293 research outputs found

    Identificação de áreas quentes de desmatamento no cerrado por meio do estimador de densidade kernel: estudo de caso nas Microrregiões de Gerais das Balsas (MA) e Barreiras (BA) no MATOPIBA

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    The expansion of agribusiness in Brazil, although crucial for the economy, can have significant environmental consequences. This impact is evident in MATOPIBA, a region that stands out as the new agricultural frontier of the Cerrado, characterized by high deforestation rates. In this context, the objective of this study was to identify and analyze deforestation hotspots in the microregions of Gerais de Balsas and Barreiras, in MATOPIBA. For this purpose, data from PRODES Cerrado and TerraClass were used, undergoing preprocessing and geoprocessing stages. The technique of point cloud interpolation with the kernel density estimator was employed to generate heatmaps. The results revealed a progressive increase both in the number of deforestation hotspots and in the deforested area over the years analyzed. Gerais de Balsas had the highest number of hotspots, while Barreiras recorded the largest deforested areas. The hotspots identified in the heatmaps are associated with natural vegetation regions, pastures, and areas near urban centers. The intensity of deforestation is directly related to land use.A expansão do agronegócio no Brasil, embora crucial para a economia, pode ter consequências ambientais significativas. Esse impacto é evidente em MATOPIBA, uma região que se destaca como a nova fronteira agrícola do Cerrado, caracterizada por altas taxas de desmatamento. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi o de identificar e analisar os registros de desmatamento nas microrregiões de Gerais das Balsas e Barreiras, em MATOPIBA. Para isso, foram utilizados dados do PRODES do Cerrado e do TerraClass, submetidos a etapas de pré-processamento e geoprocessamento. A técnica de interpolação da nuvem de pontos com o estimador de densidade kernel foi empregada para gerar mapas de calor. Os resultados revelaram um aumento progressivo tanto na quantidade de pontos de desmatamento quanto na área desmatada ao longo dos anos analisados. Gerais das Balsas foi a microrregião com maior número de pontos, enquanto Barreiras registrou as maiores áreas desmatadas. As áreas quentes identificadas estão associadas a regiões de vegetação natural, pastagens e áreas próximas a centros urbanos. A intensidade do desmatamento está diretamente relacionada ao uso da terra


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    Em 2004, o Acre possuía um Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) igual a R3.241.847.000,00,comPIBpercapitaigualaR 3.241.847.000,00, com PIB per capita igual a R 5.143,00. Segundo dados do IBGE, os valores adicionados ao PIB na agropecuária, na indústria e no serviço, foram respectivamente de R179.312.000,00;R 179.312.000,00; R 853.043.000,00 e R1.999.670.000,00.Nessecontexto,tornaserelevantesabercomoasatividadesecono^micasimpactamsobreaformac\ca~odoPIBpercapitanosmunicıˊpiosacreanos.Diantedisso,aanaˊlisedoimpactocausadopelapresenc\cadeunidadesempresariais,pelapecuaˊriaepelaproduc\ca~oagrıˊcolasobreoPIBpercapitadosmunicıˊpiospossibilitaumavisa~odaproˊpriaeconomiadoestado.Ateoriadaexternalidadeeˊutilizadaparareferenciarestapesquisa.Analiticamente,eˊutilizadaaanaˊliseexploratoˊriadedadosespaciais.OsresultadosmostramqueemalgunsmunicıˊpiosacreanosoPIBpercapitaeˊfortementeimpactadopelapecuaˊriaeagriculturapraticadasemseusvizinhos.Emrelac\ca~oaˋquantidadedeunidadesempresariaisemummunicıˊpio,verificousequeessavariaˊvel,nestemodelo,na~oimpactasobreoPIBpercapitanosmunicıˊpiosvizinhoscontıˊguos.In2004,theAcrehadaGrossDomesticProduct(GDP)equalto 1.999.670.000,00. Nesse contexto, torna-se relevante saber como as atividades econômicas impactam sobre a formação do PIB per capita nos municípios acreanos. Diante disso, a análise do impacto causado pela presença de unidades empresariais, pela pecuária e pela produção agrícola sobre o PIB per capita dos municípios possibilita uma visão da própria economia do estado. A teoria da externalidade é utilizada para referenciar esta pesquisa. Analiticamente, é utilizada a análise exploratória de dados espaciais. Os resultados mostram que em alguns municípios acreanos o PIB per capita é fortemente impactado pela pecuária e agricultura praticadas em seus vizinhos. Em relação à quantidade de unidades empresariais em um município, verificou-se que essa variável, neste modelo, não impacta sobre o PIB per capita nos municípios vizinhos contíguos. -------------------------------------------In 2004, the Acre had a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) equal to 3.241.847.000,00, with per capita GDP equal to 5.143,00.AccordingtotheIBGE,thefiguresaddedtotheGDPinagriculture,industryandservice,wererespectivelyof 5.143,00. According to the IBGE, the figures added to the GDP in agriculture, industry and service, were respectively of 179.312.000,00; 853.043.000,00and 853.043.000,00 and 1.999.670.000,00. In this context, it is important to know how the economic activities impact on the training of GDP per capita in the municipalities of Acre. Given that, the analysis of the impact caused by the presence of business units, the livestock and agricultural production on the GDP per capita of municipalities allows a vision of the economy of the state. The theory of externalities is used to refer this search. Analytically, is used exploratory analysis of spatial data. The results show that in some municipalities of Acre GDP per capita is strongly impacted by the livestock and agriculture practiced in its neighbours. In relation to the amount of business units in a municipality, it was found that this variable, in this model, no impact on GDP per capita in neighboring counties contiguous.Estrutura empresarial, Pecuária, Agricultura, Estado do Acre e PIB per capita, Business Structure, Livestock, Agriculture, State of Acre and GDP per capita, Agribusiness,


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    No Estado do Acre a agropecuária local utiliza com bastante intensidade as queimadas como fator de produção. Nesse engendramento é relevante conhecer os impactos que as queimadas causam sobre a saúde da sociedade acreana. Este trabalho busca, de forma geral, verificar o tipo de relação entre queimadas e doenças respiratórias no estado do Acre. Especificamente, procura-se determinar o relacionamento espacial entre focos de queimadas em um dado município e internações por morbidades respiratórias em seus vizinhos contíguos Os resultados mostram que em alguns municípios acreanos as internações causadas por morbidades respiratórias são de responsabilidade de seus vizinhos. Dessa forma, fica claro que no estado do Acre as queimadas exercem impactos negativos sobre a qualidade de vida, em especial sobre a saúde da sociedade acreana.----------------------------------------------In the state of Acre, the local agricultural uses with much intensity as burned as a factor of production. That is relevant to know the impact that the fires cause on the health of society of Acre. This job search, in general, check the type of relationship between fires and respiratory diseases in the state of Acre. Specifically, the goal is to determine the spatial relationship between outbreaks of fires in a given municipality and hospitalizations for respiratory morbidity in its neighbours contiguous. The results show that in some municipalities of Acre the hospitalizations caused by respiratory morbidity are the responsibility of its neighbours. Thus, it is clear that in the state of Acre as burned carry negative impacts on the quality of life, particularly on the health of society of Acre.Externalidades. Poluição do ar. Estado do Acre e Morbidades respiratórias. Externalities. Pollution of the air. State of Acre and breathing morbidities., Health Economics and Policy,


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    A otimização da qualidade de vida da população deve ser a função objetivo de todo governo. A melhoria da qualidade de vida possui papel primordial no desenvolvimento de um país, estado ou município. Assim, é interessante a formulação de um indicador que quantifique o desenvolvimento alcançado por uma sociedade, utilizando uma quantidade de variáveis de forma que se consiga captar maiores informações sobre essa sociedade, para que formuladores de políticas públicas tenham melhores subsídios na elaboração de medidas que permitam aumentar o próprio grau de desenvolvimento. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa objetiva construir o Índice Relativo de Qualidade de Vida (IRQV) para os municípios do Estado do Amazonas. Os resultados indicam que os municípios apresentam uma heterogeneidade em relação à qualidade de vida. Claramente, observou-se que os municípios dentro das microrregiões de Manaus e do Rio Preto da Eva apresentam os melhores resultados para o IRQV, e segundo a presente pesquisa, são os melhores municípios para se viver no Amazonas. As microrregiões de Boca do Acre, Juruá e Purus foram as que apresentaram os piores resultados para o IRQV nos municípios. --------------------------------------------The optimization of the quality of life of the population should be the goal of every government function. The improvement of the quality of life has primary role in the development of a country, state or municipality. Thus, it is interesting to the formulation of an indicator to quantify the development achieved by a company, using a number of variables so that we succeed capture more information about this company, so that policy makers have better public subsidies in drafting measures to increase your own level of development. Thus, this research aims to build the Index Relating to Quality of Life (IRQV) to the municipalities of the state of Amazonas. The results indicate that the municipalities have heterogeneity in relation to the quality of life. Clearly, it was observed that the municipalities within the microrregiões of Manaus and Rio Preto, Eva have the best results for the IRQV, and according to this poll, are the best counties to live in the Amazon. The microrregiões of Boca do Acre, Juruá and Purus were those that had the worst results for the IRQV in municipalities.IDH-M, Índice relativo de qualidade de vida, Estado do Amazonas e estatística multivariada, Index on quality of life, state of Amazonas and multivariate statistics, Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Bionomic Aspects of the Solitary Bee Tetrapedia diversipes Klug, 1810 (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Tetrapediini)

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    The study aimed to describe bionomic aspects of Tetrapedia diversipes Klug, 1810 in order to allow the conservation or breeding of these bees. The nesting biology was studied using trap nests made with cardboard-paper tubes and plastic straws during the period between December 2014 and September 2015, in the Bee Unit of the Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. A total of 135 nests were obtained with 593 brood cells, from which emerged 448 adults and individuals of two parasitic species. The proportion of females (n = 297) was higher than that of males (n = 151) resulting in a sex ratio of 1.97:1. The total mortality in the nests was 24.45% and the majority of deaths recorded occurred at the pupal stage (33.1%). During their reproductive life, females of this bee species were able to construct up to 16 brood cells. The trap-nests removal and transfer to the laboratory shortly after finished by the bees reduced the attack of natural enemies

    Bionomy and Nesting Behavior of the Bee Epanthidium tigrinum (Schrottky, 1905) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Trap-Nests

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    About 85% of pollinating bees are solitary, but few are used for agricultural pollination. The Anthidiini tribe looks very promising in Brazil, in the light of ecosystem utility, but  it is still a species with poorly scientific research[EdM1] . To fill this gap studies on the bionomics of this species may collaborate on future studies on use of Epanthidium tigrinum as pollinator. Presented research results aims to describe the bionomy and the biological cycle of the bee E. tigrinum (SCHROTTKY, 1905) in pre-existing cavities. Conventional trap-nests inserted in wooden blocks were placed in covered spaces and daily observations of spontaneous nesting as well as individually tagged bees and nests incubated in B.O.D. were carried out during 11 months in Fortaleza-CE. The results showed that the competition with other species of bees for the pre-existing cavities and the lack of food resources or nest building materials are limiting factors for the establishment of E. tigrinum populations. However, once these problems were remedied, the bees showed multivoltine behavior, nesting throughout the experimental period. Data from 16 nests studied showed that bee foraging began on average at 7:50 a.m., foragers collected pollen in the morning and resin in the afternoon, took on average 15 days to complete a nest and there was a negative correlation with the temperature for the number of nests and for the number of cells constructed. The offspring took 43 days for the emergency, presented sexual ratio of 1.2: 1 (n = 66 emerged bees) and a mortality rate of 18.5%. The number of nests constructed per female ranged from 1 to 4 with an average size of 7.97 mm. It is concluded that E. tigrinum shows potential to rational rearing in trap nests aiming crop pollination. [EdM1

    Impact of Drought on the Life Cycle of Barge Transport

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    This paper aims to analyze the impact of drought on the life cycle of barge transportation. The LCA method was used to quantify the environmental impact of barge transportation services on the Madeira River/Brazil: Transportation Operation, Barge Fleet, and Waterway Infrastructure. A model for barge convoy formation was developed as a function of river water level variation. From this, the transport operation was simulated, considering the loading of grains from the Madeira River in 2021, as well as the respective fuel consumption and CO2Eq emissions. The results indicate that barge transportation is more harmful to the environment during drought, since only a convoy of nine barges is allowed to navigate, and its energy efficiency is compromised due to the longer travel time and lower loading capacity in one trip. The intense use of this barge convoy implied an increase of 22.25% in CO2Eqemissions when compared to the full river. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-12-02 Full Text: PD

    Epidemiology and Management of South American Leaf Blight on Rubber in Brazil

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    The rubber tree (Hevea spp.) is one of the main forest crops in tropical regions due commercialization of natural rubber. Brazil currently imports most rubber that is consumed. According to the International Rubber Study Group, for an annual consumption of 350,000 tons in Brazil, 135,000 tons were produced, whereas 215,000 tons were imported. This failure of rubber cultivation in Brazil is primarily due to South American leaf blight (SALB), a disease caused by the fungus Microcyclus ulei (P. Henn. v. Arx.). The fungus is present in all Brazilian rubber-producing regions and attacks young leaflets, causing abscission and, ultimately, death of the tree. This disease occurs in almost all areas of rubber tree plantations in Central and South America. Strategies used to manage SALB are based on the use of fungicides in nurseries and young plantations and the use of resistant clones; on phenological aspects, taking into account the leaf shedding patterns of adult rubber trees, which in certain environments provide defense in addition to resistance; and on climatic factors that are favorable or unfavorable to epidemic development. The aim of this chapter was to describe all aspects related to the epidemiology and management of leaf blight in Brazil

    Conflicts between the Comperj and the Management of Protected Areas: the Central Fluminense Mosaic as a Possibility of Confronting Socio-Environmental Impacts from Large Industrial Enterprises

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    A implantação do Complexo Petroquímico do Rio Janeiro – Comperj, na cidade de Itaboraí-RJ, tende a gerar impactos socioambientais sobre as unidades de conservação circundantes, reunidas no âmbito do Mosaico da Mata Atlântica Central Fluminense (MCF). Durante o processo de licenciamento ambiental desse empreendimento foram constatadas contradições, que ensejaram tensões com as áreas protegidas, movimentos sociais e o Ministério Público Federal. Interpretando este caso à luz da ecologia política e da justiça ambiental, o presente trabalho discorre sobre a ação institucional dos conselhos de mosaicos e de unidades de conservação na gestão e no enfrentamento dos impactos socioambientais associados à instalação de grandes empreendimentos industriais, destacando em particular a atuação do conselho do MCF e sua capacidade de mediação com os setores empresarial e governamental.The implementation of the Petrochemical Complex of Rio de Janeiro – COMPERJ in the city of Itaboraí-RJ, tends to generate social and environmental impacts on the surrounding protected areas, within the Atlantic Forest Central Fluminense Mosaic (MCF). During the licensing process of this enterprise, contradictions were found, which rose tensions among protected areas, social movements and the Federal Prosecution Service. Interpreting this case in light of concepts used in the field of political ecology and environmental justice, this paper discusses the institutional action of the councils of mosaics and protected areas in managing as well as addressing social and environmental impacts associated with the installation of large industrial enterprises, highlighting in particular the role of the council of the MCF and its mediation capacity with the government and corporate sectors