42 research outputs found

    Observation of Crossover from Ballistic to Diffusion Regime for Excimer Molecules in Superfluid 4^4He

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    We have measured the temperature dependence of the time of flight of helium excimer molecules He2* in superfluid 4He and find that the molecules behave ballistically below 100mK and exhibit Brownian motion above 200 mK. In the intermediate temperature range the transport cannot be described by either of the models.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to the Proceedings of the International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids 201

    Universal Behaviour of the Superfluid Fraction and Tc of He-3 in 99.5% Open Aerogel

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    We have investigated the superfluid transition of He-3 in a 99.5% porosity silica aerogel. This very dilute sample shows behaviour intermediary between bulk He-3 and He-3 confined to the denser aerogels previously studied. We present data on both the superfluid transition temperature and the superfluid density and compare our results with previous measurements. Finally, we show that the suppression of the superfluid transition temperature and suppression of the superfluid density of He-3 in aerogel follow a universal relation for a range of aerogel samples.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; 1 new figure, minor change

    Second wind of the Dulong-Petit Law at a quantum critical point

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    Renewed interest in 3He physics has been stimulated by experimental observation of non-Fermi-liquid behavior of dense 3He films at low temperatures. Abnormal behavior of the specific heat C(T) of two-dimensional liquid 3He is demonstrated in the occurrence of a T-independent term in C(T). To uncover the origin of this phenomenon, we have considered the group velocity of transverse zero sound propagating in a strongly correlated Fermi liquid. For the first time, it is shown that if two-dimensional liquid 3He is located in the vicinity of the quantum critical point associated with a divergent quasiparticle effective mass, the group velocity depends strongly on temperature and vanishes as T is lowered toward zero. The predicted vigorous dependence of the group velocity can be detected in experimental measurements on liquid 3He films. We have demonstrated that the contribution to the specific heat coming from the boson part of the free energy due to the transverse zero-sound mode follows the Dulong-Petit Law. In the case of two-dimensional liquid 3He, the specific heat becomes independent of temperature at some characteristic temperature of a few mK.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Excimers He2* as tracers of quantum turbulence in He4 in the T=0 Limit

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    We have studied the interaction of metastable He2*4 excimer molecules with quantized vortices in superfluid He4 in the zero temperature limit. The vortices were generated by either rotation or ion injection. The trapping diameter of the molecules on quantized vortices was found to be 96±6 nm at a pressure of 0.1 bar and 27±5 nm at 5.0 bar. We have also demonstrated that a moving tangle of vortices can carry the molecules through the superfluid helium. © 2013 American Physical Society

    Adaptation of the Landau-Migdal Quasiparticle Pattern to Strongly Correlated Fermi Systems

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    A quasiparticle pattern advanced in Landau's first article on Fermi liquid theory is adapted to elucidate the properties of a class of strongly correlated Fermi systems characterized by a Lifshitz phase diagram featuring a quantum critical point (QCP) where the density of states diverges. The necessary condition for stability of the Landau Fermi Liquid state is shown to break down in such systems, triggering a cascade of topological phase transitions that lead, without symmetry violation, to states with multi-connected Fermi surfaces. The end point of this evolution is found to be an exceptional state whose spectrum of single-particle excitations exhibits a completely flat portion at zero temperature. Analysis of the evolution of the temperature dependence of the single-particle spectrum yields results that provide a natural explanation of classical behavior of this class of Fermi systems in the QCP region.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures. Dedicated to 100th anniversary of A.B.Migdal birthda

    Local mean-field study of capillary condensation in silica aerogels

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    We apply local mean-field (i.e. density functional) theory to a lattice model of a fluid in contact with a dilute, disordered gel network. The gel structure is described by a diffusion-limited cluster aggregation model. We focus on the influence of porosity on both the hysteretic and the equilibrium behavior of the fluid as one varies the chemical potential at low temperature. We show that the shape of the hysteresis loop changes from smooth to rectangular as the porosity increases and that this change is associated to disorder-induced out-of-equilibrium phase transitions that differ on adsorption and on desorption. Our results provide insight in the behavior of 4^4He in silica aerogels.Comment: 19 figure


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    The results of examination and treatment of 105 patients with glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium, have done.  The age of women ranged from  24 to 55 years, the average was equal to 42.3 +3.1 years ; reproductive age was 61 patients, 44 menopausal period. The diagnosis of glandular endometrial hyperplasia (ZHE) is set on the basis of ultrasound TVUZI, hysteroscopy, morphological study scraping the uterine mucosa. All patients carried hormone therapy for 6 months: estrogenprogestin, antiestrogen , progestin, progestogens. Efficacy in patients of reproductive age was observed in 43 (70.5  %)  patients, in patients with perimenopausal in 30 ( 68.2 %) coses.In 34,8% patients relapse  glandular hyperplasia of the  endometrium (for  the  period from  1 to 3 years).  Transcervical electrosurgical resection ( ablation) of the  endometrium were  performed. The results  showed the  effectiveness of  endometrial ablation surgery in 90.6% of  patients. Thus,  in the  absence of  therapeutic effect of  hormone therapy, recurrent  uterine  bleeding   and   endometrial  hyperplasia, glandular,  has  hysteroscopic resection surgery (ablation) of the endometrium the high efficacy.Представлены результаты обследования и лечения  105 пациенток с железистой гиперплазией эндометрия. Возраст женщин колебался от 24 до 55 лет, в среднем был равен  42,3+3,1 года;  в репродуктивном возрасте находилась 61 больная, в периоде перименопаузы-44. Диагноз  железистой гиперплазии эндометрия (ЖГЭ) установлен на основании данных  УЗИ, ТВУЗИ, гистероскопии, морфологического исследования соскоба  слизистой оболочки матки.  Всем пациенткам проводилась гормонотерапия в течение  6 месяцев: эстроген-гестагенами, антиэстрогенами, гестагенами, прогестагенами.  Эффективность у больных  репродуктивного возраста отмечена у 43(70,5%) пациенток, у больных  в перименопаузе – у 30(68,2%).У 34,8% пациенток выявлен рецидив ЖГЭ (за период от 1 до 3 лет). Им была выполнена трансцервикальная электрохирургическая резекция (аблация)  эндометрия. Результаты  аблации эндометрия показали эффективность операции у 90,6% больных. Таким образом, при отсутствии лечебного эффекта гормонотерапии, рецидивах маточных  кровотечений и железистой гиперплазии эндометрия высокой  эффективностью обладает гистероскопическая операция-резекция (аблация) эндометрия.