235 research outputs found

    Optical Spectra of p-Doped PEDOT Nano-Aggregates Provide Insight into the Material Disorder

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    Highly doped Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) or PEDOT is a conductive polymer with a wide range of applications in energy conversion due to its ease of processing, optical properties and high conductivity. The latter is influenced by processing conditions, including formulation, annealing, and solvent treatment of the polymer, which also affects the polymer arrangement. Here we show that the analysis of the optical spectra of PEDOT domains reveals the nature and magnitude of the structural disorder in the material. In particular, the optical spectra of objects on individual domains can be used for the elucidation of the molecular disorder in oligomer arrangement which is a key factor affecting the conductivity

    In Search Of Attachment: A Qualitative Study Of Chronically Ill Women Transitioning Between Family Physicians in Rural Ontario, Canada

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    Background Most Canadians receive basic health services from a family physician and these physicians are particularly critical in the management of chronic disease. Canada, however, has an endemic shortage of family physicians. Physician shortages and turnover are particularly acute in rural regions, leaving their residents at risk of needing to transition between family physicians. The knowledge base about how patients manage transitioning in a climate of scarcity remains nascent. The purpose of this study is to explore the experience of transitioning for chronically ill, rurally situated Canadian women to provide insight into if and how the system supports transitioning patients and to identify opportunities for enhancing that support. Methods Chronically ill women managing rheumatic diseases residing in two rural counties in the province of Ontario were recruited to participate in face-to-face, semi-structured interviews. Interview transcripts were analysed thematically to identify emergent themes associated with the transitioning experience. Results Seventeen women participated in this study. Ten had experienced transitioning and four with long-standing family physicians anticipated doing so soon. The remaining three expressed concerns about transitioning. Thematic analysis revealed the presence of a transitioning trajectory with three phases. The detachment phase focused on activities related to the termination of a physician-patient relationship, including haphazard notification tactics and the absence of referrals to replacement physicians. For those unable to immediately find a new doctor, there was a phase of unattachment during which patients had to improvise ways to receive care from alternative providers or walk-in clinics. The final phase, attachment, was characterized by acceptance into the practice of a new family physician. Conclusions Participants often found transitioning challenging, largely due to perceived gaps in support from the health care system. Barriers to a smooth transition included inadequate notification procedures, lack of formal assistance finding new physicians, and unsatisfactory experiences seeking care during unattachment. The participants’ accounts reveal opportunities for a stronger system presence during transition and a need for further research into alternative models of primary care delivery

    Single Molecule Studies of Tau Protein in the Abel Trap

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    Silicon Micromachining in RF and Photonic Applications

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    Texas Instruments (TI) has developed membrane and micromirror devices since the late 1970s. An eggcrate space membrane was used as the spatial light modulator in the early years. Discrete micromirrors supported by cantilever beams created a new era for micromirror devices. Torsional micromirror and flexure-beam micromirror devices were promising for mass production because of their stable supports. TI's digital torsional micromirror device is an amplitude modulator (known as the digital micromirror device (DMD) and is in production development, discussed elsewhere. We also use a torsional device for a 4 x 4 fiber-optic crossbar switch in a 2 cm x 2 cm package. The flexure-beam micromirror device is an analog phase modulator and is considered more efficient than amplitude modulators for use in optical processing systems. TI also developed millimeter-sized membranes for integrated optical switches for telecommunication and network applications. Using a member in radio frequency (RF) switch applications is a rapidly growing area because of the micromechanical device performance in microsecond-switching characteristics. Our preliminary membrane RF switch test structure results indicate promising speed and RF switching performance. TI collaborated with MIT for modeling of metal-based micromachining

    Toward Real-Time Monitoring and Control of Single Nanoparticle Properties with a Microbubble Resonator Spectrometer

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    Optical microresonators have widespread application at the frontiers of nanophotonic technology, driven by their ability to confine light to the nanoscale and enhance light-matter interactions. Microresonators form the heart of a recently developed method for single-particle photothermal absorption spectroscopy, whereby the microresonators act as microscale thermometers to detect the heat dissipated by optically pumped, nonluminescent nanoscopic targets. However, translation of this technology to chemically dynamic systems requires a platform that is mechanically stable, solution compatible, and visibly transparent. We report microbubble absorption spectrometers as a versatile platform that meets these requirements. Microbubbles integrate a two-port microfluidic device within a whispering gallery mode microresonator, allowing for the facile exchange of chemical reagents within the resonator\u27s interior while maintaining a solution-free environment on its exterior. We first leverage these qualities to investigate the photoactivated etching of single gold nanorods by ferric chloride, providing a method for rapid acquisition of spatial and morphological information about nanoparticles as they undergo chemical reactions. We then demonstrate the ability to control nanorod orientation within a microbubble through optically exerted torque, a promising route toward the construction of hybrid photonic-plasmonic systems. Critically, the reported platform advances microresonator spectrometer technology by permitting room-temperature, aqueous experimental conditions, which may be used for time-resolved single-particle experiments on non-emissive, nanoscale analytes engaged in catalytically and biologically relevant chemical dynamics

    Perspectives des médecins de famille en début de carrière sur leur expérience de résidence et leurs choix de pratique au Canada : une étude qualitative

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    Background: Though there are more family physicians in Canada than ever before, and residency programs are expanding, gaps in access to comprehensive care remain. This study aimed to describe and understand the role residency training experiences played in shaping practice choices, including the provision of comprehensive community-based care, among early career family physicians. Methods: A secondary analysis of sixty-three (63) qualitative interviews was conducted on data from a larger mixed method study on practice patterns and choices of early career Canadian family physicians. We utilized Braun and Clarke’s six phases of reflexive thematic analysis on portions of transcripts concerning residency training experiences. Results: Participants described positive residency training experiences that shaped practice choice with respect to preceptors and mentorship, experiences of longitudinal care, breadth of exposure, and preparedness for comprehensive clinical practice. Woven through these four domains were “points of tension” and “hidden truths”.  Points of tension included: i) the promotion of an idealized professional identity and practice that was difficult to uphold, ii) lack of representation among faculty/preceptors with respect to age and gender, at some sites, and iii) frustration about the lack of opportunities for interprofessional collaborative practices that reflected training experiences. Hidden truths included: i) lack of preparation to run a business, ii) high administrative workload, iii) realities of payment models, and iv) the range of roles available for family physicians beyond the provision of comprehensive care.  Conclusions: Findings highlight opportunities for educational reform supporting the transition from residency to practice alongside the importance of addressing systemic factors beyond training which impact physicians’ choices regarding comprehensive care.Contexte : Bien qu'il y ait plus de médecins de famille au Canada que jamais auparavant et que les programmes de résidence continuent de se développer, des lacunes subsistent dans l'accès aux soins globaux. Cette étude visait à décrire et à comprendre le rôle que les expériences de formation en résidence ont joué dans l’orientation des choix de pratique, incluant la prestation de soins communautaires complets, parmi les médecins de famille en début de carrière. Méthodes : Une analyse secondaire de soixante-trois (63) entrevues qualitatives a été effectuée sur les données d'une étude plus vaste à méthodes mixtes sur les modes et les choix de pratique des médecins de famille canadiens en début de carrière. Nous avons utilisé les six phases de l'analyse thématique réflexive de Braun et Clarke pour analyser les sections des transcriptions portant sur les expériences de formation en résidence. Résultats : Les participants ont décrit des expériences positives de formation en résidence qui ont façonné leur choix de pratique en ce qui concerne les précepteurs et le mentorat, les expériences de soins longitudinaux, l'étendue de l'exposition et la préparation à la pratique clinique globale. Des « points de tension » et des « vérités cachées » sont apparus dans ces quatre domaines.  Les points de tension comprenaient : i) la promotion d'une identité et d'une pratique professionnelles idéalisées qui étaient difficiles à maintenir, ii) le manque de représentation parmi les professeurs/précepteurs en ce qui concerne l'âge et le sexe, dans certains lieux, et iii) la frustration concernant le manque d'occasions de pratiques de collaboration interprofessionnelle qui reflétaient les expériences de formation. Les vérités cachées comprenaient : i) le manque de préparation à la gestion d'une entreprise, ii) la charge de travail administrative élevée, iii) les réalités des modèles de paiement, et iv) l'éventail des rôles disponibles pour les médecins de famille au-delà de la prestation de soins globaux.  Conclusions : Les résultats mettent en évidence les possibilités de réforme de l'enseignement pour soutenir la transition entre la résidence et la pratique, ainsi que l'importance d'aborder les facteurs systémiques au-delà de la formation qui ont un impact sur les choix des médecins en matière de soins globaux

    Efficient generation of optical bottle beams

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    Optical bottle beams can be used to trap atoms and small low-index particles. We introduce a figure of merit for optical bottle beams, specifically in the context of optical traps, and use it to compare optical bottle-beam traps obtained by three different methods. Using this figure of merit and an optimization algorithm, we identified optical bottle-beam traps based on a Gaussian beam illuminating a metasurface that are superior in terms of power efficiency than existing approaches. We numerically demonstrate a silicon metasurface for creating an optical bottle-beam trap.Comment: Main text + supplementar
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