19,730 research outputs found

    The formation of the kamacite phase in metallic meteorites

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    Diffusion analysis of concentrated gradients in metallic meteorites kamacit

    Applications of the Analytical Electron Microscope to Materials Science

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    In the last 20 years, the analytical electron microscope (AEM) as allowed investigators to obtain chemical and structural information from less than 50 nanometer diameter regions in thin samples of materials and to explore problems where reactions occur at boundaries and interfaces or within small particles or phases in bulk samples. Examples of the application of the AEM to materials science problems are presented in this paper and demonstrate the usefulness and the future potential of this instrument

    Vortex-type elastic structured media and dynamic shielding

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    The paper addresses a novel model of metamaterial structure. A system of spinners has been embedded into a two-dimensional periodic lattice system. The equations of motion of spinners are used to derive the expression for the chiral term in the equations describing the dynamics of the lattice. Dispersion of elastic waves is shown to possess innovative filtering and polarization properties induced by the vortextype nature of the structured media. The related homogenised effective behavior is obtained analytically and it has been implemented to build a shielding cloak around an obstacle. Analytical work is accompanied by numerical illustrations.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Contraction of broken symmetries via Kac-Moody formalism

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    I investigate contractions via Kac-Moody formalism. In particular, I show how the symmetry algebra of the standard 2-D Kepler system, which was identified by Daboul and Slodowy as an infinite-dimensional Kac-Moody loop algebra, and was denoted by H2{\mathbb H}_2 , gets reduced by the symmetry breaking term, defined by the Hamiltonian H(β)=12m(p12+p22)αrβr1/2cos((ϕγ)/2). H(\beta)= \frac 1 {2m} (p_1^2+p_2^2)- \frac \alpha r - \beta r^{-1/2} \cos ((\phi-\gamma)/2). For this H(β)H (\beta) I define two symmetry loop algebras Li(β),i=1,2{\mathfrak L}_{i}(\beta), i=1,2, by choosing the `basic generators' differently. These Li(β){\mathfrak L}_{i}(\beta) can be mapped isomorphically onto subalgebras of H2{\mathbb H}_2 , of codimension 2 or 3, revealing the reduction of symmetry. Both factor algebras Li(β)/Ii(E,β){\mathfrak L}_i(\beta)/I_i(E,\beta), relative to the corresponding energy-dependent ideals Ii(E,β)I_i(E,\beta), are isomorphic to so(3){\mathfrak so}(3) and so(2,1){\mathfrak so}(2,1) for E0E0, respectively, just as for the pure Kepler case. However, they yield two different non-standard contractions as E0E \to 0, namely to the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra h3=w1{\mathfrak h}_3={\mathfrak w}_1 or to an abelian Lie algebra, instead of the Euclidean algebra e(2){\mathfrak e}(2) for the pure Kepler case. The above example suggests a general procedure for defining generalized contractions, and also illustrates the {\em `deformation contraction hysteresis'}, where contraction which involve two contraction parameters can yield different contracted algebras, if the limits are carried out in different order.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Galactic Spiral Structure

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    We describe the structure and composition of six major stellar streams in a population of 20 574 local stars in the New Hipparcos Reduction with known radial velocities. We find that, once fast moving stars are excluded, almost all stars belong to one of these streams. The results of our investigation have lead us to re-examine the hydrogen maps of the Milky Way, from which we identify the possibility of a symmetric two-armed spiral with half the conventionally accepted pitch angle. We describe a model of spiral arm motions which matches the observed velocities and composition of the six major streams, as well as the observed velocities of the Hyades and Praesepe clusters at the extreme of the Hyades stream. We model stellar orbits as perturbed ellipses aligned at a focus in coordinates rotating at the rate of precession of apocentre. Stars join a spiral arm just before apocentre, follow the arm for more than half an orbit, and leave the arm soon after pericentre. Spiral pattern speed equals the mean rate of precession of apocentre. Spiral arms are shown to be stable configurations of stellar orbits, up to the formation of a bar and/or ring. Pitch angle is directly related to the distribution of orbital eccentricities in a given spiral galaxy. We show how spiral galaxies can evolve to form bars and rings. We show that orbits of gas clouds are stable only in bisymmetric spirals. We conclude that spiral galaxies evolve toward grand design two-armed spirals. We infer from the velocity distributions that the Milky Way evolved into this form about 9 Gyrs ago.Comment: Published in Proc Roy Soc A. A high resolution version of this file can be downloaded from http://papers.rqgravity.net/SpiralStructure.pdf. A simplified account with animations begins at http://rqgravity.net/SpiralStructur

    Mixing by Swimming Algae

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    In this fluid dynamics video, we demonstrate the microscale mixing enhancement of passive tracer particles in suspensions of swimming microalgae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. These biflagellated, single-celled eukaryotes (10 micron diameter) swim with a "breaststroke" pulling motion of their flagella at speeds of about 100 microns/s and exhibit heterogeneous trajectory shapes. Fluorescent tracer particles (2 micron diameter) allowed us to quantify the enhanced mixing caused by the swimmers, which is relevant to suspension feeding and biogenic mixing. Without swimmers present, tracer particles diffuse slowly due solely to Brownian motion. As the swimmer concentration is increased, the probability density functions (PDFs) of tracer displacements develop strong exponential tails, and the Gaussian core broadens. High-speed imaging (500 Hz) of tracer-swimmer interactions demonstrates the importance of flagellar beating in creating oscillatory flows that exceed Brownian motion out to about 5 cell radii from the swimmers. Finally, we also show evidence of possible cooperative motion and synchronization between swimming algal cells.Comment: 1 page, APS-DFD 2009 Gallery of Fluid Motio

    The interplay between financial regulations, resilience, and growth

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    Interconnectedness has been an important source of market failures, leading to the recent financial crisis. Large financial institutions tend to have similar exposures and thus exert externalities on each other through various mechanisms. Regulators have responded by putting in place more regulations with many layers of regulatory complexity, leading to ambiguity and market manipulation. Mispricing risk in complex models and the arbitrage opportunities through the regulatory loopholes have provided incentives for certain activities to be more concentrated in the regulated entities and for other activities to leave the banking into new shadow banking areas. How can we design an effective regulatory framework that would perfectly rule out bank runs and TBTF and to do so without introducing incentives for financial firms to take excessive risk? It is important for financial regulations to be coordinated across regulatory entities and jurisdictions and for financial regulations to be forward looking, rather than aiming to address problems of the past