27 research outputs found
Effective Field Theories in the Large Limit
Various effective field theories in four dimensions are shown to have exact
non-trivial solutions in the limit as the number of fields of some type
becomes large. These include extended versions of the U(N) Gross-Neveu model,
the non-linear O(N) -model, and the model. Although these
models are not renormalizable in the usual sense, the infinite number of
coupling types allows a complete cancellation of infinities. These models
provide qualitative predictions of the form of scattering amplitudes for
arbitrary momenta, but because of the infinite number of free parameters, it is
possible to derive quantitative predictions only in the limit of small momenta.
For small momenta the large- limit provides only a modest simplification,
removing at most a finite number of diagrams to each order in momenta, except
near phase transitions, where it reduces the infinite number of diagrams that
contribute for low momenta to a finite number.Comment: 48 pages, no figures. This is a plain LaTeX file. No special macros
are neede
Recuerdos de mi padre
Presentación de algunos cuantos recuerdos serenos sobre Thomas Mann
The case of Schmitt
Krytyczna, negatywna ocena poglądów i działalności Schmitta, jego roli w powojennych Niemczech
Das Gespenst des Antisemitismus : Juden und Deutsche in Geschichte und Gegenwart /
Newspaper clipping about antisemitisim in: Argentinisches Tageblatt, Aug 15, 1960 – Aug.18, 1960digitize
Propyläen Weltgeschichte : eine Universalgeschichte /
Editie varieert01. Vorgeschichte, Fruhe Hochkulturen02. Hochkulturen des mittleren und ostlichen Asiens03. Griechenland: die hellenistische Welt04. Rom: die romische Welt05. Islam: die Entstehung Europas06. Weltkulturen: Renaissance in Europa07. Von der Reformation zur Revolution08. Das neunzehnte Jahrhundert09. Das zwanzigste Jahrhundert10. Die Welt von heuteBilder und Dokumente zur WeltgeschichteSumma historica: Die Grundzuge der welthistorischen Epoche