381 research outputs found

    Superfluidity of a perfect quantum crystal

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    In recent years, experimental data were published which point to the possibility of the existence of superfluidity in solid helium. To investigate this phenomenon theoretically we employ a hierarchy of equations for reduced density matrices which describes a quantum system that is in thermodynamic equilibrium below the Bose-Einstein condensation point, the hierarchy being obtained earlier by the author. It is shown that the hierarchy admits solutions relevant to a perfect crystal (immobile) in which there is a frictionless flow of atoms, which testifies to the possibility of superfluidity in ideal solids. The solutions are studied with the help of the bifurcation method and some their peculiarities are found out. Various physical aspects of the problem, among them experimental ones, are discussed as well.Comment: 24 pages with 2 figures, version accepted for publication in Eur.Phys.J.


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    Вивчено кiнетику окиснення нiтрит до нiтрат йонiв калiй фератом(VI) в широкому дiапазонi рН, вiд нейтрального до лужного сере- довища. Проведено двi серiї кiнетичних експе- риментiв, заснованих на рiзних технологiях одержання калiй ферату(VI). В першiй серiї експериментiв кристалiчний калiй ферат(VI) отримували хiмiчним синтезом. В дiапазонi рН 6.5–11 твердий K2FeO4 додавали до роз- чинiв нiтрит йонiв при вiдомiй концентрацiї та рН. Експерименти проводили пiд контролем рН та йонної сили. Кiнетичнi дослiдження коливалися вiд мiлiсекунд до декiлькох хви- лин. В другiй серiї експериментiв розчини K2FeO4 було отримано електрохiмiчним син- тезом. Лужнi розчини калiй ферату(VI) в 8.0 М КОН готували електрохiмiчним роз- чиненням сталевих пластин (S=10 см2), що мiстили: C – 0.16 %; Мn – 0.43 %; Si – 0.04 %; S – 0.03 %; Р – 0.04 %; решта Fe. Експерименти проводили з використанням свiжих розчинiв калiй ферату(VI) та розчинiв, що витри- мувалися пiсля синтезу декiлька днiв, пiд контролем концентрацiї нiтрит йонiв. Кiне- тичнi дослiдження коливалися вiд декiлькох хвилин до годин. Встановлено, що максималь- на швидкiсть реакцiї окиснення досягається при використаннi розчину K2FeO4, витримано- го пiсля синтезу 8 днiв. Двi серiї дослiдiв показа- ли, що швидкiсть окиснення нiтрит йонiв зале- жить вiд концентрацiї протонованого ферату, HFeO-4. Дослiджено залежнiсть спостережу- ваних констант швидкостi вiд рН, концен- трацiй нiтриту та йонної сили. Розрахованi iстиннi константи швидкостi, порядки реак- цiї за нiтрит та ферат йонами, загальний порядок реакцiї. Знайдена константа швид- костi реакцiї окиснення води фератом(VI). Дослiдження, наведенi в данiй статтi, важ- ливi, тому що кiнетику окиснення шкiдливих неорганiчних та органiчних речовин ферата- ми(VI) лужних металiв широко застосовують для встановлення оптимальних параметрiв технологiчних процесiв очищення поверхневих вод, промислових стiчних вод та повiтря Ключовi слова: калiй ферат(VI), нiтрит йони, кiнетика окиснення, синтез фера- тiв(VI), лужнi розчин

    Half-life of the electron-capture decay of 97Ru: Precision measurement shows no temperature dependence

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    We have measured the half-life of the electron-capture (ec) decay of 97Ru in a metallic environment, both at low temperature (19K), and also at room temperature. We find the half-lives at both temperatures to be the same within 0.1%. This demonstrates that a recent claim that the ec decay half-life for 7Be changes by $0.9% +/- 0.2% under similar circumstances certainly cannot be generalized to other ec decays. Our results for the half-life of 97Ru, 2.8370(14)d at room temperature and 2.8382(14)d at 19K, are consistent with, but much more precise than, previous room-temperature measurements. In addition, we have also measured the half-lives of the beta-emitters 103Ru and 105Rh at both temperatures, and found them also to be unchanged.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Universal mechanism of discontinuity of commensurate-incommensurate transitions in three-dimensional solids: Strain dependence of soliton self-energy

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    We show that there exists a universal mechanism of long-range soliton attraction in three-dimensional solids and, therefore, of discontinuity of any commensurate-incommensurate (C-IC) phase transition. This mechanism is due to the strain dependence of the soliton self-energy and specific features of the solid-state elasticity. The role of this mechanism is studied in detail for a class of C-IC transitions where the IC modulation is one-dimensional, the anisotropy in the order parameter space is small, and the symmetry of the systems allows the existence of the Lifshitz invariant. Two other mechanisms of soliton attraction are operative here but the universal mechanism considered in this paper is found to be the most important one in some cases. Comparison with the most extensively studied C-IC transition in K2SeO4\rm K_2SeO_4 shows that the experimentally observed thermal anomalies can be understood as a result of the smearing of the theoretically predicted discontinuous transition.Comment: 8 pages (extended version, title changed

    The Minimal Length of a Lagrangian Cobordism between Legendrians

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    To investigate the rigidity and flexibility of Lagrangian cobordisms between Legendrian submanifolds, we investigate the minimal length of such a cobordism, which is a 11-dimensional measurement of the non-cylindrical portion of the cobordism. Our primary tool is a set of real-valued capacities for a Legendrian submanifold, which are derived from a filtered version of Legendrian Contact Homology. Relationships between capacities of Legendrians at the ends of a Lagrangian cobordism yield lower bounds on the length of the cobordism. We apply the capacities to Lagrangian cobordisms realizing vertical dilations (which may be arbitrarily short) and contractions (whose lengths are bounded below). We also study the interaction between length and the linking of multiple cobordisms as well as the lengths of cobordisms derived from non-trivial loops of Legendrian isotopies.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures. v2: Minor corrections in response to referee comments. More general statement in Proposition 3.3 and some reorganization at the end of Section

    Mechanochemical conversion of acetylene in quartz – ultrafine metal powder system

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    We have studied the effect of nano-sized metal powders (Zn, Ni), obtained by electric explosion of wires, on mechanochemical conversions of acetylene in the presence of quartz. In the process of acetylene mechanical treatment (MT) in the presence of quartz, benzene is formed. During the mechanical grinding of quartz in planetary-centrifugal mills, active radical sites are formed on quartz surface. It is possible to suppose that due to the influence of mechanical energy acetylene triple bond breaks to form ethyl radicals, which are subjected to chemosorption on active quartz sites with subsequent formation of benzene. The addition of ultrafine Zn powder decreased, while Ni powder considerably increased benzene yield. In the process of MT, particles of ultrafine Zn powder are agglomerated which results in the decrease of its catalytic activity. The increase in benzene yield at the use of ultrafine Ni powder as the additives is associated with catalytic conversion of acetylene into benzene on the newly formed nickel surface. The injection of ultrafine Zn and Ni powders in quartz-acetylene system caused no changes in quantitative composition of acetylene conversion products but affected the amounts of one or other component formation

    Factors influencing the catalytic oxidation of benzyl alcohol using supported phosphine-capped gold nanoparticles

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    Open Access Article. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.Two phosphine-stabilised gold clusters, Au101(PPh3)21Cl5 and Au9(PPh3)8(NO3)3, were deposited and activated on anatase TiO2 and fumed SiO2. These catalysts showed an almost complete oxidation of benzyl alcohol (>90%) within 3 hours at 80 °C and 3 bar O2 in methanol with a high substrate-to-metal molar ratio of 5800 and turn-over frequency of 0.65 s−1. Factors influencing catalytic activity were investigated, including metal–support interaction, effects of heat treatments, chemical composition of gold clusters, the size of gold nanoparticles and catalytic conditions. It was found that the anions present in gold clusters play a role in determining the catalytic activity in this reaction, with NO3− diminishing the catalytic activity. High catalytic activity was attributed to the formation of large gold nanoparticles (>2 nm) that coincides with partial removal of ligands which occurs during heat treatment and catalysis. Selectivity towards the formation of methyl benzoate can be tuned by selection of the reaction temperature. The catalysts were characterised using transmission electron microscopy, UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    Intercomparison of field measurements of nitrous acid (HONO) during the SHARP campaign

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    Because of the importance of HONO as a radical reservoir, consistent and accurate measurements of its concentration are needed. As part of SHARP (Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors), time series of HONO were obtained by six different measurement techniques on the roof of the Moody Tower at the University of Houston. Techniques used were long path differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS), stripping coil-visible absorption photometry (SC-AP), long path absorption photometry (LOPAP® ), mist chamber/ion chromatography (MC-IC), quantum cascade-tunable infrared laser differential absorption spectroscopy (QC-TILDAS), and ion drift-chemical ionization mass spectrometry (ID-CIMS). Various combinations of techniques were in operation from 15 April through 31 May 2009. All instruments recorded a similar diurnal pattern of HONO concentrations with higher median and mean values during the night than during the day. Highest values were observed in the final 2 weeks of the campaign. Inlets for the MC-IC, SC-AP, and QC-TILDAS were collocated and agreed most closely with each other based on several measures. Largest differences between pairs of measurements were evident during the day for concentrations ~100 parts per trillion (ppt). Above ~ 200 ppt, concentrations from the SC-AP, MC-IC, and QC-TILDAS converged to within about 20%, with slightly larger discrepancies when DOAS was considered. During the first 2 weeks, HONO measured by ID-CIMS agreed with these techniques, but ID-CIMS reported higher values during the afternoon and evening of the final 4 weeks, possibly from interference from unknown sources. A number of factors, including building related sources, likely affected measured concentrations

    Precise Half-Life Measurement of the Superallowed beta emitter 10C

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    The half-life of 10C has been measured to be 19.310(4)s, a result with 0.02% precision, which is a factor of three improvement over the best previous result. Since 10C is the lightest superallowed 0+ --> 0+ beta emitter, its ft value has the greatest weight in setting an upper limit on the possible presence of scalar currents.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Second harmonic generation on incommensurate structures: The case of multiferroic MnWO4

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    A comprehensive analysis of optical second harmonic generation (SHG) on an incommensurate (IC) magnetically ordered state is presented using multiferroic MnWO4 as model compound. Two fundamentally different SHG contributions coupling to the primary IC magnetic order or to secondary commensurate projections of the IC state, respectively, are distinguished. Whereas the latter can be described within the formalism of the 122 commensurate magnetic point groups the former involves a breakdown of the conventional macroscopic symmetry analysis because of its sensitivity to the lower symmetry of the local environment in a crystal lattice. Our analysis thus foreshadows the fusion of the hitherto disjunct fields of nonlinear optics and IC order in condensed-matter systems