, with different viral variants being maintained in domestic dogs, foxes, insectivorous bats and vampire bats. All the isolates examined belong to the genotype I of the genus Lyssavirus and it is possible to state that in the region, foxes are important sylvatic reservoirs of the rabies virus

    Epidemiologia molecular da raiva animal no semiárido da Paraíba, nordeste do Brasil

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    In the semiarid of the state of Paraíba, the anti-rabies vaccination is not common, most of the local inhabitants who deal with the animals do not know the incidence of the disease in the region. In this study, samples of foxes (Pseudalopex vetulus), insectivorous bats (Molossus molossus), raccoons (Procyon cancrivorous) and domestic animals brains were submitted to the diagnosis of rabies, by using the direct fluorescent antibody technique (d-FAT) and mouse inoculation test (MIT). Of the 581 examined materials, 50 (8.60 %) were positive for d-FAT and 47 (8.09 %) for MIT. From the positive samples for rabies, RNAs were extracted and transformed to cDNA, at the Laboratory of Rabies/Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia/USP, SP. The phylogenetic characterization of the N gene was performed at the Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Saúde Animal, Universidade Nihon, Faculdade de Ciências Bioresource, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japão. Based on the results of genotyping and phylogenetic analyzes, it is concluded that the epidemiology of rabies is complex in the semiarid of Paraíba, with different viral variants being maintained in domestic dogs, foxes, insectivorous bats and vampire bats. All the isolates examined belong to the genotype I of the genus Lyssavirus and it is possible to state that in the region, foxes are important sylvatic reservoirs of the rabies virus

    Molecular epidemiology of animal rabies in the semiarid region of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil

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    In the semiarid of the state of Paraíba, the anti-rabies vaccination is not common, most of the local inhabitants who deal with the animals do not know the incidence of the disease in the region. In this study, samples of foxes (Pseudalopex vetulus), insectivorous bats (Molossus molossus), raccoons (Procyon cancrivorous) and domestic animals brains were submitted to the diagnosis of rabies, by using the direct fluorescent antibody technique (d-FAT) and mouse inoculation test (MIT). Of the 581 examined materials, 50 (8.60 %) were positive for d-FAT and 47 (8.09 %) for MIT. From the positive samples for rabies, RNAs were extracted and transformed to cDNA, at the Laboratory of Rabies/Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia/USP, SP. The phylogenetic characterization of the N gene was performed at the Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Saúde Animal, Universidade Nihon, Faculdade de Ciências Bioresource, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japão. Based on the results of genotyping and phylogenetic analyzes, it is concluded that the epidemiology of rabies is complex in the semiarid of Paraíba, with different viral variants being maintained in domestic dogs, foxes, insectivorous bats and vampire bats. All the isolates examined belong to the genotype I of the genus Lyssavirus and it is possible to state that in the region, foxes are important sylvatic reservoirs of the rabies virus

    Distribuição do vírus rábico no sistema nervoso central em ruminantes naturalmente infectados

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    Com o objetivo de identificar a distribuição das lesões do vírus rábico no sistema nervoso central de casos espontâneos de raiva em ruminantes e comparar as técnicas de imunofluorescência direta (IFD), inoculação em camundongos (ICC) e presença de corpúsculos de Negri para o diagnóstico da doença foram analisados materiais proveniente de 48 casos de raiva, incluindo amostras de córtex frontal, temporal, parietal e occipital, hipocampo, tálamo, colículo rostral e caudal, cerebelo, ponte, medula oblonga, núcleo da base e porções da medula cervical, torácica e lombar. De 48 amostras analisadas, todas foram positivas na IFD e na ICC e em 30 (62,5%) foram encontrados corpúsculo de Negri (CN). No entanto, houve diferenças importantes no resultados dos três testes nas diferentes regiões do SNC avaliadas. Nos cortes de córtex cerebral, em 38 bovinos, a presença de corpúsculos de inclusão foi baixa (11%-37%) assim como a positividade para IFD e ICC (60-80%). Pelo contrário, todas as amostras de ponte, tálamo e medula testados foram positivas para IFD e ICC. Em outras regiões do tronco encefálico e também no cerebelo a positividade para ICC e IFD foi de 60% a 96,7%. No cerebelo foi encontrada a maior frequência (88,2%) de corpúsculos de inclusão. Em oito ovinos as provas de ICC e IFD foram positivas em todos os cortes e foram observados corpúsculos de inclusão em três animais. Foram analisados somente dois casos de caprinos encontrando-se corpúsculos de inclusão em um e ambos foram positivos para IFD e ICC. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho sugerem que a conduta recomendada pelo Manual Técnico de Controle da Raiva dos Herbívoros (MTCRH) permite o diagnóstico de raiva associando o estudo histológico aos testes de IFD e ICC que incluem cerebelo, tálamo e tronco encefálico que apresentam alta positividade para as provas de IFD e ICC. No entanto, a melhor conduta é a de incluir metade do encéfalo cortado longitudinalmente e amostras de medula. Isto permite examinar por IFD e ICC uma ou mais regiões onde essas provas apresentam maior positividade e, posteriormente, se essas provas fossem negativas, retornar ao material original e examinar outras regiões. Por outro lado, a coleta de amostras dos locais recomendados pela MTCRH, assim com a coleta de metade do encéfalo, podem prejudicar o diagnóstico de outras doenças para o qual é necessário o estudo de todo o encéfalo após a fixação em formaldeído, para constatar a simetria e a distribuição das lesões. Nestes casos, com base nos resultados obtidos neste trabalho, pode ser recomendado para diagnóstico laboratorial de raiva o envio exclusivo de porções da medula cervical, dorsal e lombar, já que as três porções apresentaram 100% de positividade nas provas de IFD e ICC. Além disso, o estudo histológico de todas as porções do cérebro incluídas neste trabalho permitirá complementar o diagnóstico

    Sinais clínicos, distribuição das lesões no sistema nervoso e epidemiologia da raiva em herbívoros na região Nordeste do Brasil Clinical signs, distribution of the lesions in the central nervous system and epidemiology of rabies in northeastern Brazil

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    Descrevem-se 24 surtos de raiva em bovinos (25 casos), 4 em eqüinos (5 casos), 2 em caprinos (2 casos) e 2 em ovinos (4 casos). Todos os surtos ocorreram na Paraíba, exceto um em eqüinos que ocorreu no Rio Grande do Norte. Todos os surtos, com a exceção de um em ovinos, foram transmitidos provavelmente por morcegos hematófagos; no entanto, não se descarta a possibilidade de transmissão por raposas (Dusicyon vetulus). Os sinais clínicos foram representativos da localização das lesões no sistema nervoso central (SNC). Em bovinos os sinais eram, principalmente, da forma paralítica, causados por lesões da medula, tronco encefálico e cerebelo; mas alguns animais apresentaram depressão, excitação e outros sinais associados a lesões cerebrais. Três dos 5 eqüinos apresentaram sinais de lesões cerebrais e 2 apresentaram a forma paralítica. De 4 ovinos e 2 caprinos, 4 apresentaram a forma paralítica, mas em um caprino e um ovino os sinais foram predominantemente de lesões cerebrais. Todos os animais afetados, exceto um caprino, tiveram um curso clínico de 2-8 dias. As únicas lesões macros-cópicas observadas foram a dilatação da bexiga em 4 bovinos e a dilatação da ampola retal em 2. Dois cavalos apresentaram lesões da pele causadas por traumatismos. As lesões histológicas foram de encefalomielite e meningite difusa não supurativa. Nos eqüinos e em um caprino com evolução clínica de 35 dias as lesões foram mais severas, observando-se necrose neuronal, neuronofagia e presença de esferóides axonais. Corpúsculos de Negri foram observados em 87% (20/23) dos bovinos examinados e em 83% (5/6) dos ovinos e caprinos. Nessas 3 espécies os corpúsculos foram mais freqüentes no cerebelo, mas ocorreram também no tronco encefálico, medula e cérebro. Em cavalos, corpúsculos de Negri foram menos numerosos, sendo observados somente no córtex de um animal e no córtex e hipocampo em outro. No gânglio trigeminal, as lesões histológicas e os corpúsculos de Negri foram menos freqüentes que no SNC. Esses resultados mostram que na raiva dos herbívoros os sinais clínicos e a distribuição das lesões histológicas do SNC são variáveis, e que para o correto diagnóstico da enfermidade são necessários um bom exame clínico e o estudo histológico das diferentes regiões do SNC. Sugere-se, também, que perante resultados negativos nos testes de imunofluo-rescência e inoculação em camundongos, estes devam ser repetidos com amostras de diferentes regiões do SNC. Utilizando-se dados sobre a freqüência de doenças, de 4 laboratórios de diagnóstico, foi realizada uma estimativa das mortes de bovinos causadas pela raiva, anualmente, em 3 Estados. Na Paraíba, com uma população de 918.262 bovinos, o número de mortes é estimado em 8.609 cabeças por ano. No Mato Grosso do Sul, com uma população de 23 milhões de bovinos, as perdas por raiva são estimadas em 149.500 cabeças e, no Rio Grande do Sul, com uma população de 13 milhões de bovinos, as mortes são estimadas em 13.000 a 16.250 animais por ano. Se estas estimativas forem extrapoladas para todo o Brasil, com 195 milhões de bovinos, as mortes podem ser estimadas em 842.688 cabeças por ano.<br>Twenty four outbreaks of rabies in cattle, 4 in horses, 2 in sheep, and 2 in goats are reported in northeastern Brazil. All outbreaks occurred in the state of Paraíba, except one in horses that occurred in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. All outbreaks, except one in sheep, were probably transmitted by vampire-bats, but the transmission by foxes (Dusicyon vetulus) is also possible. Clinical signs were characteristic for distribution of the lesions in the central nervous system (CNS). In cattle, signs were mainly of the paralytic form of rabies, caused by lesions on the spinal cord, brain stem and cerebellum; but some animals showed also depression, excitation and other signs due to cerebral lesions. In 3 out of 5 horses, the main clinical signs were due to lesions in the cerebrum, and 2 had the paralytic form. From 4 sheep and 2 goats affected, 4 showed clinical signs of the paralytic form; but in 1 goat and 1 sheep the main clinical signs were caused by cerebral lesions. All affected animals, except 1 goat, had a clinical manifestation period of 2-8 days. The only gross lesions were distention of the urinary bladder in 4 cattle and distention of the rectum in 2 others. Two horses had skin lesions due to traumatic injury. Histologic lesions were diffuse non-suppurative encephalomyelitis and meningitis. In the horses, and in one goat with a clinical manifestation period of 35 days, the lesions were more severe, with neuronal necrosis, neuronophagia, and presence of axonal spheroids. Negri bodies were found in 87% (20/23) of the cattle cases examined histologically. In small ruminants Negri bodies were found in 83% (5/6) of the cases. In sheep, goats and cattle, Negri bodies were more frequent in the cerebellum, but they were found also in brain stem, spinal cord and cerebrum. In horses, Negri bodies were found in small amounts only in the cortex of one animal, and in the cortex and hippocampus of another. Histologic lesions and Negri bodies in the trigeminal ganglia were less frequent than in the CNS. These results show that in rabies of herbivores, clinical signs and distribution of lesions in the CNS are variable, so that for the diagnosis and adequate clinical evaluation and the histologic study of different areas of the CNS are necessary. This also suggests that when the fluorescent antibody test and mouse inoculation test are negative, they should be repeated with samples from different areas of the brain and spinal cord. Frequency data of diseases from 4 diagnostic laboratories were used to estimate cattle deaths due to rabies in 3 Brazilian states. In Paraíba, with a population of 918,262 cattle, the annual death rate is estimated in 8,609 heads. In Mato Grosso do Sul, with a population of 23 millions cattle, deaths caused by rabies are estimated in 149,500 heads, and in Rio Grande do Sul, with a cattle population of 13 millions, cattle deaths due to rabies are estimated in 13,000 to 16,250 heads. If these data are used to estimate cattle losses in Brazil, with a cattle population of 195 millions, it can be estimated that 842,688 deaths are caused annually by rabies

    Safety and efficacy of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce ileus after colorectal surgery

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    Background: Ileus is common after elective colorectal surgery, and is associated with increased adverse events and prolonged hospital stay. The aim was to assess the role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for reducing ileus after surgery. Methods: A prospective multicentre cohort study was delivered by an international, student- and trainee-led collaborative group. Adult patients undergoing elective colorectal resection between January and April 2018 were included. The primary outcome was time to gastrointestinal recovery, measured using a composite measure of bowel function and tolerance to oral intake. The impact of NSAIDs was explored using Cox regression analyses, including the results of a centre-specific survey of compliance to enhanced recovery principles. Secondary safety outcomes included anastomotic leak rate and acute kidney injury. Results: A total of 4164 patients were included, with a median age of 68 (i.q.r. 57\u201375) years (54\ub79 per cent men). Some 1153 (27\ub77 per cent) received NSAIDs on postoperative days 1\u20133, of whom 1061 (92\ub70 per cent) received non-selective cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors. After adjustment for baseline differences, the mean time to gastrointestinal recovery did not differ significantly between patients who received NSAIDs and those who did not (4\ub76 versus 4\ub78 days; hazard ratio 1\ub704, 95 per cent c.i. 0\ub796 to 1\ub712; P = 0\ub7360). There were no significant differences in anastomotic leak rate (5\ub74 versus 4\ub76 per cent; P = 0\ub7349) or acute kidney injury (14\ub73 versus 13\ub78 per cent; P = 0\ub7666) between the groups. Significantly fewer patients receiving NSAIDs required strong opioid analgesia (35\ub73 versus 56\ub77 per cent; P &lt; 0\ub7001). Conclusion: NSAIDs did not reduce the time for gastrointestinal recovery after colorectal surgery, but they were safe and associated with reduced postoperative opioid requirement