561 research outputs found

    Unraveling the relationship between firm size and economic development: The roles of embodied and disembodied technological progress

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    In the last decade, an increasing body of literature has studied the relation between economic development and the rate of independent entrepreneurship. For several developed countries, this relation seems to have changed from a negative relation into a positive one. However, the role of technology, and in particular the roles of embodied and disembodied technological progress, in shaping this relation has not yet been established. We estimate a model, based on Lucas (1978), able to disentangle the roles of both these types of technological progress in determining average firm size (a concept closely but inversely related to the rate of independent entrepreneurship) for 23 OECD countries over the period 1972-2008. Our estimations allow us to establish, for each country, the relative importance of embodied technological change, vis-�-vis disembodied technological change, in determining average firm size. Our results suggest that, notwithstanding the rise of independent entrepreneurship observed in many countries over the last few decades, economies of scale and scope (embodied technological change) continue to play an important role in many advanced economies.�

    How did the Sovereign debt crisis affect the Euro financial integration? A fractional cointegration approach.

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    This paper examines financial integration among stock markets in the Eurozone using the prices from each stock index. Monthly time series are constructed for four major stock indices for the period between 1998 and 2016. A fractional cointegrated vector autoregressive model is estimated at an international level. Our results show that there is a perfect and complete Euro financial integration. Considering the possible existence of structural breaks, this paper also examines the fractional cointegration within each regime, showing that Euro financial integration is very robust. However, in the financial and sovereign debt crisis regime, IBEX 35 appears to be the weak link in Euro financial integration, unless Euro financial integration recovers when this period ends

    Protocolo de investigación. Calidad de vida en Enfermeros de Atención Especializada de Ferrol

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Enfermaría. Curso 2012/201

    Datos comparativos de tres formas viverrinas del Vindoboniense superior y Vallesiense medio del Vallès-Penedès (depresión prelitoral catalana, España)

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    Se senalan diversos aspectos diferenciales entre los tres tipos morfologicos viverrinos. presentados por los fasiles enc~tntradose n el Vindoboniense superior del Penedes y Vindoboniense terminal y Vallesiense medio del Valles

    The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship: Hysteresis, Business Cycles and Government Policy

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    This paper estimates an unobserved components model to explore the macro dynamics of entrepreneurship in Spain and the US. We ask whether entrepreneurship exhibits hysteresis, defined as a macro dynamic structure in which cyclical fluctuations have persistent effects on the natural rate of entrepreneurship. We find evidence of hysteresis in Spain, but not the US, while in both countries business cycle output variations significantly affect future rates of entrepreneurship. The article discusses implications of the findings for the design of entrepreneurship policies.hysteresis, unobserved components model, time series models, business cycles, self-employment, entrepreneurship

    Las formas melinoideas de la transición Vindoboniense superior-Vallesiense medio del Vallès-Penedès (Depresión prelitoral catalana, España)

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    Se recopilan datos sobre los Melinoideos encontrados en yacimientos de la transición vindoboniense-vallesiense de Cataluña. Se hacen comparaciones más precisas entre sus Mí/ y M/1 por ser estos molares los más comunes entre los diversos conjuntos

    Algunas precisiones sobre la presencia de género Mycostonyx en España

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    Se concreta la presencia de este género de la siguiente manera: Microstonyx antiquus, típico, en Cerdanya y Seu d'Urgell (Vallesiense inferior-medio); M. antiquus, forma evolucionada, en Terrassa, St. Miquel y Caldes (Vallesiense superior); M. grupo major-erymanthius en Piera y Concud (Turoliense)

    Energy consumption in the US reconsidered. Evidence across sources and economic sectors

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    This study analyzes the impact of GDP shocks in USA on primary energy consumption and the reverse impact in a comprehensive and novel framework, distinguishing by economic sectors (commercial, industrial, residential and transportation) and energy source, i.e., total fossil (coal, natural gas and petroleum), nuclear, and renewable (hydroelectric, geothermal and biomass) for the period 1973:1 to 2015:2. To this end, we apply Granger causality analysis through the Hatemi-J [1] and Toda and Yamamoto [2] approaches from a time series perspective to evaluate the existence of asymmetries on this bidirectional relationship. The empirical results suggest that the impact of GDP on primary energy consumption is heterogeneous and energy source-specific, and an asymmetric behavior appears among cycles. Moreover, it seems clear that the US economy is highly dependent on petroleum energy consumption. The renewable energy sources do not seem to show any relationshipsources seem to show no relationship with economic growth, and finally, our results suggest that energy consumption in the industrial sector is key to economic growth and is also very sensitive to negative economic shocks
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