354 research outputs found

    Особенности современных индийских политических элит: традиции и модернизация

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    Данная статья посвящена индийской политической элите и ее особенностям, и характеристикам. Методы, используемые в проведении исследования, включают в себя: анализ, сравнение, обобщение, конкретизацию и систематизацию. Актуальность статьи заключается в том, что Индия становится одним из ключевых игроков на политической мировой арене, что обусловливает интерес к стране и важность для ее изучения. Рассматривая Индию с политической точки зрения, необходимо понимать основные особенности ее политического лидерства и данного вида элиты. Именно поэтому в статье были рассмотрены различные определения политической элиты в индийской науке и политической практике, а также проанализированы признаки и характеристики, которыми обладает элита в индийском обществе. В частности, были выделены и выявлены такие признаки как доступ к власти и ресурсам, образование и профессиональный опыт, социальный статус и связи, а также способность к мобилизации и организации на национальном уровне. В научной работе также обращается внимание на важность культурных и гендерных аспектов в формировании политической элиты в Индии. В исследовании было обозначено, что политическая элита в Индии находится в постоянном движении и изменении. Это связано с быстроменяющейся социально-экономической и политической ситуацией в стране. Индийская элита может состоять как из представителей традиционных элитных каст, так и из относительно новых и независимых политических лидеров. Анализируя различные точки зрения на понимание политической элиты, в исследовании создается попытка дать более комплексное и общее определение, которое бы учитывало все указанные ранее признаки и особенности. Подводя итоги, в работе указывается, что политическая элита в Индии является многогранным и сложным явлением, которое требует дальнейшего изучения и анализа

    Method of modeling viscoelastic properties of oriented polymer materials using multi-barrier theory

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    The results of modeling deformation processes of uniaxially oriented polymer materials are presented. The discription of two-barrier model is given, according to which polymer macromolecules can be in three stable states. The constitutive equation of the oriented polymer material is obtained. The solution of this equation is shown for the case of a deformation mode with a constant load level. Based on the energy barriers theory, as a result of the transformation of the balance equations of the occupation numbers of steady states, the constitutive equation of the polymer material is obtained. This equation is a second-order differential equation in time. For the deformation process with a constant stress level, the constitutive equation takes the form of a linear inhomogeneous second-order differential equation with constant coefficients. A general solution of this equation is given in explicit form. The solution of the Cauchy problem gives a general solution of the constitutive equation for the considered case. The analysis and transformation of the general solution leads to dependencies that determine the deformation of the oriented polymer material for creep and recovery processes. The use of a two-barrier model with three steady states of macromolecules made it possible to obtain a constitutive equation which is a second-order differential equation in time. As an example, the application of the constitutive equation to the deformation mode with a constant stress level is considered and its general solution is obtained. A universal function has been introduced with the help of which it is possible to calculate the deformation of a polymer material in the creep and recovery mode. By combining the theoretical curve with the experimental creep curves of polyethylene terephthalate filaments, the applicability of the considered modeling method is shown. The obtained constitutive equation makes it possible to describe and predict both static and dynamic deformation modes. The applicability of the obtained model to the static mode of deformation is shown. It should be noted that the solution of the obtained constitutive equation in certain cases leads to an oscillatory relaxation mode

    Life of Olena Ivanivna Kazimirchak-Polons’ka is in the System of Earthly and Celestial Coordinates (For the 110 Anniversary From her Birthday)

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    Висвітлено життєвий шлях та досягнення всесвітньо відомого вченого астронома Олени Іванівни Казі-мірчак-Полонської. ; The life and the achievements of worldknown scientist and astronomer Olena Ivanivna Kazimirchak-Polons’ka are considered

    Management of groundwater resources in transboundary territories (on the example of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Estonia)

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    Groundwater,  as a source of water supply, the most important mineral and geopolitical resource, , is often the only source of high-quality drinking water that is protected from pollution under conditions of increasing deterioration of surface water quality. Transboundary groundwaters are the focus of hydrogeological researchers for a number of reasons, including the reduction and pollution of water resources as a result of economic activities. The increased controversy between states over transboundary water issues has necessitated  the development of international legal documents on issues related to water conflict prevention and the sustainable use of fresh water. As part of the analysis of the problem of legal regulation of groundwater extraction from transboundary aquifers and complexes, it is proposed to consider this aspect on the example of Russia. The problems of regulation of rational use and protection of fresh water in the bilateral  treaties of the Russian Federation were revealed; a methodology for the management of groundwater extraction in the territory of the transboundary aquifer  was developed, the size, parameters, and factors influencing the formation of the transboundary zone have been determined (based on research and analysis of water intake activities in the border areas of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Estonia) were determined

    Электронный кадровый документооборот: от правового эксперимента к практике

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    The subject. The introduction of electronic technologies into management processes has led to the need to regulate the issues of the use of electronic personnel document management (further - EPDM). In the spring of 2020, Russia was conducting a legal experiment on the use of electronic documents related to work. As part of this experiment, according to the rules established by federal law, individual employers voluntarily refuse to issue certain types of personnel documents in paper form. It concerned employment contract and other contracts with an employee (on financial responsibility, apprenticeship), a vacation schedule, employee statements, as well as regulatory and organizational and administrative documents of the employer on labor (orders on admission, dismissals, penalties, etc.). The results of this experiment became the basis for the introduction of appropriate amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.The main purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for improving the current labor legislation for the legalization of electronic personnel document management as part of a system of measures to achieve the maximum balance of interests of employees and employers.The main methods of the research are the analysis and generalization of judicial practice on labor disputes related to the evaluation of electronic evidence, the practice of using electronic personnel document management by individual employers, both participating and not participating in the legal experiment conducted at the federal level.The main results, scope of application. The preliminary results of above mentioned experiment have been summarized and an assessment of the validity and potential effectiveness of the draft law submitted to the Russian Federal Assembly has been given. The authors propose the results of a critical analysis of the interim results of the legal experiment on the introduction of EPDM. The authors demonstrate the pros and cons of electronic document management in terms of the readiness of the current legislation for it, as well as subjects of labor relations. The innovations of the prepared draft law on the introduction of a new article 22.1 to the Russian Labor Code as well as its positive aspects and some shortcomings are considered. Not only legal and technical shortcomings are indicated, but also some fundamental substantive contradictions. For example, a negligent attitude to the involvement of employees in making managerial decisions in the social and labor sphere due to the establishment of a trade union monopoly in a number of issues of social dialogue when introducing electronic personnel document management. The draft law does not consistently address issues related to security, enhanced qualified signature and the costs associated with obtaining it by an employee. The modern attitude of Russian courts to electronic evidence in labor disputes is demonstrated by the example of judicial practice. These examples demonstrate the most pressing issues of the introduction and use of EPDM, which need to be resolved at the legislative level. There is a need for effective protection of all participants in labor relations in the context of the development of digital technologies and their implementation in the daily life of each person.Conclusions. Adoption of new federal law regulating EPDM was necessary to establish general rules for employee-employer interaction in the digital environment, as well as for legalization of the exchange of electronic documents as a way of labor management.Внедрение в управленческие процессы электронных технологий привело к необходимости нормативно урегулировать вопросы применения электронного кадрового документооборота. Весной 2020 г. в России проводился правовой эксперимент по использованию электронных документов, связанных с работой. Его результаты стали основой для введения соответствующих поправок в Трудовой кодекс РФ. Авторы предлагают результаты критического анализа как промежуточных итогов правового эксперимента, так и проекта закона о внесении в Трудовой кодекс РФ новой статьи 22.1. На основе обобщения судебной практики по трудовым спорам, связанной с оценкой электронных доказательств, сформулированы выводы и предложения по совершенствованию действующего законодательства

    Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy in a heart transplant recipient: a case report

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    The article presents a case report of developing the classic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy in a 66-year-old male heart transplant recipient within 5 years after orthotopic heart transplantation. The characteristics of this pathology are discussed

    Publication Activities of Pedagogical Universities: Quantitative and Qualitative Indicators

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    The article aims to study the effectiveness of teachers’ research activities at pedagogical universities. This indicator is measured by scientific publications that promote scientific research results and the dissemination of scientific flows that affect productivity and effectiveness of scientific activities at universities. The main methods of research are the quantitative analysis of the characteristics of teachers’ publication activity at pedagogical universities, the analysis of bibliometric data and their classification, statistical and comparative analysis. Within the framework of the study, a literature review is presented. The article highlights the results of the of the teachers’ publication activity analysis over the past five years and trends in the development of publication activity. The authors have also provided an analysis of the quality and the level of journals in which authors affiliated with pedagogical universities are published. In addition, the shortage of peer-reviewed journals for educational research publication is revealed. The conclusions are made about the specifics of promoting research of pedagogical universities: orientation of university teachers to publish research results in peer-reviewed journals; formation of collaborations with the leading Russian and foreign scientists or research groups for joint research. The authors also propose measures to eliminate difficulties in the teachers’ publication activities: training in the basics of legal literacy for intellectual activity results protection and promotion, as well as the formation of a support system for scientific and pedagogical staff for publishing research results in peer-reviewed journals