110 research outputs found

    Promocja zdrowia i ochrona przed ryzykiem – działania na rzecz seniorów „Pro Health 65+”

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    Działania Drugiego Programu Zdrowia Unii Europejskiej (UE) „Razem po zdrowie” (2008–2013) koncentrowały się na trzech głównych celach: (1) poprawy zabezpieczenia zdrowia Europejczyków, (2) promocji zdrowia i zmniejszania nierówności w zdrowiu oraz (3) tworzenia systemu przekazywania społeczeństwu informacji oraz wiedzy na temat zdrowia

    Dyskusja panelowa : kierunki zmian w ustawie o zdrowiu publicznym w celu wzmocnienia promocji zdrowia

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    Opłaty nieformalne w ochronie zdrowia. Perspektywa i doświadczenia polskie

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    Informal payments in health care. Polish perspective and experiences Informal patient payments are a common phenomenon for the formersocialist countries, though they are reported in other European countries as well. There are various definitions of informal patient payments as well as theories which explain this phenomenon (including fee for service theory, donation hypothesis, governance hypothesis and ethics hypothesis). The definitions of informal patient payments and the theories applied for their explanation determine the measures which are taken in order to eradicate informal patient payments.The topic of informal patient payments in Poland was discussed within a corruption debate which was neglected for a long time. Since the end of 90s, due to the pressure of the international organizations, presence of corruption generally and informal patient payments particularly have been acknowledged. It resulted in various studies on informal patient payments as well as actions undertaken by governmental and nongovernmental organisations in order to eliminate these forms of payments.This paper presents the review of empirical studies on informal patient payments and actions which have been carried out in Poland during last two decades. The types, scope and levels of informal patient payments as well as opinions on informal patient payments are analyzed. Time series data allow to study also a dynamics of informal patient payments and to draw some conclusions on the effects of measures which have been implemented by the Polish government to deal with informal patient payments.This study is carried out under Project ASSPRO CEE 2007 funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme, Theme 8 Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities, Project ASSPRO CEE 2007 (Grant Agreement no. 217431). The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission or its service

    "Srebrna gospodarka" i miejsce w niej sektora zdrowotnego : koncepcja i regionalne przykłady zastosowania

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    The aim of this article is to explain the concept of silver economy and present two examples of its implementation into the strategy and regional development programmes in Europe: North Rhine-Westphalia and Małopolska region. The concept of silver economy is based on an assumption that population ageing is not exclusively the burden to the economy but it contributes to its new growth factors. However, it is conditioned by an increased activity of senior citizens in labour, consumption and social fields. Prolonged ability tolead an active life of good quality demands investment in the health of population in general, not only of senior citizens. Healthy ageing requires an early intervention process. In the strategy for Małopolska,(differently than in the case of North Rhine-Westphalia), health sector is plays an important role in the economyas a place of healthy ageing interventions carried out as part of chronic diseases preventions, health promotion, rehabilitation, geriatric medical care and long-term care. It is because of the potential generated by the medical labour resources and rehabilitationfacilities for health-oriented silver economy strategy prepared for Małopolska region

    "Srebrna gospodarka" i miejsce w niej sektora zdrowotnego. Koncepcja i regionalne przykłady zastosowania

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    Silver economyThe aim of this article is to explain the concept of silver economy and present two examples of its implementation into the strategy and regional development programmes in Europe: North Rhine-Westphalia and Małopolska region. The concept of silver economy is based on an assumption that population ageing is not exclusively the burden to the economy but it contributes to its new growth factors. However, it is conditioned by an increased activity of senior citizens in labour, consumption and social fields. Prolonged ability tolead an active life of good quality demands investment in the health of population in general, not only of senior citizens. Healthy ageing requires an early intervention process. In the strategy for Małopolska,(differently than in the case of North Rhine-Westphalia), health sector is plays an important role in the economyas a place of healthy ageing interventions carried out as part of chronic diseases preventions, health promotion, rehabilitation, geriatric medical care and long-term care. It is because of the potential generated by the medical labour resources and rehabilitationfacilities for health-oriented silver economy strategy prepared for Małopolska region

    O biedzie i polityce jej zwalczania współcześnie. Podejście porównawcze w świetle Europejskiego Roku Zwalczania Ubóstwa i Wykluczenia Społecznego

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperPrzedmiotem opracowania jest ukazanie problemu ubóstwa i polityki zwalczania ubóstwa w kontekście porównawczym z koncentracją na krajach Unii Europejskiej w związku z europejskimi strategiami ukierunkowanymi na integrację i spójność społeczną

    Przestrzenny wymiar nierówności zdrowia i polityka spójności

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    A spatial dimension of health inequality and the cohesion policyThe spatial perspective of health inequality gained in importance as a result of the European cohesion policy, a significant dimension of which is equalization of spatial living conditions, and among them an equal access to the health services. The cohesion policy reflects a new approach to the health policy, in which impact on factors determining health is taken into account, and not only on creating a better health care system for people who already have health problems. In this context, the article is aimed at presenting new directions of both health and spatial European policy and more general strategies of Europe development. It shows new methodological approach in presentation of territorial division and indicators used. It also presents the results of research on health inequalities between regions in the European countries. The article is an expression of a concern for insufficient perceiving in Poland a phenomenon of health inequalities in the spatial dimension, whereas there are possibilities and means to diminish them within the European strategy, European cohesion policy and European funds

    Dyskusja panelowa : kierunki i priorytety promocji zdrowia ogólnie i w odniesieniu do osób starszych szczególnie

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    Funding of public health : financial sources and the Polish Public Health law

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    Źródła finansowania opieki zdrowotnej

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    The sources of health care funding The question how to mobilize financial resources for health care is one of the most frequently asked questions in health care debates. It is also relevant in Poland, where although various health care reforms in the last two decades, there is still no consensus on how health care should be funded. The ambiguous nature of health care services indicates that both public and private methods of funding should be applied in order to obtain the best value for money. In practice both private and public sources are used. However wealthier European countries, rely strongly on public solidarity-based funding. Whereas in the framework of public sources there is a never ending debate what is more effective: general taxation or insurance contribution. Debate on private sources is still on the agenda as well, particularly in post socialistic countries. Private insurance or co-payment and what kind in both cases are the main question. In this paper, we present a review of public and private methods of health care funding focusing on their main characteristics, their application in European countries, and their effects. TQhe analysis relies on secondary data, i.e. a review of the literature and health expenditure databases.