4,056 research outputs found

    Energy Spectrum and Turbulent Scales in a Plane Air Jet

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    The energy spectra and longitudinal length scales measured in a free plane jet are presented. The actual convective velocity was used in determining the scales. The results show a universal spectral distribution along the axis but no obvious similarity in the large scale motion off the axis. The results are limited to x/D \u3c 60. The measured scales suggest a noticeable increase of the microscale along the lateral coordinate but an essentially constant value along the axis. However the macroscales, increasing linearly along the axis do not show any similarity off the axis

    Three-Dimensional Integrable Models and Associated Tangle Invariants

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    In this paper we show that the Boltzmann weights of the three-dimensional Baxter-Bazhanov model give representations of the braid group, if some suitable spectral limits are taken. In the trigonometric case we classify all possible spectral limits which produce braid group representations. Furthermore we prove that for some of them we get cyclotomic invariants of links and for others we obtain tangle invariants generalizing the cyclotomic ones.Comment: Number of pages: 21, Latex fil

    A comparison of the optical properties of radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars

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    We have made radio observations of 87 optically selected quasars at 5 GHz with the VLA in order to measure the radio power for these objects and hence determine how the fraction of radio-loud quasars varies with redshift and optical luminosity. The sample has been selected from the recently completed Edinburgh Quasar Survey and covers a redshift range of 0.3 < z < 1.5 and an optical absolute magnitude range of -26.5 < M_{B} < -23.5 (h, q_{0} = 1/2). We have also matched up other existing surveys with the FIRST and NVSS radio catalogues and combined these data so that the optical luminosity-redshift plane is now far better sampled than previously. We have fitted a model to the probability of a quasar being radio-loud as a function of absolute magnitude and redshift and from this model infer the radio-loud and radio-quiet optical luminosity functions. The radio-loud optical luminosity function is featureless and flatter than the radio-quiet one. It evolves at a marginally slower rate if quasars evolve by density evolution, but the difference in the rate of evolutions of the two different classes is much less than was previously thought. We show, using Monte-Carlo simulations, that the observed difference in the shape of the optical luminosity functions can be partly accounted for by Doppler boosting of the optical continuum of the radio-loud quasars and explain how this can be tested in the future.Comment: 33 pages, 9 postscript figures, uses the AAS aaspp4 LaTeX style file, to appear in the 1 February 1999 issue of The Astrophysical Journa

    Integrable string models with constant torsion in terms of chiral invariants of SU(n), SO(n), SP(n) groups

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    We used the invariant local chiral currents of principal chiral models for SU(n), SO(n), SP(n) groups to construct new integrable string equations of hydrodynamic type on the Riemmann space of the chiral primitive invariant currents and on the chiral non-primitive Casimir operators as Hamiltonians.Comment: 12 pages; 1 figure, This paper is third part of my talk on the "XXII International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics", Yerevan, Armenia, August 13-19, 200

    Particle production and equilibrium properties within a new hadron transport approach for heavy-ion collisions

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    The microscopic description of heavy-ion reactions at low beam energies is achieved within hadronic transport approaches. In this article a new approach SMASH (Simulating Many Accelerated Strongly-interacting Hadrons) is introduced and applied to study the production of non-strange particles in heavy-ion reactions at Ekin=0.42AE_{\rm kin}=0.4-2A GeV. First, the model is described including details about the collision criterion, the initial conditions and the resonance formation and decays. To validate the approach, equilibrium properties such as detailed balance are presented and the results are compared to experimental data for elementary cross sections. Finally results for pion and proton production in C+C and Au+Au collisions is confronted with HADES and FOPI data. Predictions for particle production in π+A\pi+A collisions are made.Comment: 30 pages, 30 figures, replaced with published version; only minor change

    Magic wavelengths for the 5s18s5s-18s transition in rubidium

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    Magic wavelengths, for which there is no differential ac Stark shift for the ground and excited state of the atom, allow trapping of excited Rydberg atoms without broadening the optical transition. This is an important tool for implementing quantum gates and other quantum information protocols with Rydberg atoms, and reliable theoretical methods to find such magic wavelengths are thus extremely useful. We use a high-precision all-order method to calculate magic wavelengths for the 5s18s5s-18s transition of rubidium, and compare the calculation to experiment by measuring the light shift for atoms held in an optical dipole trap at a range of wavelengths near a calculated magic value

    XY models with disorder and symmetry-breaking fields in two dimensions

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    The combined effect of disorder and symmetry-breaking fields on the two-dimensional XY model is examined. The study includes disorder in the interaction among spins in the form of random phase shifts as well as disorder in the local orientation of the field. The phase diagrams are determined and the properties of the various phases and phase transitions are calculated. We use a renormalization group approach in the Coulomb gas representation of the model. Our results differ from those obtained for special cases in previous works. In particular, we find a changed topology of the phase diagram that is composed of phases with long-range order, quasi-long-range order, and short-range order. The discrepancies can be ascribed to a breakdown of the fugacity expansion in the Coulomb gas representation. Implications for physical systems such as planar Josephson junctions and the faceting of crystal surfaces are discussed.Comment: 17 pages Latex with 5 eps figures, change: acknowledgment extende

    The Formation Rate, Mass and Luminosity Functions of DA White Dwarfs from the Palomar Green Survey

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    Spectrophotometric observations at high signal-to-noise ratio were obtained of a complete sample of 347 DA white dwarfs from the Palomar Green (PG) Survey. Fits of observed Balmer lines to synthetic spectra calculated from pure-hydrogen model atmospheres were used to obtain robust values of Teff, log g, masses, radii, and cooling ages. The luminosity function of the sample, weighted by 1/Vmax, was obtained and compared with other determinations. The mass distribution of the white dwarfs is derived, after important corrections for the radii of the white dwarfs in this magnitude-limited survey and for the cooling time scales. The formation rate of DA white dwarfs from the PG is estimated to be 0.6x10^(-12) pc^(-3) yr^(-1). Comparison with predictions from a theoretical study of the white dwarf formation rate for single stars indicates that >80% of the high mass component requires a different origin, presumably mergers of lower mass double degenerate stars. In order to estimate the recent formation rate of all white dwarfs in the local Galactic disk, corrections for incompleteness of the PG, addition of the DB-DO white dwarfs, and allowance for stars hidden by luminous binary companions had to be applied to enhance the rate. An overall formation rate of white dwarfs recently in the local Galactic disk of 1.15+/-0.25x10^(-12) pc^(-3) yr^(-1) is obtained. Two recent studies of samples of nearby Galactic planetary nebulae lead to estimates around twice as high. Difficulties in reconciling these determinations are discussed.Comment: 73 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in the ApJ Supplemen

    Optimisation problems and replica symmetry breaking in finite connectivity spin-glasses

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    A formalism capable of handling the first step of hierarchical replica symmetry breaking in finite-connectivity models is introduced. The emerging order parameter is claimed to be a probability distribution over the space of field distributions (or, equivalently magnetisation distributions) inside the cluster of states. The approach is shown to coincide with the previous works in the replica symmetric case and in the two limit cases m=0,1 where m is Parisi's break-point. As an application to the study of optimization problems, the ground-state properties of the random 3-Satisfiability problem are investigated and we present a first RSB solution improving replica symmetric results.Comment: 16 pages Revtex file, 1 figure; amended version with two new appendices; to be published in J.Phys.