5,393 research outputs found

    Quantum fluctuations and glassy behavior: The case of a quantum particle in a random potential

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    In this paper we expand our previous investigation of a quantum particle subject to the action of a random potential plus a fixed harmonic potential at a finite temperature T. In the classical limit the system reduces to a well-known ``toy'' model for an interface in a random medium. It also applies to a single quantum particle like an an electron subject to random interactions, where the harmonic potential can be tuned to mimic the effect of a finite box. Using the variational approximation, or alternatively, the limit of large spatial dimensions, together with the use the replica method, and are able to solve the model and obtain its phase diagram in the T−(ℏ2/m)T - (\hbar^2/m) plane, where mm is the particle's mass. The phase diagram is similar to that of a quantum spin-glass in a transverse field, where the variable ℏ2/m\hbar^2/m plays the role of the transverse field. The glassy phase is characterized by replica-symmetry-breaking. The quantum transition at zero temperature is also discussed.Comment: revised version, 23 pages, revtex, 5 postscript figures in a separate file figures.u

    Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of a particle in a random potential

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    In this paper we carry out Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of a quantum particle in a one-dimensional random potential (plus a fixed harmonic potential) at a finite temperature. This is the simplest model of an interface in a disordered medium and may also pertain to an electron in a dirty metal. We compare with previous analytical results, and also derive an expression for the sample to sample fluctuations of the mean square displacement from the origin which is a measure of the glassiness of the system. This quantity as well as the mean square displacement of the particle are measured in the simulation. The similarity to the quantum spin glass in a transverse field is noted. The effect of quantum fluctuations on the glassy behavior is discussed.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures included as eps files, uses RevTeX. Accepted for publication in J. of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    New Planet (Lutetia)

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    Directed polymers on a Cayley tree with spatially correlated disorder

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    In this paper we consider directed walks on a tree with a fixed branching ratio K at a finite temperature T. We consider the case where each site (or link) is assigned a random energy uncorrelated in time, but correlated in the transverse direction i.e. within the shell. In this paper we take the transverse distance to be the hierarchical ultrametric distance, but other possibilities are discussed. We compute the free energy for the case of quenched disorder and show that there is a fundamental difference between the case of short range spatial correlations of the disorder which behaves similarly to the non-correlated case considered previously by Derrida and Spohn and the case of long range correlations which has a totally different overlap distribution which approaches a single delta function about q=1 for large L, where L is the length of the walk. In the latter case the free energy is not extensive in L for the intermediate and also relevant range of L values, although in the true thermodynamic limit extensivity is restored. We identify a crossover temperature which grows with L, and whenever T<T_c(L) the system is always in the low temperature phase. Thus in the case of long-ranged correlation as opposed to the short-ranged case a phase transition is absent.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, standard latex. J. Phys. A, accepted for publicatio

    Replica field theory for a polymer in random media

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    In this paper we revisit the problem of a (non self-avoiding) polymer chain in a random medium which was previously investigated by Edwards and Muthukumar (EM). As noticed by Cates and Ball (CB) there is a discrepancy between the predictions of the replica calculation of EM and the expectation that in an infinite medium the quenched and annealed results should coincide (for a chain that is free to move) and a long polymer should always collapse. CB argued that only in a finite volume one might see a ``localization transition'' (or crossover) from a stretched to a collapsed chain in three spatial dimensions. Here we carry out the replica calculation in the presence of an additional confining harmonic potential that mimics the effect of a finite volume. Using a variational scheme with five variational parameters we derive analytically for d<4 the result R~(g |ln \mu|)^{-1/(4-d)} ~(g lnV)^{-1/(4-d)}, where R is the radius of gyration, g is the strength of the disorder, \mu is the spring constant associated with the confining potential and V is the associated effective volume of the system. Thus the EM result is recovered with their constant replaced by ln(V) as argued by CB. We see that in the strict infinite volume limit the polymer always collapses, but for finite volume a transition from a stretched to a collapsed form might be observed as a function of the strength of the disorder. For d<2 and for large V>V'~exp[g^(2/(2-d))L^((4-d)/(2-d))] the annealed results are recovered and R~(Lg)^(1/(d-2)), where L is the length of the polymer. Hence the polymer also collapses in the large L limit. The 1-step replica symmetry breaking solution is crucial for obtaining the above results.Comment: Revtex, 32 page

    About Boundary Terms in Higher Order Theories

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    It is shown that when in a higher order variational principle one fixes fields at the boundary leaving the field derivatives unconstrained, then the variational principle (in particular the solution space) is not invariant with respect to the addition of boundary terms to the action, as it happens instead when the correct procedure is applied. Examples are considered to show how leaving derivatives of fields unconstrained affects the physical interpretation of the model. This is justified in particularl by the need of clarifying the issue for the purpose of applications to relativistic gravitational theories, where a bit of confusion still exists. On the contrary, as it is well known for variational principles of order k, if one fixes variables together with their derivatives (up to order k-1) on the boundary then boundary terms leave solution space invariant.Comment: 7 page

    Localization of a polymer in random media: Relation to the localization of a quantum particle

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    In this paper we consider in detail the connection between the problem of a polymer in a random medium and that of a quantum particle in a random potential. We are interested in a system of finite volume where the polymer is known to be {\it localized} inside a low minimum of the potential. We show how the end-to-end distance of a polymer which is free to move can be obtained from the density of states of the quantum particle using extreme value statistics. We give a physical interpretation to the recently discovered one-step replica-symmetry-breaking solution for the polymer (Phys. Rev. E{\bf 61}, 1729 (2000)) in terms of the statistics of localized tail states. Numerical solutions of the variational equations for chains of different length are performed and compared with quenched averages computed directly by using the eigenfunctions and eigenenergies of the Schr\"odinger equation for a particle in a one-dimensional random potential. The quantities investigated are the radius of gyration of a free gaussian chain, its mean square distance from the origin and the end-to-end distance of a tethered chain. The probability distribution for the position of the chain is also investigated. The glassiness of the system is explained and is estimated from the variance of the measured quantities.Comment: RevTex, 44 pages, 13 figure

    Differential systems associated with tableaux over Lie algebras

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    We give an account of the construction of exterior differential systems based on the notion of tableaux over Lie algebras as developed in [Comm. Anal. Geom 14 (2006), 475-496; math.DG/0412169]. The definition of a tableau over a Lie algebra is revisited and extended in the light of the formalism of the Spencer cohomology; the question of involutiveness for the associated systems and their prolongations is addressed; examples are discussed.Comment: 16 pages; to appear in: "Symmetries and Overdetermined Systems of Partial Differential Equations" (M. Eastwood and W. Miller, Jr., eds.), IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications, Springer-Verlag, New Yor

    Counting Giant Gravitons in AdS_3

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    We quantize the set of all quarter BPS brane probe solutions in global AdS_3 \times S^3 \times T^4/K3 found in arxiv:0709.1168 [hep-th]. We show that, generically, these solutions give rise to states in discrete representations of the SL(2,R) WZW model on AdS_3. Our procedure provides us with a detailed description of the low energy 1/4 and 1/2 BPS sectors of string theory on this background. The 1/4 BPS partition function jumps as we move off the point in moduli space where the bulk theta angle and NS-NS fields vanish. We show that generic 1/2 BPS states are protected because they correspond to geodesics rather than puffed up branes. By exactly quantizing the simplest of the probes above, we verify our description of 1/4 BPS states and find agreement with the known spectrum of 1/2 BPS states of the boundary theory. We also consider the contribution of these probes to the elliptic genus and discuss puzzles, and their possible resolutions, in reproducing the elliptic genus of the symmetric product.Comment: 47 pages; (v2) references and minor clarifications adde

    The universal behavior of one-dimensional, multi-species branching and annihilating random walks with exclusion

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    A directed percolation process with two symmetric particle species exhibiting exclusion in one dimension is investigated numerically. It is shown that if the species are coupled by branching (A→ABA\to AB, B→BAB\to BA) a continuous phase transition will appear at zero branching rate limit belonging to the same universality class as that of the dynamical two-offspring (2-BARW2) model. This class persists even if the branching is biased towards one of the species. If the two systems are not coupled by branching but hard-core interaction is allowed only the transition will occur at finite branching rate belonging to the usual 1+1 dimensional directed percolation class.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures include
