28 research outputs found

    Global Media Market: Explicit Trends and Implicit Business Opportunities

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    The growth of the particular global sphere of the economy is a call for action for countries which have the surplus of particular needed resources. The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the growth of global media industry and availability of appropriate human capital in Russia for expansion into new developing market. During the work we used methods of empirical study such as: data collection and analysis, synthesis and measurement. We worked with official statistics, reports of nonfinancial and consulting organizations. Methods of theoretical study including abstracting, induction and deduction were also used. As a result, the strategic vision of entering Latin America media market for Russian media enterprises is formed, including the description of the main development trends of the industry. The scheme of RT’s media network, as an example of successful expansion in observable sphere, was compiled

    Educational Management System: Using In-Depth Interviews to Identify Effects in Management Style During International Sanctions in Uncertain Times

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    This study looked into the impact of management style and factors that affect the future of the educational system by conducting in-depth interviews with seven different key stakeholders who work for UrFU and are involved with GSEM faculty and/or international affairs. The author suggests a PEST analysis, which is made up of several factors that affect the business environment, based on themes that the interviewer discovered

    Educational Management System: Reputation Analysis and Social Listening of Study in Russia “Estudiar En Rusia”

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    The relevance of this research topic lies in the fact that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has affected various aspects of life including the sphere of education. H1: The Ukrainian conflict damaged Russian’s academic credibilitywith the Western countries. H2: Due to the influence of the rating sites on LatinAmerican countries, they do not consider Russia as a potential study destination.In order to prove it two content analysissoftware that are freely available onlineare used to conduct the reputation analysis. 69 articles or publications that mentioned "Estudiar en Rusia" (Study in Russia) between February 2022 and January 2023 were studied in this paper

    The Main Trends in Covering COVID-19 pandemic (on the Example of Russian and Foreign Media)

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    The topicality of the issue is due to the fact that coronavirus pandemic coverage has not left anyone indifferent, having penetrated into all spheres of public life and in one way or another affected the lives of people around the globe. According to WHO data, as of January 3, 2021, the number of people infected with coronavirus in the world exceeded 83.2 million people, more than 1.8 million of them died. The author of this study attempted to track the main trends in the coverage of the coronavirus pandemic referring to the foreign and Russian media.Актуальность проблемы освещения пандемии коронавируса заключается прежде всего в том, что данная тема не оставила равнодушным никого, проникнув во все сферы общественной жизни, и так или иначе повлияла на жизнь людей по всему миру. По данным ВОЗ, на 3 января 2021 года число зараженных коронавирусной инфекцией в мире составляет свыше 83,2 миллиона человек, из них более 1,8 миллиона умерли. Автором данного исследования была предпринята попытка отследить основные тенденции в освещении пандемии коронавирусной инфекции применительно к деятельности зарубежных и отечественных медиа

    Transformation of the Image of Latino in Western Culture (Based on the Analysis of American Mass Media)

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    С быстрым развитием латиноамериканских сообществ и активным участием их членов в социальной и политической жизни США отношение к латиноамериканцам также изменилось. Во-первых, сами латиноамериканцы пришли к осознанию своей идентичности, и, как результат, были модифицированы те шаблоны, которые на протяжении десятилетий доминировали в медиа и массовой культуре. В данной работе была предпринята попытка выделить и описать изменения, произошедшие в американских СМИ в отношении образов «латиноамериканцев» (Latinas). Ключевым методом исследования стали – сравнительный анализ в сочетании с контент-анализом публикаций в средствах массовой информации. Эмпирическую базу работы составили 80 публикаций, включая материалы цифровых СМИ, опубликованные в 2016-2020 годах (как на английском, так и на испанском языках) в ведущих западных изданиях – New York Times, The Time, The Washington Post, La Opinión т. д. Материал исследования также включает 20 телевизионных эпизодов, связанных с освещением испаноязычных проблем в США.With the rapid development of Latin American communities and active participation of their members in the social and political life of the United States, the attitudes towards Latinos have also changed. Firstly, Latinos themselves have come to realize their identity, and as a result, the patterns that have dominated the media and popular culture for decades were modified. In this paper, an attempt was made to highlight and describe the changes that have occurred in the American media in relation to the images of “Latinas” (Latinas). The key research method was comparative analysis in combination with content analysis of publications in the mass media. The empirical base of the work consisted of 80 publications, including digital media materials published in 2016-2020 (both in English and Spanish) in leading Western publications – The New York Times, The Time, The Washington Post, La Opinión, etc. The research material also includes 20 television episodes related to the coverage of Spanish-speaking issues in the USA

    Evaluation of challenges faced by urban planners. A study of ecological construction and sustainability in built environment

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    Urban planning has become increasingly consistent in leading cities toward an uncertain and chaotic future. Urban Planner needs to provide the basic needs for the growing population yet they face major challenges. Conventional Construction has compromised the green environment. Ecological Construction is being practiced to reduce the industry’s impact on the environment by utilizing sustainable development practices. Sustainable built environment is relatively important to urban growth management that deals with environmental problems, housing issues, and community well-being. In modern world all countries are trying to attain Sustainable Development. This paper is a little contribution in efforts of attaining green environment. This paper will discuss main issues of urban planning, importance of Ecological Construction and attaining sustainability in built environment

    Argentina in the Russian-Speaking Media Environment (Following the Analysis of Youtube Vlogs)

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    Вот уже более века в восприятии русских эмигрантов складывается образ Аргентины как страны, принимающей эмигрантов со всего мира. Ряд представителей современного русскоязычного сообщества активно заявляют о себе в интернете. Таким образом, 30 основной целью следующего исследования было изучение образа конкретной страны (Аргентины), сформированного активными представителями онлайн-СМИ в 2021–2022 гг. В ходе исследования автор анализирует большое количество каналов YouTube и влогов, которые имеют значительное количество подписчиков. Был сделан вывод, что образ Аргентины, представленный в интернете, позитивен, иногда слегка романтизирован. Авторы не избегают субъективных суждений, но в то же время не боятся говорить о своих впечатлениях, своем опыте жизни в новой культурной среде.For more than a century, the image of Argentina as a recipient country has been developing in the perception of Russian emigrants. A number of representatives of the modern Russian-speaking community actively declare themselves on the Internet. Thus, the main goal of the following study was to examine the image of a particular country (Argentina) formed by the active members of the online media in 2021–2022. In the course of the study the author analyzed a large number of YouTube channels and vlogs that have a significant amount of followers. The conclusion was made that the image of Argentina presented online is positive, sometimes slightly romanticized. The authors do not avoid subjective judgments, but at the same time are not afraid to speak openly about their impressions, their experience of living in a new cultural environment

    Coverage of the Black Population’s Life and the Fight Ag ainst Racism in Brazil (Based on the Example of Media Content Analysis)

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 20.12.2022 г.В данной статье рассматривается специфика освещения жизни чернокожего населения и темы расизма в Бразилии на примере деятельности местных журналистов, блогеров и лидеров общественных движений. В качестве методологии исследования выбран анализ контента. Автором был изучен и проанализирован контент находящихся в открытом доступе португалоязычных и англоязычных сайтов, онлайн-изданий, а также YouTube-каналов, посвященных теме расизма, были выделены основные ключевые идеи. В результате осуществленного исследования был сделан вывод о том, что, с одной стороны, можно говорить о повышении уровня общественной осведомленности и стремлении более активно озвучивать проблемы чернокожего населения, с другой стороны, в современном бразильском обществе сохраняются такие явления, как стигматизация и стереотипизация по отношению к бразильцам с африканскими корнями.The paper is focused on the specifics of covering the life of the black population and the topic of racism in Brazil on the example of the activities of local journalists, bloggers and leaders of social movements. Content analysis was chosen as the research methodology. The author studied and analyzed the content of publicly available on Portuguese language and English language websites, online publications, as well as YouTube channels dedicated to the topic of racism, and highlighted the main ideas. Based on the research, the author concludes that, on the one hand, it is possible to talk about an increase in the level of public awareness and the desire to more actively voice the problems of the black population. On the other hand, such phenomena as stigmatization and stereotyping of Brazilians with African roots remains to be present in the society

    Research on 4p Marketing Strategy of Guojiao Company in Liquor Industry Under the Influence of Covid-19

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    Liquor industry has a special social status and economic value in China, which has accumulated a long history and culture, and is an important part of the national economy. The arrival of the new retail era and the iteration of information technology have made great changes in liquor marketing, showing the integration of online and offline channels. The prolonged spread of covid-19 in 2020 will have a major impact on the global economy, and has a longer impact on industry and consumer behavior. The epidemic leads to a significant reduction in the main consumption scenarios of liquor and an increase in consumers' preference for online shopping. Therefore, liquor enterprises need to adjust their marketing strategies according to the changes of the environment, and speed up the integration of online and offline development in response to the threat of the epidemic

    Transformation of the Latino image in Western culture (based on the analysis of American mass media)

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    With rapid development of Latino communities and their members’s active involvement in the US social and political life the attitudes toward Latinos (Hispanics) have changed, both from the outside and the inside. The Latino people themselves came to realize their self-identification and, consecutively, the portrayal of Latinos in the media has been altered. In this paper the author argues, that the range of Latino stereotypes has become wider today and that the model that used to work decades ago in picturing Latino migrants is no longer relevant. Thus, the main goal of the study is to mark out and describe the changes that have occurred in the US media regarding the images of ‘Latinos’ (/Latinas). Comparative analysis is the key method in addition to the content analysis of media publications. The empirical basis consists of 80 publications, including digital media footage, published in 2016-2020 (both in English and Spanish languages) – such as the New York Times, The Time, The Washington Post, El Opinion, etc. These newspapers and magazines are considered to be highly influential as they set the agenda, shape the opinion and affect public consciousness. The material of the study also comprises 20 TV episodes related to the coverage of Hispanic issues in the USA. Having analyzed the media content related to the Latino issue (mainstream media, online sources, TV footage), the author comes to a conclusion that the number of roles that are attributed to the Latinos/Latinas has increased significantly and the today’s narrative to a larger degree is aligned with the changes occurring in real life of the Latino community